One will be separated from home at early life or may not like to stay at home. astrology In second house , it gives birth to powerful family though relationship with family can be hampered if malefic impacts the conjunction. With combust Venus, one can have hard time while dealing with female boss or a female boss can transform their career in good way. There can be separation from mother and grandmother in early life. If Sun is too close to Jupiter it may burn the good qualities of Jupiter.The person can be too egoistic and that is a negative side of the conjunction. They will also be creative and artistically inclined. He should avoid eating jaggery soon after his engagement to obtain happiness. This person secretly desires to be the most powerful person. But moon comes out of Sun from the age 28 to 32. They give a lot of importance to being pleasant and thus be liked and appreciated by others. Sun in the 10th House in Scorpio - In the sign of Scorpio, the sun in the 10th house is a placement that can indicate an attraction to careers in psychology, forensics and investigation and research. A person can rejuvenate themselves and brings themselves out of any situation easily, especially after marriage. The confidence of the native is also overblown. He will be of sound health and will live a long life. The 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, the knees. Saturn, its ruler, signifies routine work, and the movable property adds to the playful nature of the 10th. When moon is weak it also shows that father is dominating over mother due to which mother suffered throughout life. It is better to marry after 28 as every planets starts calming down with time. \r\rWhat I bring to the table is the truth about astrology and astronomy of India. This is a good placement to win over competition, enemies. He should not marry at the age of 22 or 25. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House cause ill health to the individual now and then, chronically. moon His desire for comfort and luxury can make him a money-minded person. The native always keeps himself getting get success and progress in occupations. Individuals who have this placement prefer to work behind the scenes and enjoy being in a position where they can pull strings and access information that others are not privy to. Sun brightens the quality of Venus (if they have loose conjunction) and it makes the person extremely creative in arts, media and movies and the person can also be wealthy. it also show soldiers or high profile in government jobs. Especially if this conjunction takes place in 10th house Sun may brighten the qualities of moon and it will give a good career in politics. The native is extremely creative and can be a politician/stock broker. As it is a upachya house, the result improves with time. Watch out! If Venus is too close to Sun the person may need to put extra effort in creativity. and can be eager to learn about health and nutrition. They can come across tantras in life. However, there is more to their equation than just this one aspect. 9)Sun and Ketu conjunction is consider as pitri dosh. Copyright 2015-2023. The person can have very few friends or no friends. Venus represents luxury, comforts, conveyance, marriage, relationship, romance, wife in man chart, assets, love, semen, ovaries,music, dance, drama, abundance, jewellery, diamond, desire, love, liquid money. He has a tendency to insult others. Rahu is a shadowy planet and represents gambling, obstacles, delays, death, poison. Also, any day without fun is depressing, you make yourself attractive and presentable and are usually where something entertaining is going on. They have constant thought about what others think of them and they care a lot about their image and personality in the eyes of others. Sun is ego and mars is energy so the ego is fulfilled with energy. The native is respectable. But the native may loose control of authority at early phase of life. The fifth house represents intelligence, education, children, past life deeds, and creativity. Mercury & Ketu conjunction in 11th house may give attractive personality. the person is also very sensual in relationship.The person is also very sensual in relationship. Sun signifies our soul whereas Venus signifies beauty and luxury, What happens when these two planets form conjunction? The person can be a lawyer, government official or working in higher position. Criticizing the nature of the person will make him a good politician. Venus overpowers Sun when it is holding a strong degree and in its own sign or exalted. Nevertheless, natives with this arrangement of planets often belong to good families. Spouse can try to manipulate situation to attain wealth of family. The native lacks peace of mind and health of family may suffer. They can also be raised by single parents. The reputation of the native gets affected in job/ public field. At the same time the native may lack marital bliss. The personality is very cheerful and fun to be around. Relationship can give some sufferings. If Saturn is too close to Sun, the person may also have a great fight with government authority . The native can earn wealth but may be a spendthrift. This conjunction brings him enough fame and name. They can meet their spouse in foreign land. As Saturn is delay the person will ripe the results only after 30 by means of good karma and hard work. But there will always be a sense of overpowering each other , sun may overpower Saturn and vice versa, this will result in fear, delay, frustrations. One can do very well in dramatic arts. This might happen due to the debts or infidelity of the spouse. There can be major problem in marriage with this conjunction. In first house it can make the native wise with good decision making skills. Get accurate Life Predictions through a Detailed Life Interpretation Astrology Report : Click Here. This person is skilled in redressing issues of conflict which confront the social settings from time to time. After m. Whenever Rahu sits with other planet it takes the qualities of those planets. Copyright 2015-2023. Venus in 10th House for Gemini Ascendant . These individuals are generally subservient in the marriage. They want to have all the material things through their carrier. The sixth house the original debilitated position of Venus. It also shows a rebellious character or anything unconventional. How To Start Your Day According To Astrology, Which Car you should buy as per your Zodiac Sign, - 2023: 2023 . As moon represents mind and sun is your ego shows that this person has a clarity of mind and can take the right decisions in life, They dont have to struggle much and the decisions just flow by their own. Since the Sun is together with Venus, the romance is accompanied by ego. He might feel difficult in concentrating on a single task due to his multitasking skills. When ketu is well placed it gives a person interest in research, psychic abilities and intuitions. Venus, on the other hand, talks about comfort, luxury, love, and relationships. Lord of one and nine combination is a yoga for rich and prosperous life. The native also has anger issues, excessive pride, ego and low self esteem. Venus is a feminine planet. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. The conjunction can bring stage phobia as well as a great deal of responsibility on the houses related to the particular house. Five million astrologers all over the world read Vidhya Mitra Astrology. Get best future predictions related to Marriage, love life, Career or Health over call, chat, query or report. He will be elated towards society and politics. On the contrary, sleep disturbance can be there. Besides, they can be superficial and can even hold double standards. On the contrary, lawyer, business or work related to loans can give good career opportunities. Also, they are always attracted to people who are youthful. Besides, you are refined and cultured with a love for arts and beautiful things. This conjunction is just like a hot fire ball inserted in a water body, The result is steam. This is an excellent conjunction for sports, martial arts or athletic field especially if this conjunction is in 5th house in a friendly sign or they are in their own sign. Their boss plays a major role in charting out their career. The conjunction is very good for career or business. Hindu numerology The native has unnecessary pride for no reason. The native is competitive and win over enemies and diseases. This position brings wealth and luxury in ones life through marriage. The conjunction in 7th house or aspects 7th house creates a very dominating person in marriage and partnership. The 10th house corresponds to the 2nd part of the legs, the knees. He may be head of any organisations. They will also be creative and artistically inclined. Further, you may like reading about Combination of Sun and Mercury in Different houses, Choose your and your partner's zodiac sign to check compatibility. Natives panic or stress is, When Mercury & Ketu were placed in the 10th house the native has a lot of obstacles in their professional life. As Venus is feminine, so both the sexes who have Sun-Venus conjunct in the 1st house are likely to be quite attractive. This conjunction may also create stubborn attitude in an individual due to which relationships may suffer or it will create an individual who will always admire their partner. Spouse can spend money in debt that can create issues in marriage. The body of a person born in Leo Ascendant is Panduvarna. This house attracts a government job for a person. The good thing about this conjunction is the native can be a politician, entrepreneur and can also be in arts related field. The native may separate from siblings. Rights Reserved by Vidhya Mitra Astrology Foundation. Answer (1 of 2): Mars and Venus conjunction in leo sign for Scorpio ascendant is an auspicious combination ,mars planet of action in karma bhava or house of action with Venus planet of beauty ,grace give profession in artistic field and creative field and become number one in his career. Check Love Compatibility and Marriage Prediction online at Astrotalk. The native suffers from health problems especially pita problems. The element of Earth ties the 10th house down to mostly physical and materialistic matters. On the contrary, they can have secret relationships with politician or powerful persons or even underworld. Their first born child can be recognized and famous. If it is in the masculine sign, ego plays a major role. Romantic life can suffer with this conjunction specially in the age of 17 or 23. They always want a perfect health. He will make a good speaker especially a good poet. This combination affects the nature of a person deeply. The person will also be stubborn, they will develop ego through competition. He would have a strong foundation of education, good in numbers but success may be late. But, there are some methods that were lost in pop culture astrology known as daily, weekly, monthly and yearly horoscopes. Required fields are marked *. mars He will be of sound health and will achieve success easily. They can be lucrative. Relationship with elder siblings may suffer. He will generally face an eyesight problem. The native is intelligent and analytical in his speech and approaches towards family members. Which Smartphone You Should Buy According To Your Zodiac Sign? One will love to work for NGO, social welfare etc. The person tends to stand out among the group. In sixth house it can make one defeat their enemies and get favor from government. The native can gain fame for this conjunction. They are interested in economics, international relations. The native is dominating in relationship with family member, friends, mother and spouse. This person can also has a tendency to incline towards fashion industry. Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant in Astrology. Great wealth comes after birth of first child. But he has a harsh attitude on his face. Budha aditya yoga shows that the native is good in education and has sharp intelligence. At the same time, woman loves to collect gems and jewelry. They take the leadership role of nourishing people and helping them. They gain wealth after marriage. There can be a lot of changes in job field. Generally, they meet their spouse or soul-mate at their workplace. He has all sorts of comfort and convince. The person with this combination is blessed with many inborn qualities. Now as mercury is very close to sun in almost 90% cases Buddha aditya yoga is formed. Female spouses will be ego-centered in nature that can cause some problems in marriage. Astakvarga These individuals desire to attain education in economics. Their need to have a successful career is often in contraction with their relationship with their loved ones. Besides, women who have this placement will have a very strong and unfailing feminine characteristic. The native always keeps himself getting get success and progress in occupations. One is very creative and can also be a diplomat. The native tries to cheat people to gain authority. When Venus is retrograde the person does not suffer much in relationship. The condition of Venus hi the horoscope will define ones ability to experience harmonious and romantic relationships and the level at which one deals with. The individual can have psychological issues due to parents if malefics impact fourth house. The person loves collecting information. It gives you a sense of beauty, art, and creativity. This conjunction looks for powerful partner especially man. Sun is the representation of our soul and inner self. 2)Native may be brave and courageous. With the sun giving light to Venus, a person becomes diplomatic in nature to be able to maintain relationships well. Person can have responsibility, struggle in foreign land. His nature will make him a good politician. According to hora shastra the conjunction in 8th, 10th, 11th house gives ones birth in a wealthy family.Any aspects and conjunction can alter the result. One can be interested in economics or international business. The native may be dominating on his love affairs but very good in academics. If conjunction is within 5 degrees then sun being a hot planet will burn the qualities of Saturn. This conjunction creates a powerful Rajyoga if it takes place in kendra or trikona house for Aries, Scorpio,Libra Ascendant. Man needs to be subservient in marriage. Copyright 2022 CodeYeti Software Solutions Pvt. Career will remain strong from the age of 25. Ketu represents spirituality, isolation, separation, abandonment of material things, moksha, salvation, liberation, philosophy, allergy, fever, wound, surgery, insects, spotted dogs, mysterious diseases. The person is born leader and will be awarded awards and honor. The person will be blessed with more girl children and will have to do remedies in order to beget a boy child. As mars matures after the age of 28, it will give courage to the person after 28. 5) Native may has issues with his authority or boss at his work places. The native is very courageous and powerful. The natives of Sun and Venus conjunction will do their best to establish peace and harmony. Spouse can help in earning and fulfilment of hopes and desires for the native. They are very diplomatic in nature. They can be inclined towards political science, medicine etc. It also shows that mother may be very strict and the child lacks nourishment as sun may burn the qualities of moon only if they are in close conjunction. Such causes can lead to stammering in his voice. He may facing tax related issues related to his work place. He may has issues in his parental property. These people have the ability to come out of death. Read your Aries Zodiac Sign horoscope today! It is always necessary to see the stronger planet. One of the way to overcome this conjunction, is to remarry the partner after a couple of years. They do everything to attain that pleasure and joy. The financial condition of the family will improve after the birth of a person born with this combination but however, this will also affect the health of parents. When they get married, this placement activates their talents and fame. The conjunction should take place in a friendly sign or own signs of sun and mercury. They enjoy expressing themselves through some kind of performance. They treat their co-workers as a family, so they cant e authoritative with them. One can marry an enemy of past life and there can be arguments with father. Father can also face obstacles in life. The native with Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant gets a good education and loves his children. He will have a strong and healthy relationship with his father that will eventually help him succeed. He will have an elderly reputation in his family. In professional life, their managers can be good to them. They can also be spendthrift in nature. They are very much into attaining all the enjoyments of life. The person will have the good mental strength and will be able to maintain a healthy dominating reputation in society. This is a good position for political field. They can be in hospitality. Are you Cutting Your Hair and Nails on Right Day? The native has a direct way of communication. It is said that women generally find men with Sun conjunct Venus quite pleasing and charming. They like to nourish their co-workers. Experts Astrologers say that the person is usually governed by his ego that can act as a matter of concern in his life and romantic relationships as well. planet in 6th house Great love and admiration for siblings and neighbors can be seen. The person can be a lawyer or a government service provider. Venus has feminine qualities and both sexes have an attractive personality and a person of the opposite sex tends to attract a good looking person. Native may has issues regarding child birth. This conjunction makes a person very optimistic and confident. Native may wear spectacles. They try to dominate his siblings or relationship with siblings suffers. They want to have a beautiful home and always looks for romance in private life. Talk to Astrologer on call and get answers to all your worries by seeing the future life through Astrology Kundli Predictions from the best Astrologers from India. With the combination of that charming personality and blessing of the sun, the person is likely to gain success in politics. Mother can deal with lot of sufferings in life. The native can face problem with siblings. Venus represents divinity, romance, and love. Native with Mercury & Ketu conjunction in 8th house may give natural inclination towards the mysterious world. After 35 years, the native gets better relationship with father, authority and government. Buy Remedial Solutions for Personal Issues Report. When Sun is exalted or in its own sign then Sun can handle itself better and situations can improve. They can be greedy about wealth and assets of the family. Because of this they always want comfort in their relationship and they are never willing to sacrifice with their comfort. The native also tries to dominate his/her family. They can be very good salesperson. They can rely on emotions and intuitions in speculative business which may not work always. On the other hand, the native can be in illicit relationship and can dominate his/her in-laws. Ketu removes its eclipse from the sun within age of 35-42. The Sun and Venus conjunction is all about creating various relationships with others. He may has very bold image in society. Lets see how this conjunction impacts each house! hindu astrology He will be a vivid traveler and might have a drinking problem. They may be very pleasant and very agreeable (even at the cost of being honest) and very lazy in some situations. Two planet conjunction Any aspects or other conjunction will alter the result so whole analysis of horoscope is important. The natives of Sun-Venus conjunct in 1st house are not just peaceful themselves, they can even establish peace where it is lacking. They generally have a bruise or cut mark on their stomach. One can have romance in a foreign land with the partner who comes from a royal and powerful family. How will be things when they come together in the 1st house (the most important house, also known as Ascendant) is quite interesting and enlightening. How will be things when they come together in the 1st house (the most important house, also known as Ascendant) is quite interesting and enlightening. People with this conjunction can be power hungry and may not be ready to give up their power. His ability to gain followers easily can also be put in best use through this field. The 10th house represents the source of livelihood and everyday work. sun The first house represents Fame or how the world sees you. Native may be spiritual from heart. Besides, social relationships are extremely important to them. If Sun holds the lowest degree and if Sun overpowers Venus then the person may sacrifice their relationship for goals. They are intelligent and wise as well as skilled in one or more activity. Sun and Venus Conjunction in 10th house 1)Before knowing the effect of Sun and Venus Conjunction in 10th house we have to know about Sun in 10th house, Venus in 10th house and Sun and Venus conjunction. At the same time, they may have ego or relationship issues with children. This conjunction especially in 10th house can make the person a good politician and also can give them government jobs. He may be involved in religious and spiritual work. Capricorn corresponds to the 10th house. Natives family life may be disturb. They can also be great diplomat or good in politics. 3) Native doesnt have good social behavior. Their life is about love and relationship. The Sun is the king, soul, authority, and it brightens the qualities of Venus. Jupiter represents wealth, knowledge, Optimism, wisdom, family, celebration, children, marriage, education,spirituality, religious acts, life force, happiness, pilgrimage, Generosity, prosperity, law, economics, liver, respect, husband in women chart, counselor, Biology. They are very fond of being a leader where they can enjoy their life. The native with Venus in 10th House for Leo Ascendant enjoys his father's love, blessings and cooperation. The native with Sun in 10th House for Leo . The spouse is dominating and can cheat the native. Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology. On the contrary, if the conjunction takes place in seventh house and Venus is debilitated it also shows that there may be conflict with partner and it may also lead to divorce.The person will also develop ego in relationship as Sun represents ego and Venus represents relationship. Generate your free online kundli report from Astrotalk. if Sun is not well placed it can lead to defamation by higher authority and government. Through marriage, a native of this position starts attaining wealth. If 10th lord, Venus, is placed in the 12th house then their status in life could come even from a foreign country or foreign place. It is the house of work, career, job and growth in life. On the other hand, the life path of the native can be hard. Competition and sports develop their ego and confidence . The native is passionate about occult, mysticism. Travelling is important to build their career. It also shows that the person gains wealth through relationship. Father can dominate over mother in decision making skills. In fact, they can be a connoisseur of all that is fine and beautiful. The native with Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant is happy with his mother and gets her love and blessings. When the Sun and Venus conjunct in the tenth house, a person receives money and wealth after marriage. Any questions related to Sun in 10th House for Leo Ascendant in Astrology? He has more inclination towards money matters. The native is also very power hungry and dominates spouse/relationship. Mercury in 9th House for Cancer Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Mercury in 9th House for Virgo Ascendant in Vedic Astrology, Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Moon in 9th House for Scorpio Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 1st House for Pisces Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 4th House for Cancer Ascendant in Astrology, Moon in 2nd House for Sagittarius Ascendant in Astrology. Those people follows law and are generally humble. When the Sun and Venus conjunct in the fifth house, a person becomes interested in politics. Sun Venus conjunction in the 10th house of your astrology 22,395 views Apr 19, 2020 My website: Link to my astrology school:. The person can have a challenging childhood and at the same time, s/he may need to take responsibility of home at early part of life. Father plays a great role in the life of the individual. When Jupiter aspect this conjunction, the native starts recognizing his weakness as Jupiter is a great friend of Sun and Jupiter is the only planet that can control Rahu. planet in 4th house Now lets study the conjunction in all houses. It means the native would work for the king/ government. The individual can follow footsteps of father and can gain from government. They can find divinity through spiritual practice and yoga. The conjunction also means serving the government and it can help the person in legal and government field . The native can be in an authoritative position and has good qualities of leadership. They tend to have a strong career. Sun And Venus Conjunction in 1st House/Ascendent : Vedic Astrology. They can be working on government sector or in leadership role. They can work in government section and can find peace in homeland. The native finds difficult to understand himself/herself. The fourth house represents home, mother, comfort, and homeland. They know how to bifurcate between good and bad. He has good knowledge of spirituality and religions.He may be criticizer of religious believes. The native is a private person and interested in spirituality. The Sun represents authority, king, and father. So, it is always better to get married after 30. He will be elated towards society and politics. A person will have to travel to meet their spouse. The authorities may not treat the person well. It also bestows the person with wealth and wisdom especially in 2nd, 5th and 11th house. The native also loose authority or s/he overpower elders and does not respect the elders. They are much involved in material world pleasures. Moon will be weak in fiery signs like Aries, Leo, Saggitarus. Their sexual appetite is generally extremely strong. They can be easily identified in crowd because they are outgoing and confident. Stability in career takes place only after 30. Native, Your email address will not be published. The person can also have low self confidence, fear. Venus and Ketu combine in 12th House can give indebtedness, though of manageable nature. People having this conjunction in their horoscope have a lot of knowledge about material goods like posh cars and branded things. Astrotalk is the best astrology website for online Astrology predictions. 8)Sun in 10th house in Taurus Sign is indicating native may be fully materialistic regarding life. With Ganeshas Grace, The person will live a luxurious life with every comfort he desires. They have an amazing relationship with them. These natives are graceful. planet in 10th house This happens especially after the birth of their first child. One will be separated from their home very early in life. Especially if this conjunction takes place in 10th house Sun may brighten the qualities of moon and it will give a good career in politics. It is always better to delay the marriage. vedic astrology The native is spiritual and loves to preach about religion and philosophy. This person loves taking care of their home. He will be attracted to sex and love and this can sometimes lead to frustration. They have high sexual energy. Surya signifies ones essential attributes the sense of self, ego, self-esteem, a sense of purpose, and so on. It also shows that the native has real estates but aggressiveness of mother can lack peace at home. They can be very diplomatic and their hairline can recede after marriage. Early or timely marriage can be expected with this conjunction. After birth of first child, one can get recognition, achievements and wealth. The native may separate from family. You can look at these videos in 50 years and they will still apply and work. This can sometimes attract family disputes regarding the property. In eighth house, it can help one to get rid of obstacles and give interest in occult mysticism. A person will feel confused and waning moon can give selfish nature in marriage while it is opposite for waxing moon. At the same time, this conjunction also shows favor from government as Sun and moon represents government. In wealth houses it will earn wealth but it may get spent. Combination of Venus and Sun helps a person to balance his physical and personal life equally. When mars hold the lowest degree, the person will be egoistic. They can also be entrepreneurs or doctors. He will have perfect dark hair even when inching towards old age.
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