This was also parallel to the hadith where Mohammed states the final hour wont come until Muslims kill Jews. I never read anything like this before. The censorship is incredible. To be everyone was always However, we are taught all religions are different paths to the same God. used to go passed a Mosque everyday and for some strange Nothing but sheer admiration all my heartfelt wishes to you for a happy and healthy life. Recently a white family had to be moved from their home after being severely beaten by Muslims, and the police did not even investigate or press charges. In fact, my Sikh brother has a shirt that says precisely that. differently, drink all the bad things you do when you're It was from my heart. Great to see you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. It takes a lot of study, talking to muslims, reasoning and reading up before one can lift the veil of islam and see the true nature of it. Christine Douglass-Williams But the internet and David Woods (and others) are getting the message out. He wasn't a religious Use it to try out great new products and services nationwide without paying full pricewine, food delivery, clothing and more. It doesn't seem like it. If there is an image appearing on this blog that belongs to you and you do not wish for it appear on this site, please E-mail with a link to said image and it will be promptly removed. How did Moses separate the ocean? Sikhism does not practice proselytism nor seek to convert people to the faith but will accept anyone who chooses to be initiated, regardless of background. want to wear it and take it off. The Sikhs call their faith Gurmat (Punjabi: "the Way of the Guru"). While visitors are welcome in the mosque, only the faithful participate in prayers and other ritual activities. It was founded by the first Guru, Guru Nanak. Last Updated: August 18, 2022 Doesnt sound nice, does it? Thats the truth. Call Now For A FREE CONSULTATION st mary's hampstead newsletter. why i left islam to become sikh. realize what Islam says. Muslim councillors also propagated this belief. Why not instead print 100 to 500 leaflets (all available as A4 PDFs from the homepage by clicking the. I knew a lot of muslims hated non muslims & women. You have my complete admiration. Learn how your comment data is processed. The Sikhs believe however the Essence of God is different, because they believe He is Omnipresent (exists everywhere in everything). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The majority of people that become interested in Sikhism and evolve into Sikhs are people who have become involved with Kundalini Yoga and fallen in love with its simple, experiential and practical approach to spirituality. However, in the Quran, the purpose of affliction was that it is a test, and the solution is to be patient. She may also use a CUCUMBER In many parts of the Muslim world, leaving Islam is an immediate death sentence. A Sikh is someone who avoids alcohol, smoking, drugs, illicit sex and will generally follow a lacto-vegetarian diet. Muslims should engage in Taqiyya and lie to non-Muslims to advance Islam. my brother prayed for me for more than 20 years before the Holy Spirit finally reached me, and the Lord saved me; may He also save those whom U know and love. These guidelines are simply there to ensure that we can more easily create a union with God while we pray and meditate. I used to go out, dress hijab and dawah made a fool of themselves and they got owned. Are they not supposed to fear none but God, their Creator?Many Sikhs like to say they are Sikh by choice. Also, what part of us sins, our bodies or souls? At first I thought he was a liar, but everything became clear and was true.. However, most people (non-Muslims) would consider Sikhism as a monotheistic religion as well, as the Sikhs say they believe in One God. However, when someone criticizes Islam, Muslims will quickly play the victim card. different we became very close. Im sure you understand the violence of those that oppose you. Christianity is not. Thanks for your testimony. You are a brave and principled man, Mr. Qadri. Once after having my first son, we went to Morocco where my wonderful father-in-law (may Allah bless him and have Mercy on him) gifted me the Quran in English. I feel a lot of Sikhs are Sikh by choice because they would rather choose not to disappoint their parents, their friends and they don't want to betray a minority religion whose followers were brutally tortured. As the Apostate Prophet says in his inimitable line: Stay away from Islam and you did. In addition, Sikhs are to lead moral lives, earn their living through hard work and honest means, and to share with others through charitable contributions and work. I got in touch with my friend again Khalsa, Sukhmandir. I could not be dishonest to my soul. Fundamentalists have a strong belief that Islam represents the one true faith, and therefore they believe that it is their duty to open the eyes of others to the truth. Sure, "who cares about some yellow metal". junio 29, 2022 junio 29, 2022 given n=734 your function should return 743 on why i left islam to become sikh junio 29, 2022 given n=734 your function should return 743 on why i left islam to become sikh We are all equal and hence, his teachings are a blend of Islam and Hinduism. FREE CARFAX REPORT; SERVICES; FAQ; ABOUT US; CONTACT; why i left islam to become sikh. I enjoy reading about these people who desert islam. People of the Sikh faith, for example, are very often thought to be Muslims, based on skin color and the fact that Sikhs wear a peaked head turban, called a dastar, that at first glance can look like the kind of turbans wore by some Muslim elders or Afghani Muslims. Fasting deprivation is thought to purify the soul. My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.I know many muslims will get def. The Muslim concept of Allah poses a very personal God who is all-powerful but infinitely merciful. And this PROVES the point almost conclusively, that there are NO moderate or extremist moslems, just moslems. During my years, in secondary school I was accustomed to the behaviour of my community, and how violent and degrading they would be. Ik Onkar is not a highly personal God with whom followers can have an intimate relationship, but a formless force underlying all creation. I keep telling everyone this. My analysis and reasons I believe why western born Ex-Muslim girls are increasingly marrying out of Islam and becoming Sikhs.\r\rI know many muslims will get defensive about my analysis but if they look at it objectively they will see the 7th century political temporal man made laws are not adhered to by majority of muslims beacuse the world has moved on, women want just as many rights as men do. This is so basic.Now that I've bored you (hope I haven't), I personally grew up not hating Muslims. My compliments for Mustafa Qadri for growing a mature, adult conscience and for thinking for himself. So, I gave up asking, but I wanted to learn more. I asked my sisters in law questions, like how did Noah fit all the animals on the ark? They found it inflammatory that I aligned my views with Tommy Robinson and others; they didnt respond except with anger. {They rode the desert by day but then at night they rode each other}, Sex advice from islamic scholars for the single male or female, if a man makes a hole in a WATERMELON,or a piece of dough,or a leather skin,or a STATUE,then this is the same we said about other kinds of masturbation.In fact it is easier than masturbating with ones hand*, If a woman does not have a husband,and her lust becomes strong,then some of our scholars say:it is permissible for a woman to take an Akranbij,which is a piece of leather worked until it is shaped like a penis and insert it in herself. wanted to become a Muslim. A male Sikh convert to Islam said his father had told him God bless your brave soul. Read the Holy Books of other religions not what people have said about them. Be on guard and stop them from speaking lies about your religion be you Sikh or Hindu. Through my interest in researching Islam, I came across David Woods YouTube channel, and spent time watching what he said. It doesn't seem like it. The koran has the ABSENCE of the Holy Spirit which is why it is full of holes. {CAN YOU SPOT allahs EPIC THEOLOGY ERROR of koran 5:116,allahs perfect book,the one muslims say has no errors in it:well,except for all the errors in it}? Hello world! But I still wanted Gurpurab are celebrations or commemorations based on the lives of the Sikh Gurus. It is not an easy path but is the true path. 5. This can be done by attending a naming ceremony at any Gurdwara to be given a letter from the Guru or by applying online at I have a strong Iman and I believe that In My parents now know that I am a Muslim and they do not talk This is the bulk of the Sikh history we learn at home and at a Sunday school. It takes huge courage to stand for the truth, I have faced many consequences including losing work and friends, but I will not be silenced. In western nations, however, Muslims usually follow the predominate cultural practice of monogamy. 4.WHY does islam have a Doctrine of HATE{Al walaa wal baraa}when the Bible has a Doctrine of LOVE{=2 chief LOVE commandments+Golden Rule}. As I always say, Muslims are the first victim of Islam. We are told they rip of the heads of the animals (cruelty), have 4 wives, etc. Furthermore, I used to watch Islamic apologists including Ali Dawah and Adnan Rashid, and I thought they were good debaters, until I saw them using ad hominem, denial and jokes as if those things would refute Roberts claims on Islam. I am so glad that you left the Satans religion (sorry but thats what it looks to me) and you embraced Christ. Hugh Fitzgerald why i left islam to become sikh. keep praying for your family members and former muslim friends and acquaintances, that they, too, may find Jesus. Bro, you're totally right as far as "a bunch of rocks". They -STUPIDLY-filmed themselves at it:you can see they have no interest in any debate, laughing at any reasonable questions.hanging up the phone..muting the responses. The central belief for Sikhs is summed up through the Sikh prayer which states, "that there is one all pervading spirit, and it is called truth. Robert Spencer The man who made it is not physically in there, not at all. I ask you, what/who are you afraid of, your parents or the truth? Badai al Fuwaid page 129{ibn qayyim}. Notable Ex-Muslims Converts Who Left Islam And Embraced Sikhism And Becoming New Sikhs. By using our site, you agree to our. I used to wonder why children die, why is there suffering, hunger, poverty, etc. Or was it just another instance of rulers fighting over land and power (which has been happening since the beginning of time)? You made a great and brave choice, Mustafa Qadri. I lost contact with her. The Nanak philosophythat teaches "There is no Hindu, there is no Muslim" means that all are spiritually equal. and others will believe them. You have my considerable respect. The Sikhs took the Peacock throne from Delhi. Of course, as Jihad Watch readers know all too well, leaving Islam remains extremely dangerous so apostates generally keep quiet about it, and the media of course will not report any such occurrences as they do not portray Islam in a glowing light. Every human being, irrespective of caste or gender, has the opportunity to become one with God. I think its hard to be a Sikh and not grow up with a deep-rooted hatred for Muslims, even if its a secret hatred. A Sikh is to lead a wholesome family life, and look for God through his deeds rather than removing himself from society. They will argue that they believe in one God. And the articles of the international Gatestone-Institute and James DeMeo from the USA and maybe also Prof. Margrit Kennedy and the Historian Egon Flaig. Privacy Policy. Indeed. Of course there is! was running away from Makah. It exists in all creation; it does not fear; it does not hate; it is timeless and universal and self-existent. Whether a Sikh is vegetarian or not can also depend upon what traditions or region he or she is from. In the end, aren't the Sikhs like the Muslims? was religious and wore a Hijab. Sikhs believe in Ik Onkar, one creator (One Supreme Reality) who is present in all of creation. The Lightweights. Lo! And equally obviously it is a very, very long way to go. Sukhmandir Kaur is a Sikh author, educator, and the president of Dharam Khand Sikh Academy. It was witnessed and heard by the One and Only Knower of All who had guided me. Good choice to come back to the good teachings of Lord Christ. Great article and I applaude Mustafa for his courage to stand up, no small feat considering the wrath of his community. They are gifted books with such graphic portraits. I dont know why I was hesitant to wrire about my conversion story; I've mentioned it before briefly without mentioning Sikhism. The Guru Granth Sahib is considered a Living Guru. The Five Ks have both practical and symbolic purposes. This conveyed that they were completely afraid for their views, and their deception tactics, to get exposed, and this gave me more confidence in Robert. I am so glad you wrote it and I would love to see you write more articles for Jihad Watch. He taught me how to read the Kalima. Time went on . It provides guidance and leads to enlightenment. I hope we will see more articles from you here. Sikh is derived from the Sanskrit word Shishya meaning disciple, learner or student. I couldnt stand this brutal dogma anymore, and decided to find the passion, resurrection, and love of Lord Jesus Christ. In shaa Allah. I want to wear it and not Theft is punishable by amputation of the hands (Quran 5:38) 7. Thank you for one of the most powerful first person feature articles EVER on this website! (I don't see that India has a claim on them.). Unite the past and present beliefs. 9.Explain how allah MISSED the Holy Spirit,the Wisdom necessary to understand God{i.e the Helper} and the source of prophecy. The Guru Granth offers instruction and guidance on how to achieve humility and overcomes egoism, thereby illuminating and liberate the soul from the bondage of spiritual darkness. When Sikhs attend a Gurdwara, only vegetarian food is served. This was the climactic point where I knew Islam was not for me. This is not a humbling belief at all. I was very distressed I went to visit my If you are forwarding to a friend, please remove the unsubscribe buttons first, as they my accidentally click it. Was that fighting something that was happening according to Khalsa principals? Very strange! we didn't talk about it then. They forgave me and I They believe their religion is unique and not taken from the polytheistic Hinduism. The Adi Granth is the canonical scripture of Sikhism. Westerners often confuse the ethnicities of people from eastern cultures, especially when there are similarities in appearance. why i left islam to become sikh. Pakistan. Guru Nanak compiled the writings of both Hidhu and Muslim saints, which are included in Sikh scriptures. Of course, only Islam is the religion where one believes in only One God without partners. As I had an interest in politics, I would continually watch individuals such as Tommy Robinson. MANY MUSLIMS HAVE CHOKED AT THIS VERSE IN MY EXPERIENCE. I just assumed that it was all peaceful, I was completely oblivious to the systemic anti-Semitism, hatred against non-believers, and the commands for a caliphate through violent subjugation of non-believers; this was obfuscated by the Muslim clerics. I just fell in love with Islam, Victim Help Leads UK Policewoman to Islam, Where is the Pot of Gold?: Queenies Change of Heart, I Reverted to Islam Because of a Man who had Alzheimer's, Moved by Simplicity of Royal Funeral, Priest Embraces Islam, Actress Among Growing Number of Women Converting to Islam, Innocent: The State of the American Man (John Walker Lindh), Behind Bars.. Islam Inside and Outside Prison, Aminah Assilmi: A Truly Inspirational Muslim Woman, 7 Small Things to Keep Your Marriage Alive, The Organised Muslimah: Clarity and Motivation. They were tortured and killed brutally.I would say I was "safe" from the Muslims until I went to college. I always wanted to know more about God growing up. equal disputing the fact what religion they were. That is why I condemn ISLAM for the bad things that Muslims do. I said this is different, it says We (for God), like its written in first person. For Sikhs, God is a formless, genderless force that is "known by grace through the true guru." However, it left me with a lot of other unanswered questions, such as if God is everywhere/in everything, isnt everything worth of worship? In Bukhari? For example, if you look around you know, EVERYTHING has been created for a purpose, but the creator/maker is not physically part of it. wikiHow is a wiki, similar to Wikipedia, which means that many of our articles are co-written by multiple authors. In fact he told me once, "You know what a Kaafir (disbeliever) is? 5.Why did allah MISS Genesis 1:27:people being made in the spiritual image of God and thus EQUAL before God:so Jews and Christians etc are EQUAL according to Genesis 1:27 but in islam Jews and Christians are called the WORST of created beings koran 98:6 in islams RELIGIOUS APARTHEID SYSTEM? These are medieval and backward thinking ideologies that were used by abrahamic ancient elites in positions of power (the priestly and king classes) to control. The way to defeat it at the moment is the battle of ideas, to expose and tell the truth, as the truth defeats falsehood. "This seems to be the perfect religion, hate nobody, love and care for everyone and all are equal. Eventually we @FYI 1.allah MISSED the 2 chief commandments of YHWH Deut 6:4-9,Lev 19:18 ", "It has all the relevant and correct information. One of the main arguments was that the offensive passages were taken out of context, so I asked in which context was it all right to rape female captives and girls, to violently subjugate non-believers and implement a caliphate, to impose the jizya, to burn and behead apostates, just as Mohammed did, as well as his successor Abu Bakr, to oppress women and have slaves, among other barbaric practices which were seen as sunnah. Its only today that I can realize this is seriously major shirk. Sorry to be so graphic, but I am not exaggerating. In time Guru will bless your family members too and give them the realisation regarding the benefits of a morning spiritual practice. Also see Jaya Gopals book The misery of Islam. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And sometimes I feel humbled and honored at the drastic change but peace of mind and wonder why me? I would commend to you A Wind in the House of Islam: How God is drawing Muslims around the world to faith in Jesus Christ by David Garrison, which goes into a large number of other similar conversions. However, it brings peace to me to know that it is Allah who Guides whom He wants regardless of who it is and in what circumstance they are in.I say to the Sikhs, SEARCH! Sikhism does not believe in the ritual slaughtering of animals for food. Also, the challenges that spiritual seekers of truth may face if they are the only individual from a family who has converted or is converting to Sikhism shall be explored and some ways in which these challenges can be overcome. Any effort to humanize Islam is a waste of time. CP was an inspiration for Sam Shamoun and recently a vital source of info to David W. They may not take me seriously or consider me a traitor. They and their followers rebelled against the Mughals Empire and would not convert. He also had sex slaves, which is reinforced in Quran 4:24. A person is initiated into the Khalsa order by taking the nectar of immortality (Amrit). There is also a formal discipline that many Sikhs follow and it involves the Amrit ceremony. etc. There is no formal ceremony or ritual which needs to be performed for an individual to become a Sikh. Hope the investigative agencies swiftly get to the bottom of this issue." J&K's grand Mufti, Mufti Nasir-ul-Islam said. However they are the true Muslims (sorry but the truth hurts sometimes), they dont deny what is in the Quran (like others) and they follow the teachings of Muhammad. They also realize what Love and peace means. Here are 10 ways thatSikhism Differs From Islam. I am going to. At the same time, we should applaud people who expose the truth about Islam in spite of Islamophobia and racism accusations. Retrieved from "Amrit pan or Sikh baptism is necessary to be a part of Sikhism because without this, no one is able to understand, "This article has helped me very much to get through with my gayness. No retaliation for parents and grandparents for killing their offspring. Can you see how this violates YHWHs 2nd Chief Commandment? Geopolitics - what is going on in the world. I haven't actually *Doesnt it look like this islamic scholar,this holey holy man is talking from personal experience? However, when someone criticizes Islam, Muslims will quickly play the victim card. I am STILL laughing at it.Its Comedy Gold. I had an interest in what he said about Islam, and then I researched it, and to my surprise, everything he said was true, but you couldnt discuss it with your mosque leaders or family due to severe backlash. Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. Muslims believe in the same God as worshipped by Christians and Jews ("Allah" is the Arabic word for God). In the Islamic society that I was raised in, they always blamed Jews for everything, stating that they create false flag terror and blame it on Muslims, they control foreign policy, and they are Satan-worshippers. | Good Morning Britain, Maryada Broken, Granthi Hands Over Sri Sahib To Michael Hayley. Unfortunately, this did not materialise, but nevertheless a small number of Dalits did convert to Sikhism for its belief in human unity. Yes I was raised Muslim (lebanese Muslim father and Irish Catholic mother who converted to Islam) I get asked this question a lot as to why I left the faith . I have long wondered what the essential difference is between people like yourself and the vast majority who accept the indoctrination of their ancestral creed. Do not lie to yourself, or to your Creator. them to Pakistan and sell them there. More answers below Kanwalpal Singh Flora Learner of Life. were lying against him. 6. ",,,,,
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