So my final question is which method should I look onto (composite or synastry) as they both seem to go into totally different directionsand is it possible to reveal our secret relationship even with composite 12th house? I am a strong 12th house person- the sun in Libra conjunct Pluto/Mercury in Scorpio, with Saturn in Scorpio widely conjunct my Scorpio ascendent (I told you I was intense) and he has no planets in the 12th. So, the composite Venus and Saturn are also in the 12th house. you are right on target- although I forgot to mention that our trine is in 4th,8th and 12th you are an amazing teacher and your articales on your site have helped me tremendously. That was over three years ago. I met this men who i recall seeing 20 years ago once and a couple of other times within that 20 years. Who cares? The The empty space in Aries, would that be the outlet or where to focus all that energy? I and my boyfriend have conjunction of mars-venus in twelfth house (taurus) closely conjuncting composite gemini ascendant. Thanks! . The Sun and Moon in the 7th house are especially encouraging for a new relationship (if you're single) because your main focus for the year (the Sun) plus your emotional concerns will be united in that area. Black Moon Lilith is the geometric point in the sky that marks the furthest point of the moon's orbit around the earth. New Classes and Courses Beginning In September! Our synastry with my beloved couple is very strong with good connections between both 1th and 7th house rulers and many positive aspects like double whammy saturn-moon, and positive ascendant-moon, ascendant-venus, venus-moon, and so warm and intense pluto conj. Lilith in 11th House Composite, Composite Lilith in 11th House With Composite Lilith in the 11th house, you can get along swimmingly as friends, regardless of the type of partnership. Saturn in 6th or 12th house in composite chart: This is a strong healing or service oriented relationship and you will work hard together for those purposes. (excuse my bad English) You explain the ineffable. Transit Uranus in the Composite 12th House. Hi annaMy feeling is that the word god is loaded, psychologically speaking. 00 Angel Number, 00 Angel Number Twin Flame. Once they have hammered out their imbalance (too little, too much is often a theme with the 12th) they must find a way to make something real of their inspiration. Your post was seemed most fitting for a romantic liaison. One thing Ive noticed with these people is that other people usually notice their . Its what happens when a sensitive person loves another human being. I herd that the good connections between the 1st house rulers and 7 th rulers are so important an the good saturn aspects also. Are these water houses the culprits that keep pulling me back? I retire in one year and will be living 20 miles from him. WhiteLotus. Felt and feels karmic, but alas, it was definitely not meant to be.for now. Hi HGOf course, these articles cant contain every single exception, and the whole chart has to be taken into consideration. Have you any thoughts or words to share on the 12th house commonalities we have individually, and what impact it lends to us as a couple? i give it much meaning because i really feel a psychic connection and a karmic fate, but again that could be just me since i have a heavy neptune but nothing in my natal 12th. I hope you are well during these strange and powerful times. i dont know, looking at this chart, it has completely different emphasis, from my regular composite. In synastry, I have my sun, mercury, and mars in his 12th house in pisces, and his venus in my 12th house in cancer/gemini. These are the couples who are magnetically attracted to one another and who, after making the necessary commitments, find themselves on strange and unfamiliar territory. I am 38 years old and have a Scorpio 12th house stellium (Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and Neptune) so I am painfully, and blissfully, intimately aware of this energy. Like individuals with 12th house planets, couples with a lot of twelfth house may feel that there is something fated about their lives together. Ive recently broke up with what was felt the love of my life the most pure and locvng relationship ever. Im also interested in anything about twin flame relationships. They have an inner urge to help others but don't know how to help themselves or ask for support. Your email address will not be published. One valuable lesson I learned is to refrain being attached to an outcome with him. There is a lot of love between us, much alignment in our dreams and life goals and a feeling of being soul mates and yet a strange disconnect emotionally that has us often feeling like we are on completely different wavelengths. . This is brilliant and compassionate. We share the same dreams, communicate telepathically, had a fated magnetic meeting; we are truly best friends. The relationship is a very private one, we share many trips together, and special 12th house retreat time together. I can honestly say that I love this man from the highest level of my being, but I dont feel we belong together in a committed relationship. One is more transpersonal and numinous, the other deals with our reactions in the day to day world. Sun conj. Its more complex than just the composite positions. 08.05.20. Impossible to comment without seeing both charts. For him, its TOO many of his own issues. I feel so relieved after reading it because I really thought i was crazy. in the 12th house, you might be safe in assuming that there was a marriage or long-term relationship in a past life. I cant stop the regretful feelings. First of all, head to head to extended chart selection . me and this guy who dont know each other properly have same ascendants and house cusps natally. I became reacquainted with a man I grew up with. That is really challenging chart I assume and I dont know whether I go for this guy or not. My sympathies. Tendency to become a victim; cult of mystery; exploration of the suffering of others. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. So much more needs to be considered. taurus venus-mars conjunction in Your opinion? Composite Pluto in the 12th House With Composite Pluto in the 12th house, you may struggle over power and control in ways that aren't obvious. I havent spoken to him in a couple of years and my heart is still broken. Neptune tries to tell us that we cant own anything permanently, and if we try to possess and not understand the message of universal love (love is its own reward) it will pry our grasping fingers off of whatever we are trying to hold on to. And youre so right, because there is something about the compo 12 th house ! great post- thank you! Planets in the 12th can behave in one of several ways. Those of us with composite 12th emphasized will be asked to step away from the mundane and step into the world of the extraordinary, where unlikely connections are day to day things. Our strongest aspect is Saturn Trine Moon. Is Your experience the same? I was immediately flooded with emotion- I realized all at once how intensely close to him I was and needed to know if he was ok, etc. (You can have this without the 12th of course, but the 12th is inclined to it.) Hi! Its weird weird weird . It's time for the wave to return to the ocean. I met her near the end of my Saturn return (Cancer in the 4th house) and I am aware of deep wounds in me around my need for nurturing and I wonder if my neediness in this area may have something to do with it all. . I still feel a strong connection to him, but in a way, I guess I have come to reasonable terms with not being with him. I am surprised I did not find it and comment earlier, as I am still haunted by the same relationship 2 years after it ended. You may keep your feelings for each other to yourselves, not feeling safe expressing them for whatever reason. There are 12 houses of Nessus divided according to the sun signs, such as the rst house belongs to Aries, the second house to Taurus, and so on. This year in April we were introduced to each other by our mates. There are no connections with saturn to make it harsh. If anything new would happen you would dbe the first one to know! Subconciously I always looked at him for a few seconds like a magnet but did not put any thought to it. Im sorry to hear your story. Im sure your midpoint chart is valid if you had it read properly. Through the sixth house, you must learn to function in the world efficiently and take up the calling to serve Humanity. When transit Neptune is in the composite 12th house, you can explore your spiritual connection, and want to make sure that youre intuitively moving in the same direction. Couples with a heavy 12th house/ 6th house polarity have to find a way to put their wisdom to some practical use. And here is why: my sun, mercury and venus and chiron is in th e 12th natal house. (I have never done anything like that with anyone else.) It's a nightmare sometimes. The Pluto struggle with the ego and power will engage with the partners planetsin a positive way, the partner can become a guide. Also my moon is conjuct to his sun both ways. thundered Sun/Uranus conjunct in the 1st. We have a composite Pisces Ascendant (3) with a Pisces Saturn in 12 conjunct Ascendant. We challenge each other to be the best versions of ourselves. Happy holidays and thank you for this article. It often helps to work together on projects they find meaningful, or to spend some time doing community or charity work. Im not quick to say its an illusion, but its not quite real either, and you can get into some dangerous territory in the 12th by telling yourself things that arent really true. 13 . I loved him from the bottom of my heart. I read our full synastry report, using dual cosmodynes, and the outcome was very positive and harmonic, scoring pretty much above the average! In contrast, couples who come together to create something for the collective often have the appropriate planets in the composite 12th, there for all to see. The fatedness of it all doesnt make sense at times, like union of the subconscious. In this relationship, you tend to agree to a no-obligation arrangement from the start. Sun and Neptune both trine Lilith, who is in Pisces AND in house 12. In the second house of values, beware . hi dawn:) With 4, 8 and 12 emphasized, youll have to deal with one another in an emotionally honest way, no matter what karma you have to work out together. There is a certain someone whose natal Sun is in the 12 th, his sun also receiving a natal square from his Neptune. Im from a country in southamerica. It usually indicates that there is something karmic surrounding that planet that needs fixingit is, in a prior life, something that was missed or misused between them. I found so many answers and maybe some dissapointments as well :/. It can be in a subconscious way, and you subconsciously want to have all of the power and control. When transit Uranus is in the composite 12th house, you may make changes together but quietly behind the scenes, with no one watching. Our date was perfect but too creepy cause he told his very deep secrets and early regrets to me. Nothing in astrology dictates your decisions. Twelfth house composites can work very well if the people involved understand that they must work together and make a contribution of some kind, even to simply show a good example of what a couple can be. this is honestly so beautiful to read. Thank You for Your answer and best regards from Hungary! This last chance element, sadly, often leads us to relationships that are destined to exist only to fix this thingwhen the lesson is learned, both these people move on. And yes, you need to put the natal charts around the composite to see how this is going to affect the individuals. And 1 more thing HIS VENUS opposes my vertex and my sun, venus and mercury on his ASC conjucts his Venus! Lilith in Synastry. Its time to clean up the karma between you, according to the position of the Nodes in the composite chart. Though many of the things you have said have been true, and there are challenges, I know we are committed to knowing each other and spending this precious time together. It also works the other way. . Often, Sun/Neptune relationships just fade away or dissolve without anyone knowing why. However, Sag and Cap are very, very different from one another and the things that make you feel secure, comforted and appreciated will be very different, unless other things in the chart back them up. Sorry, aja, this is too much information to handle in this space. Two sides of the same coin. She has great remorse about it and is seeking help to try and put an end to it. venus all in the 12th house. Transit Neptune in the Composite 12th House. Overall, this is considered a favorable Lilith placement, as it is . *Also in synastry- my Vesta conjunct NN in Gemini are the degree right before his Ascendant. *Composite Chiron conjunct Moon in Taurus in 12th house. Thanks for this very interesting article about that controversial 12th house and I totally agree with your final paragraph. His Pluto on your Ascendant is an intense experience, but it sounds as though Neptune is the culprit as far as youre concerned. Venus/Uranus is difficult in the composite, but it doesnt explain your obsession. It doesn't have to be a breakup. Struggling against our own unconscious is not an easy thing Thoughts on this combo would be greatly appreciated by me. I found composite Saturn on the 12th house, trining the composite Sun/Venus/Merc on the 8th and sextile to the Moon on the 2nd. But, our composite chart is weird. Love for loves sake wont fly with the 12th house. I put mars (Cancer) in his 12th. Thank You so much for Your answer! Astrology Symbols, Elements, Modalities, & House Types. My english is not very good. So I had to find an answer without destroying so many other lives or breaking up relationships. And we both natally have same aspects, my mars is in my 12th and his moon is in his 12th also. Our lives are silly and sublime at once. I have gone through a long, long cycle of heartaches and have been able to slowly, heart-wrenchingly get over each and every one, except this guy. It has been a long, hard road, but rewarding and with the planets in Cancer, SO hard to let go. Ive known couples who are married for long periods of time to have 12th house composites. I like to think of Pluto more in terms of the battle between the ego and the soul. Pluto is elevated in the composite chart close to the midheaven in the 9th. Telepathy, visiting one another out of body, lucid dreaming where they communicate with one another, strange psychic links and melding of the two energetic bodies. My husband and I have composite sun conjunct Saturn in the 12th, composite moon conjunct Venus in the 1st. This placement suppresses your deep subconscious a lot. Juno is also important. We have our composite sun in 12th house, along with saturn. I really appreciate your take on the 12th house; it definitely resonates as true, from my experience.
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