Along the way, we find out that Wal-Mart Supercenters are preferable to history, that the age of seven may just be a little too young to start drinking straight whiskey, and you don't HAVE to kill in the worst way humanly possible!! When the other missing person is found, it's a most brutal scene, sending investigators in every direction, looking for body parts & evidence to put away a multiple time violent felon! The police initially think they have the people responsible, only to find out they didn't. This week, in Addy, Washington, a rugged, but close family, lives in a remote area, and makes a living mostly off the land. This week, in Hammond, Indiana, a whole family agrees that Dad is a problem,, and they need to do something about it. Along the way, we find out exactly how hard it is to escape to Mexico, how much worm dung one would need to farm to make a living, and how easy it seems to be to escape from an Oklahoma jail!! Along the way, we find out that just because you like horror movies, it doesn't mean you're a murderer, that if Jason Vorhees is your idol, you might be a murderer, and if you actual imitate the killing in these movies, then you're definitely a murderer!! Im thrilled that James and Jimmie are expanding their empire, said Shelby Schenkman, UTA Emerging Platforms. But will it happen? GTA III, to be exact. A wild group of people, who eat groundhog, drink vodka, and get into fights, before noon. The sheer cockiness of the murderer is as astonishing as his complete ineptitude for the actual acts. This one is twisty!! Along the way, we find out how to get a mountain named after yourself, at what point you should worry when someone is missing, and what horrors could be present when the sewer line is clogged!! It's cold blooded & mind boggling, but finally someone tells the police! This, of course, makes every teenager around want nothing more than to go, and check out what's happening there, and maybe catch a glimpse of a ghost, or at the very least, something supernatural. A listener pointed out that she died four days after the episode was released. Enjoy! They went in the direction they did because they were both fascinated by true crime. This week, in Marion, Indiana, a woman emerges from a backwoods swampland, filthy, covered in mosquito bites, with her two children, and a tale of unheard of blood lust, and butchery, but oncer the details start to emerge, a slightly different story comes to light. This week, we take a peek at the mundane town of Cooperstown, North Dakota, where a man had a plan for violence, and achieved his goals. We sat down with Jimmie Whisman and got the scoop on how they do it. Along the way, we find out that syrup runs downhill, that you should rely on more than a murder victim's uncle to identify them, and that if you see a friend, who you thought had been murdered don't talk to them!! Oddly enough, all of these options need to be explored, and it turns out even weirder than expected! The whole thing unfolds into a ridiculous web of attempted, or half conceived plots, meant to cover up everything bad in the killer's life. The resulting bloodbath causes many years of court, and a frankly crazy result! But when investigators finally think they have the whole thing cracked, they wonder if they even have the right person. And that's where the fun starts! Along the way, we find out if Ru Paul was ever in a rodeo parade, how easy it was to be on the run from the law in the 1970's, and whether it may be possible to commit the worst acts possible & not remember a thing!! Dumb luck, I guess. Luckily for him, he's able to pick up the pieces, and even remarry, not long after. Along the way, we find out that free parking is essential, if the earth is bleeding, it might actually just be a murderer, and you never want to have a family reunion at a sentencing hearing!! Along the way, we find out Anniston is still pretty awful, that when everyone gets the same illness, it might not be THAT mysterious, and that some people will believe absolutely anything! Along the way, we find out that some of New Jersey is actually the south, how a simple home pregnancy test could have changed the course of at least 7 people's lives, and that a mother should never encourage her son to torture someone for no reason!! Along the way, we find out that rich kids sure like to act like no one cares, that The Breakfast Club apparently didn't have enough Satanic involvement, and that you should probably not tell dozens of people the details of your brutal murder!! Comedians James Pietragallo & Jimmie Whisman look at a small town, what makes it tick, and a murder that takes place there. A woman met a man at a function for singles, and they married within weeks. Along the way, we find out that witches are psychic, that just having a boat won't necessarily get women to like you, and that sometimes you actually get what you want!! Along the way, we find out that swap meets are 90 percent confederate memorabilia, how the department of corrections isn't always so good at correcting, and that some people are just plain evil!! When the sun comes up, she is found, battered, in the weeds, far from the road. This week, in Lititz, Pennsylvania, two young people find love in a group of homeschooled kids from the area. This week, in St. Johnsbury, Vermont, a woman disappears, while her truck is found, with the engine running, and her perfectly safe, 2 year old son inside. Along the way, we find out that Washington takes it's timber very seriously, that some people who don't have any friends, also have an awful lot of friends, and your first day on any job shouldn't include finding three dead bodies!! Along the way, we find out 15 is often too young to meet your spouse, that your mother isn't always right, and that your garbage disposal has its limitations! Especially, when they hear the fantastical sounding details of brain matter all over the walls, body parts cut off, and a skull with "bones and stuff", in the living room wood stove. This causes a massive search for bodies, and possible victims. Along the way, we find out that not all of Colorado is beautiful mountains, that kidnapping a store employee, while that store is open for business might not be the brightest move, and that you can't commit Bundy amounts of murder, and not expect people to notice!! As a matter of fact, they're dead. A nationwide manhunt leads authorities everywhere besides where he actually wasWhen he's caught, he remains polite, but the story he tells is anything but nice. This week, we look at the mountain town of Chimayo, New Mexico, where a man snapped, and began a massacre of everyone around his home. This is a crazy tale of intertwined relationships, and some serious panhandle behavior!! And how does any of this result in bound, gagged people, and "skull plates" resting nearby. In conclusion, Kenny Koretsky is a professional race car driver. He is best known for racing in the Pro Stock category and has won multiple national events. And it doesn't. Along the way, we find out that bathtubs aren't just for baths, that a samurai sword will definitely get someone's attention, and that it's hard to deny a murder that you committed in front of as third party!! Will he be found, or stay free to kill even more. A tale of petty revenge, and a blood ritual of sorts, from an unlikely person, a 14 year old girl. Along the way, we find out that gas may be an issue in Wisconsin, that telling everyone you've ever met about a murder that you committed may not be the best idea, and that you should never leave the house without your murder shoes! They almost get away with it, but mouths can't help but run. Along the way, we find out that soldiers really want quilts, that FBI profiles are sometimes insanely accurate, and that DNA doesn't lie!! He claims to have been married at age 7, and was transformed into God. This week, in Petal, Mississippi, a vicious, and seemingly senseless attack, and murder rocks a family, while everyone else scrambles to find a motive for the highly unlikely suspect. This week, in Tea, South Dakota, the Chief of Police's wife is found dead, on her kitchen floor, but nothing is as it seems, including cause of death, and people involved. Along the way, we find out that whole towns shouldn't be yard sales, that dismemberment is usually not a person's first idea, and that once you start killing, it's apparently hard to stop!! You know what that means more murder! An absolute mess, with an equally messy ending! Art19 will facilitate advertising for the new shows. Along the way, we find out that Arkansas loves a pageant, that you can't control your adult children, and that when you get a divorce leverage is the key! When they track this man down, they find out he's definitely murdered another woman, and is wanted for being a suspect in many more, across multiple states. This is all unspeakable horror & violence, but it gets even worse when we find out who the killer is, and what their past looks like. Along the way, we find out that it's very easy to start a UFO hoax, that maybe when someone who kills 2 people, may kill more people, and that when a cheerleader goes missing, people notice! The brutality was overwhelming, and so was the evidence, but that's only part of the storyAlong the way, we find out what happens when a town really wants people to think it's haunted, how many jails you can escape from & still receive parole, and exactly how difficult it is to strangle someone to death! The murder is as cold blooded as it gets, with the murder coming after the victim begging for mercy. It's crazy time!! Along the way, we find out that apples & cheese go together, that public access television is always the worst, and that nothing is more unattractive than "a bucket of wriggling peckers"!! That may be because the murderer may just believe the house is possessed, and that the devil speaks to them, softly. This week, in Davie, Florida, A night of watching the family's favorite tv show turns into a terrorizing ordeal, involving knives, guns, and a man who is wearing a ninja mask & a straw cowboy hat. Impractical Jokers is an American hidden camera reality game show with improvisational elements. Police quickly call in the FBI in a desperate attempt to find the missing young woman, hopefully alive. Will Zoloft be the culprit, or the person who did the actual killing? Will the culprit fill us in on exactly what happened? Is he "The Sun King"? This week, in Needham, Massachusetts, a mysterious death in the Boston suburbs turns out to be not as mysterious as originally thought, but is instead, much more twisted. He starts out at the local bar, and ends up at his Ex's parents' house, with shotgun, and a bad attitude. Until one of them decides they'd rather be with someone else, then it turns into a bloodbath. That's just the beginning, as the excuses start, and the waters are muddied. The current spouse? Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! You have entered an incorrect email address! Life After Happy Face is led by Melissa Moore, the daughter of the infamous Happy Face serial killer, and leading female Forensic Criminologist, Dr. Laura Pettler. This week, in Rulo, Nebraska, we find out about one of the most twisted, despicable set of circumstances that we've ever heard about And that's before any murder even takes place! This week, in Libertyville, Iowa, when police are alerted to cats, eating an unknown flesh, they unravel quite the tale. This week, we look into the affluent town of Warrenton, Virgina, where an heiress, and her Argentinian Polo player boyfriend's relationship turns sour, and leads to murder, among the horse farms, and large estates of the wealthy, and powerful.Along the way, we find out how the idle rich spend their time, how much it costs to field a country club polo team, and how much money you need to have to make jail similar to a Red Roof Inn! The move comes as Pietragallo and Whismanare set to head out on theirShut Up and Give Me Murdertour live touring is one of the most popular ancillary revenues for podcasters which has sold out across 24 cities. This week, we take a look at the old timey beach town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey, where a young man thought he could get away with 2 horrific murders. This week, in Fort Oglethorpe, Georgia, a terrible feud brews, within the walls of one trailer, leaving everyone around feeling quite uncomfortable. That includes a young lady, who he manipulates into killing a man that she used to see, out of pure jealousy. We look at the solid, middle class town of LaPorte, Indiana, where one man showed showed all the signs that he could someday be a budding serial killer, then started to follow through on his potenital.Along the way, we find out how expensive a bike ride can be, why it seems to be so easy to break out of jail, and what happens when society builds a monster, then tries to destroy him! Like serial killers. This all leads to a disturbingly brutal crime & even more inept cover up! This is a crazy story, with surprises around every turn! Family, friends, police and even the murderer all hunt for a trace of the person, in hopes of finding them alive. Obvious factors take investigators down a road that seems to have an arrest, at the end, but they are blocked at every pass. Along the way, we find out that county fairs are always weird, that no matter the genders involved, jealously can always be an issue, and that being buried once, is enough for one person!! This one will keep you head shaking, for a while! This week, we look at the town of Great Linford, in the U.K., where a young man had ambitions of fame & fortune, and tried to achieve them through being a serial killer, with horrible results.Along the way, we find out how a manor becomes a recording studio, how many pubs is the right amount for a town, and how weird an art project has to be, before people start wondering if you're a serial killer!! Along the way, we find out that Pittsburgh loves good food, that it's almost impossible to drown in the tub, without any water, and that you can sometimes get away with murder, once, but don't make it a pattern! It's absolutely mind boggling!! Along the way, we find out that every town has something to complain about, that if your dog brings home a leg, you should maybe ignore it, and that some people are even sicker than you thought possible!! Along the way, we find out that if many clowns die in a field no one cares, that your 60 year old pharmacy worker mother may fold under interrogation, and that you should always kill someone, BEFORE removing their head!! A very twisty mess! This week, in Chatham Township, New Jersey, a brilliant woman achieves amazing things, breaking through glass ceilings, and being an inspiration to people around her. American filmmaker Paul Thomas Anderson has earned a substantial net worth for directing hits like Boogie Nights and Magnolia. Absolute brutality for what seems like very little motive, followed by an attempted cover up that just made it even worse. His new, young bride thinks that her ex-husband must be the killer, but it turns out, she's been shacking up with a local insane man, who works with her, as a nurse's aide, but claims to be a doctor, lawyer, fighter pilot, and CIA agent, as well. Along the way, we find out that every town wants to claim Christmas as their own, that wearing one shoe is way crazier than wearing no shoes, and that saying that God told you to do what you did might not be the worst excuse!! Which parts? Along the way, we find out that it's good to be the Pepper Queen, that time can't heal all wounds, and that when you murder, you're not supposed to do it in front of as many witnesses as possible! A terrible attack, leads to a ridiculous manhunt, that lasts 3 years, with paths crossing with everyone from a fashion designing cult leader, to Dolly Parton. Everyone is the tiny town is a suspect, but will the case ever go down? In the end, it all points at one person, being an especially cold blooded murderer!! We routinely advise clients on risk avoidance matters and we work with clients to prepare product literature and instruction manuals to mitigate risk. Can he survive with his aura being drained? The reality sets in that he wasn't killed by accident, and there are many suspects. Kenny Koretsky is an American professional drag racer who competed in the National Hot Rod Association (NHRA). As of March 2023, Impractical Jokers net worth is approximately $5 million each. This week, in Salem, Massachusetts, a local woman goes missing, and the local police do everything they can to find her. Absolute insanity! This week, in the dull town of Wheatland, Wyoming, we look into a a case of a relationship gone bad, and dreams unfulfilled. UTA brokered the deal. This week, we check out the small town of South Lake Tahoe, California, where a man honed his twisted fantasies, and eventually acted on them, drawing the attention of the nation to this town of ski chalets, and trailer parks. Along the way, we find out that charity events make bad comedy gigs, that you shouldn't try to get everyone you know to kill your wife, and that murder is apparently harder than it seems!! One is just as plausible as the next! Along the way, we find out that the United States fought England more than just the one time, that arms are difficult to saw off, and that fair isn't always right!! Finally, while trying their latest plot, they just decide to go all in, and attack him, in the most brutal way imaginable. This all ends in a crazy, screaming confrontation, and beating of someone who just won't confess their "evil deeds"! Or, is is something more sinister? This week, in Dallas, Oregon, a successful family gives up the grind of the city, and moves out to the country, so they can run a farm, and shelter their children from the dangers of the big city. The biggest surprise is his claim of self defense, and the twisted tale that says lead up to the deaths. We are organically best friends, you know. This week, in Troy, Illinois, a drifter, fresh out of prison, blows into town, and is caught with a stolen car, and quite the story of how he came to acquire it. The suspicions from his first wife's death resurface, as his 2nd wife is never found. This week, in Vinton, Virginia, a smoldering home reveals a family, who all died, well before any fire started. Jordan Belfort's net worth What is Cristiano Ronaldo's net worth? What appears to be a tragic accident, quickly turns into a dirty story about lust, greed, sex, dishonesty, and an absolutely cold blooded killing. Investigators wonder whether they have a sophisticated serial killer, like the one on the west coast, but they could never have predicted what they end up finding. His podcast has a huge following and he is a frequent guest on the show. Along the way, we find out that fowl calling is an international sport, that DNA should probably be introduced at trial, not after the trial, and that there just aren't answers to every question!! This week, in Bantam, Connecticut, a horribly brutal & bloody scene reminds everyone of a very similar murder, a couple years earlier, and everyone worries that a serial killer is on the prowl. This one is as wild as they get! By the end of the night, a different woman, who looks very much like the first woman, is found dead, with her head nearly removed with a hatchet. Fingerprints, blood, and even an eye witness end up being discovered, but is that enough to keep him from further terrorizing New Hampshire? This week, on a special Bonus episode, we give you "Small Town Murder Express", where we'll look at some crazy cases, and get right to Shutting Up & Giving You Murder! This man forces his daughter to lure this boyfriend to a rural area, in the middle of the night, and terrible things happen. This week, in Bagdad, Arizona, a man is attacked, in his front yard by a masked assailant, who immediately flees the scene. What they find is equally obvious & absurd. Along the way, we find out that this area has a very crispy smell, that you shouldn't bring your 8 year old brother to see a corpse, and that somehow, some people can be even more cold blooded after they commit the actual murder! Along the way, we find out that a little Sylvia goes a long way, that George Thorogood has a secret life, singing hateful religious songs, and that you should never trust a Mann with the middle name of Junius!! 86.7K followers. A: Kenny Koretskys net worth is $700,000. This week, we check out the tiny, straight-laced town of Hawkins, Texas, where the murders of 3 beloved teenagers made the local people begin locking their doors. This week, in Kihei, Hawaii, the signature moves of a serial killer are found, when a woman is horribly attacked, with many creepy details that show an obviously disturbed mind. Along the way, we find out that every "mushroom festival" might not be what you think it is, that maybe there should be a maturity test before marriage, and that when you leave every piece of evidence possible for the cops to find, you probably have to plead guilty!! This week, we head to the tiny vacation town of Manistique, Michigan to see what happens when the case of 3 charred bodies, found in a burned out car is handled by a rookie prosecutor. This week, in Bernardo, New Mexico, a strange trio, including a married teenage girl set out to have some fun, and decide that the best way to do that would be to find someone, walking, and "scare the hell out of them" with an array of weapons. Along the way, we find out just how angry Australia's version of Captain Kangaroo was, how a train can really spruce up a town, and just how horrible you can be, and still get out of prison in less than 15 years!! Along the way, we find out that you never know what's in someone's head, that the Sheriff shouldn't hang out with jurors, and that just when you think you've heard human nature hit rock bottom this guy comes along! As of , What is Josh Allen's net worth? A stranger? The mystery is solved pretty quickly, when police focus in on another teenager, with a bit of an obsession with horror movies, and an avowed desire to model himself after Michael Myers, from the Halloween films, and Jason, the hockey mask wearing killer, from the Friday The 13th movies. Ovim fantastinim rezultatom osvojuila je svoju prvu normu za titulu meunarodne majstorice, ali i velikih 70 rejting bodova koji je na najnovijoj rejting listi svrstavaju u top 4 igraice Hrvatske. This week, in Decatur, Alabama, a young widow, with an infant daughter finds love with a new husband, but he doesn't quite provide her with the lifestyle she desires, so she decides to leave him. Along the way, we find out that YouTube stars are never to be trusted, that you should never bury a body in a quickly developing area, and that sometimes it's more acceptable to kill 28 people than just one!! This week, in Ross Township, Pennsylvania, a man with a tragic past finds a new life, only to have it taken away, once again? What police find out begins to shock even the seasoned detectives, as they begin to recover body parts from multiple counties. Eventually, one of them, moves on to another relationship, and just when all seems settled, one of the parties disappears, and the hunt is on. This is a a common problem, but, in this case, it ends in a very uncommon way. Until one of them disappeared. Her lover? Along the way, we find out what drew people to the middle of nowhere, if working on a hog farm is as glorious as advertised, and what could make a man smile wide after murdering four people!! Mom & Dad point the fingers at each other, but there is one witness, who can put all the pieces together. And who did it? It's a wild ride!! This week, in Albia, Iowa, a hard drinking pair of distant cousins drink themselves silly, for an entire day, then decide to pick up an ex-girlfriend, and keep the party going. Great jobs, money in the bank, and a beautiful home, in a safe, leafy neighborhood. Along the way, we find out that apparently lavender warrants an entire weekend of celebration, that it's very hard to knock yourself out, then shoot yourself, and that ostriches probably can't plan a murder!! Disagreements over the family store, and arguments over the quality of meth that one sold the other, begin to cause a real beef. The show will feature in depth research, horrible tragedy, and the hosts' comedic spin on the whole thing. Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! A prolific criminal, with a violent past, and present. Along the way, we find out that gravity apparently has something to do with sugar, that you don't have to marry everyone you meet on the internet, and that Michael Jordan may, in fact, be a cold blooded murderer!! This week, in Marion, Virginia, the unthinkably terrible murder of a local woman, leads to a man, who has done this kind of thing before. A young, rural Mississippi man does the unthinkable, and pays the ultimate price. From there, it turns into a multi-state crime spree, that leaves a trial of victims & more murder, in their wake. Where was she last seen? When it comes to the athletes, Whisman says, the ones that are most impactful for him are the people he grew up watching, unaware of the poor choices they were making at or around the time they were popular people like Vernon Maxwell and Chad Curtis. Along the way, we find out that people in Idaho don't seem to like Idaho, that you probably shouldn't video incriminating things, and that Ed Gein might not be the best role model for the youth!! Kenny currently owns and operates his own race team, Koretsky Motorsports, and is a fixture in the NASCAR garage. Also, check out James & Jimmie's other show, Crime In Sports! Along the way, we find out that Alabama loves hot air balloons, that you should always think before you murder, and a new use for a utility knife!! At first the culprit seems clear, but the addition of extra witnesses & suspects confuse everything. This week, in Vincennes, Indiana, a troubled person's life seemingly spins out of control in a sea of arrests, fights, marriages, drugs, bats & swords. After questioning, everyone feels awful for the boy, but they still need to get the details, and he's less than forthcoming. Turns out, what happened to her was even more terrible than could have been imagined, and the cover up isn't very convincing. And exactly what is wrong with this guy? This one is as weird as it gets!! Along the way, we find out why dead piglets make a lousy gift, how it was possible to inherit money from people you've killed, and what recourse you may have, if a known killer is stalking you! This week, in Chubbuck, Idaho, two young men, seeking the infamy of their serial killer heroes for themselves, they set out to make a mark on the world, with murder. What is Jeff Bezos' net worth? Complete with training sessions for the kids, and a plan to survive the inescapable mortal zombie combat, that is sure to come. A wild waitress/bartender, with a criminal past, and a penchant for a good time. Along the way, we find out that places exist, even when we've never heard of them, that it's always more suspicious when you murder while driving a van, and how the death row publishing is apparently booming!! This of course leads to violence, but who will snap first seems like a photo finish, in this case! He is best known for hosting the podcast "Crime in Sports." He also stars in the show Small Town Murder. This week, in Denville, New Jersey, the two friendliest people in town just happen to be married to each other, but when that marriage starts to crumble, things start to get nasty & personal. Is he having a good time? This week, in Dingess, West Virginia, the brutality is striking, when a woman's body is found, murdered, several times over, in a shallow grave, covered with twigs, but it's obvious that this was just the last stop, on a horrific ride. A vicious murder is just the beginning of this twisted tale!! Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. This week, in Grayson, Kentucky, a troubled man with a rough history, gets out of prison, finds a girlfriend, and gets wasted. Along the way, we find out that people that are too nice just might be murderers, that you definitely can't judge a book by its cover, and how much influence that looks might have when mitigating a crime!! From Terminator and Titanic to Avatar, these are the best James Cameron Movies ever made, How to watch The Last of Us for free: Stream episode 7 now, UFC Live Stream: Watch UFC Fights Online From Anywhere. This causes them to move from state to state, after the affairs inevitably surface. By subscribing, I agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Along the way, we find out that disco, comedy & magic don't go together, that any amount of blood in your car is probably too much blood, and that you need to keep your kids close, but kep your kids who know murder details even closer! This week, in Magnolia, Texas, a man has a terrible track record with romantic involvements, until he finally finds a someone to marry, and settle down with. Along the way, we find out that prisoners make pretty boring neighbors, that dogs are apparently capable of paperwork, and that you should always check to see if that last finger rolled behind the toilet!! It's a tale of greed, lust, denial, and pure stupid!! This week, in Roswell, New Mexico, an attempt to be a good friend, to a man, with a background of stupidity, backfires, but not on the logical person.
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