Hi, Ashley. Her doctor is the best source for these questions. They know your medical history and current conditions best. Thanks a bunch for sharing this with all people you actually understand what you're talking about! Unfortunately, we cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. I have two small size bruises on the collarbone?? Your doctor is the best resource!! i wish us the best! If you havent had a recent straining event, they may indicate a more serious medical condition. I just feel stupid going in and saying that Im there because my legs bruised. Unexplained bruising is common for a certain type of anemia, known as aplastic anemia. I'm not finding exactly what this could be signs of. If you are a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient, you can message your doctor on My Marshfield Clinic: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Having atypical TN affecting my 2nd and 3rd branch, I'm used to feeling some pain under my right eye, but I've never had bilateral pain and I've NEVER had bruising. Hi, Dee. I was tested for leukemia and the results were negative. But my question is I am experiencing bruising sensation in the epidermis in both legs from my hips to my knees with no bruising or trauma. Its purple and green and has small dots. I have developed completely different skin types of black and blue on my right breast, on my left lower shin there is a four inch I was told I have kidney disease. Please, in your opinion, answer my question! Not even a secure site anyway, so not only are people suffering with their health but their computers are at risks for viruses from this site, how nice and oh so helpful. These bruises also last for a month or more, should I be concerned? I do have fair skin. ", Best wishes, and thank you for reading Shine365. WebPurpura may resemble a bruise or look like a spot of blood under your skin. If your coworker friend is a Marshfield Clinic patient, she could directly message her provider on My Marshfield Clinic to ask again about her bruises: http://marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. Well, hope it helps maybe anyway or helps some others. Someone please help!! But it wasnt preceded by any pain or itching like when I get in my size or my fingers or toes. I'll reach out to some of our providers and see if they have any thoughts. What could be some causes of this sensation? We recommend discussing what you experienced with your doctor. What could make that happen ? Idk what could factor into it so Im just throwing that out there. Treating purpura involves finding the cause and treating that condition or disease. Thank you! To all of you who have concerns about unexplained bruisingit can be a sign of candida (yeast) overgrowth in your system or an underlying bacterial infectionboth will cause random bruising on the skin. I have two bruises one on my arm but I didn't do anything to my arm to get a bruise and the second one is on my hand and it just got on my hand today while I was playing a game with my dog and he didn't bite my hand. I noticed a bruise-ish brown spot in the bridge of my nose near the eyes. Required fields are marked *. Hey, Melissa. I was diagnosed with tonsilitis and Scarlett fever. In general and as mentioned in the story "Unexplained bruising usually appears on the arms and lower legs. However, there could be underlying reasons too. Thank you in advance! One condition is a lacy, purple, bruise-like rash that occurs on critically ill patients, Dr. Harp said. He is only 18 months and the doctors are stumped. My name is Melody and Im 51. They tend to appear so far just above the knees on each leg. Yet another tender bruise. The bruising is not dark purple, its radiant plum. We are limited in the medical advice we can provide on this platform and your provider can best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. Recently I started running/jogging and I started by jogging slowly and taking it easy. Lumps or swellings. Never hesitate to visit your Doctor, though, because she can put your mind at ease, which is worth a lot. Thank you for reaching out. Your care team is the best resource for these questions specific to your symptoms, and they have a good understanding of your medical history, current conditions and medications, which can effect the symptoms you're experiencing. Hi, Bailey. I am hoping for your keen consideration and thank you. There's been no trauma and no pain. Have you shared this information with a nurse line or talked through it with your doctor? What could have caused it? My mum has T Cell Large Granular Lymphocytic Leukemia & my mums sister died of leukemia at a young age. About an hour or two later another one just above it. He keeps massaging the area where the bruise is as it's hurting. He/she knows your medical history and current conditions best. Candy said, generally speaking, "It is very atypical to have a 'bruise' after a year post-injury. I have a large dark patch/bruise on my left lower tummy quite large that keeps appearing this time with a smaller 50p size bruise under my belly button. -Kirstie. I found a vitamin C called Lipospheric Vitamin C in packets. As in can you get another bruise on top of a bruise. No trauma or injuries of any sort. So I have different shapes and coloured bruises all over my legs, one leg is worse than the other. Have you determined the cause? When should you worry about bruises? Strictly internal. Accessed March 14, 2022. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. We recommend that you discuss the bruising that you are experiencing directly with your provider. My doctors are going to do surgery and gave me Iron pills, but I am really scared because today I found I bruise on my leg. Hi, Tina. Hi, Destiny If you are experiencing a medical emergency, please call 911. Also, take one teaspoon of coconut oil dailyonly unrefined and cold pressed (do not buy anything else because it will contain chemicals and do not buy MCT oil because the lauric acid has been removed). Good luck. I told her to get blood work done ASAP. Anyone know what this might be? If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, consider using My Marshfield Clinic to message your care team about your bruises: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. It never hurts to bring your concerns to your provider. I'm a "relatively" healthy 30yo female. Autoimmune disorders such as RA and lupus can lead to a low platelet count, which can cause bruising for no apparent reason and bleeding from the gums, says Daniel Clauw, MD, director of the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center at the University of Michigan Health System in Ann Arbor. Unfortunately, we cannot provide medical advice on this forum and do not know enough about your previous medical history or condition. Then youre left with a long-term bruise, which can be extremely frustrating. If you follow this regime, the unexplained bruising will stop. We cannot provide individualized medical advice on this forum. Hi I am a 65 years old and an alcoholic. Id been running into every night when I was taking care of the baby but my sleep deprived mind didnt remember by morning what happened. What a waste. The bruise started as 2 small ones and is now one about 5cm wide by about 2 cm high, should i see a doctor about it? She's sick of getting g these random unsightly bruises and I'm still concerned. I have the exact same issue. Another time I fell over and put my hands out to stop and it appeared on both my wrists.. We cannot give individualized medical advice on our blog. My concern now is two-fold: #1: Is there a cause to be worried about a blood clot forming? You expect them to diagnose/advise you based on a few words in the reply section? One of our hematology/oncology nurse practitioners said, "I am not aware of permanent marks after bruising. Bruises look like tiny red dots. Currently in touch with a doc they think blood disorder. Im scheduled for a surgery in February and I am concerned. Small red spots (petechiae) As well as medium-to-large bruises, you might notice rashes appearing on your skin. The comment section is a place to engage in conversation with fellow readers. Certain dietary supplements, such as ginkgo biloba, also can increase bruising risk due to a blood-thinning effect. In the mean time, you might check out sites like WebMD for insight: https://symptoms.webmd.com/default.htm. This should be evaluated by someone who can visualize the marks. I dont really know what to do cause they are on both of my forearms, and like round. Lots of different size bruising round the front of my stomach then smaller ones going up each of my side's not sore not banged myself and only noticed them 2 943 months ago. He/she can best advise you. Drinking alcohol can make you more prone to easy bruising and bumping into things. If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can message a provider directly through My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. In the entire valley there. Had some blood tests, an ultrasound and a chest x-ray, was told to see an gastroenterologist and schedule a colonoscopy , but couldnt get an appointment sooner than May, and meanwhile it all went away. Me to. Bruising on upper thighs and very itchy skin on my upper thighs and behind my knees. Or any other potential causes? Oh, for immediate relief, slather on some Sarna or Gold Bond lotion right before hitting the sheets, and that might be all you need. I keep getting bruises on the inside of my arm they are surrounded by a red circle should I be worried ? Thank you! Thank you for contacting us. Hello, Im a 29 year old female with no history of blood disorders or anything. If you're experiencing easy bruising, you might have questions about what's causing it and what you can do about it. Thank you for reaching out. It gets worse with some things, like too many walnuts, Vitamin E or D. Hope that helps. I shared your question with Candy. WebBruising after receiving a BOTOX treatment is rare, but it can happen to some. This is why we encourage you see your doctor. It's best to bring this concern to your doctor who knows you best. Any suggestions as to what the cause could be? -Kirstie, I have bruising on my upper thigh close to groin area and also lower stomach area i have been abit crook on off lately bruises have been there iver a week now i told my doctor all she did was asked if i bumped myself there also told me i had a viral infection but yet afew weeks later im still the same. Hi, Lorraine. I had a bad dream and when I woke up from that dream my chest was burning like it got scratched. https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/skin-care-and-aging. Hi, Emily. Hi, Kez! I'm 40 by the way. We are unable to offer individualized medical advice on this platform and your doctor is most aware of your medical history and can best advise you. He has not injured it or had any falls and I have never noticed them before. These questions are best for your doctor who knows your medical history and current conditions best. The raised area of a bump or bruise results from blood leaking from these injured blood vessels into the tissues as well as from the body's response to the injury. -https://shine365.marshfieldclinic.org/shine365-comment-policy/. Hi, Rose. This is a good question for your primary care provider. Bruised hand A bruise occurs when small blood vessels break and leak their contents into the soft tissue beneath the skin, which causes the purple color of the bruise. Thanks Jake, I have one on my forearm too. They are down my legs and on my right arm and had a huge one come up on my right had today ..they are large and roundish ..i have barely got an apetite, Hi, Lynne. information submitted for this request. hello my name is kaeleigh and i am 16 yrs old i have this big lump on my lower left back and i have been filling very week and just don't fill my normal self anymore i need some advice i really don't like doctors they scare me !! Also let me state that I am homeless (dwelling Deprived as I prefer to call it) and I do sleep in my vehicle not sure if that has anything to do with it also i am a 53 yo male with no medical issues that I am aware of. We can't provide individualized medical advice on our blog. I feel like it would get in people's way or look like I'm thinking "your chairs aren't good enough for me, hmph! Hi Alyssa, They want whats best for him too and after the serious injuries hes suffered and the long road to recovery he is still on, you should definitely contact them about any concerns you should have. Have you shared that diary with your primary care provider? If you are a Marshfield Clinic patient, you can reach out directly to your provider via My Marshfield Clinic: https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/mymarshfieldclinic. I don't want to bring cushions everywhere. I was bitten by a dog on the upper calf 9 days ago. Hi I didn't worry about it. Hi, Lisa. Hi, Emilee. I have like five small circle bruises on my lower leg with a scab but I dont remember running into anything? One is fading away quickly, n Another is fading away as well, but not faster as the other one, Hi i am 29yrs old female n i seem to get random bruises on my arms n legs (places varies) but they look like they r a few days old when they start to show on my skin n i haven't done anything to acquire them no accidents or bums i have always gotten them since i was in my late teens n just brushed it off thinking I'm taking vitamins or iron what should i do??? Thank you. They started a little bit after the beginning of my soccer season, but that might just be a coincidence. Aging skin bruises easily, which can be sensitive and painful. They are blue and a bit yellow. Heres what he had to say: Bruising can be caused by any number of minor traumas. Bruises travel with gravity and yes they usually turn green. Fall-proofing your home. Are you a Marshfield Clinic Health System patient? Bruising easily usually isnt a serious problem, but Jahn recommends calling your health care provider if any of these descriptions apply to your bruises. Thank you for reading Shine365 and reaching out. I am a 39yo female with Crohn's disease and bad urine since January when I also had bad liver count. Please tell me what should i do!? We strongly recommend talking to your doctor about the bruises you experience. Im sure its no big deal might just be the meds youre on but if you have all that going on just mention it! Hi, Paulette. Hello Heather We cannot provide medical advice on this platform. What could this be? They know your medical history and current conditions better than we can. It is pain when touched and have a slight bump. I am not sexually active and except for the appearance, I would have never known I have this bruise? Your question really is better for your doctor who knows your medical history. They also can appear on the lower legs. However, easy bruising can sometimes be a sign of a more serious problem. Hi, Im an 18 year old girl and Ive got a scar on my foot from my childhood but there is purple bruising round the scar, it doesnt hurt but it has been like this for years is this normal? Are you a Marshfield Clinic patient? Same! Aspirin, certain prescribed medications and even some over the counter s Read More We reached out to an oncology/hematology nurse practitioner on our team and here was her advice: "Sometimes bruises come out of nowhere because we dont always notice when or if we bumped against something or were grabbed by someone or working outside (sometimes new activities such as yardwork after a long winter of doing nothing) now brings sore muscles or bumps/bruises without even realizing. Anemia is not something to ignore. Is this normal? I hope that helps, and thank you for reading Shine365. As a result it come out that my Neutrophils are a bit higher, i am alarmed considering the fact that my family have history of cancer. Theyre on my inner thigh and I know its not trauma related . As always, we do suggest bringing these concerns to your provider during your next appointment. WebWhat does Leukaemia bruising look like? Have you spoke with your doctor about these symptoms? Due to their extensive knowledge of your medical history and past conditions, they can best advise you about why the bruises could be appearing. I have literally no idea how they got there. Thanks for reaching out Jake. They happen when small blood vessels leak blood under your skins surface. Barb, Hi ABI, I hope this helps answer your questions. I'm assuming you have medical school background so how about you be helpful and give educated guesses at what might be wrong w the people coming to this blog asking for help. I had a 4 wheeler wreck in 2013 and still have a hematoma to this day. I called my doctor this morning and left a message with a nurse. There's no pain, it didn't bleed and it is not swollen. Also, bed bugs sometimes leave a string of tiny dot bites. They dont hurt at all just dark spots which Im assuming theyre bruises because it wasnt there a couple days ago. Is this natural? Actinic purpura starts because of thin skin. Hello, I too have seen a line of 5 small bruises along my left thigh. Thank you for reading Shine365. In the meantime, web resources like WebMD might provide some guidance for you: https://symptoms.webmd.com/, I dont think thats stupid at all. She lied and said yes, even though she recently had an abortion and they have not been regular at all. 7th ed. These flat blotches start out red, then turn I'm always slightly anemic, I'm a bit overweight, and I have trigeminal neuralgia. They would be able to best advise you due to their knowledge of your medical history and past conditions. Another question is if the abortion was spontaneous or planned: If spontaneous, with new unusual bruising, she needs to see a primary care provider or OB/GYN as these could be symptoms of an underlying bleeding/clotting disorder. did you ever figure out the cause of bruising ? I'm 52 & am getting perfect circle bruises on my inner arms. Hi, Laura. WebThese bruises result from microscopic tears in blood vessels under the skin.