Cause of Death: Neville Longbottom and Seamus Finnigan were tasked with adding explosives to the bridge during the Battle of Hogwarts. But the reaction of his twin brother, George, as he took in the reality of their permanent separation was truly heartbreaking. But the dog won't leave Harry, snatching him from the yard and dragging him to the woods.Sirius Black has been living as his animagus for years, hunting down his godson, his mate, and now that he has found him he will never let him go and plans to take full advantage of their bond and have his way with the toddler. Not to them. When she eventually meets the worlds most fractured soul though, will pity and sympathy change her quest to destroy all the horcruxs? It spoke only six words in Moody's voice. Emotions are high after the third book and the characters dive into the fourth book with their new guest to see what awaits them in the future. Eventually, a weak Voldemort attached himself to Professor Quirrell's body and used him to enter Hogwarts undetected. We believe that for Sirius to have cleared his name, Lupin would have had to have remembered to take his Wolfsbane Potion which would allow him to transform into a sleepy wolf rather than a fearsome werewolf. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. You are no sacrificial lamb, youre Helen. Due to an unknown blessing and the help of a dogfather, Harry's life takes an unexpected turn. Sirius was Harry's godfather, but he was falsely imprisoned in Azkaban for supposedly killing Peter Pettigrew when Harry was a baby. Dobby was a house-elf who used to work for the Malfoy family. As Voldemort grows stronger, her priorities shift and she finally meets the man she's been tracking for. The basilisk emerged and killed Myrtle, leaving her body alone for hours before it was found. "That explains it" Tonks breathed, her eyes focusing on the baby's eyes, next to Harry's, noticing immediately they were the same. Powers. If everything goes as it should, Harry will be able to step back into the battle and defeat Voldemort once and for all for the sake of the Wizarding World. But his best friend being absolutely tearing him apart, because he is scared of who he is, is not something Blaise planned. He is an arrogant and privileged Pureblood wizard, who doesn't want anything to do with the Death Eaters or the Order. Determine to change what she has seen, she gathers the original Order of the Phoenix, and a few others, to read these books aloud over the next several days, cooped up in the Hog's Head bar. The fake smiles they used to keep deadly secrets hidden from her. When seven mysterious books, plus eighteen baffled people, end up in Hogwarts' Room of Requirement there's sure to be confusion and chaos. Working against the clock, she attempts to start a new side of the war. Labels: Paragraph = self explanatory.Dialogue line = One or two lines where a character speaks or does an action while speaking.Dialogue set = More than two lines where a character is speaking and doing actions. She's seen pleading with her fellow professor, Severus Snape, to save her right before Voldemort killed her. It stalks around him, sniffing his clothes with what Harry hopes is harmless curiosity. Molly, Minerva, and Fleur began to cry. Yet, unbeknownst to most, he persuaded Peter Pettigrew to switch places with him. Peter Pettigrew betrayed his childhood friend by revealing their location. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore. Y para Sirius Black nunca esper agradecer de poseer una forma animaga que le servira para estar a su caliente ahijado. TM & WBEI. Both would be trying to protect the other, and both would find it difficult to back down. It starts off with her friends in the house of Gryffindor, 3rd year. In which the past read the future, same old plot but you gotta love it right! Wormtails story could have looked rather different if he hadnt been able to escape at that crucial moment. THEN AND NOW: The cast of the 'Harry Potter' films 19 years later, 22 important details from the 'Harry Potter' books that were left out of the movies, Every single 'Harry Potter' and 'Fantastic Beasts' movie, ranked by fans, The worst movie every 'Harry Potter' star has been in, Many of the major deaths from the series happen during the Battle of Hogwarts in. Il preside di Hogwarts, Albus Silente, scopre una magia per far tornare indietro gli Inferi, e ai fratelli Black data la possibilit di ricominciare. Things had gone terribly wrong. She shielded him from the curse, sacrificing herself in the process, and left Harry an orphan who would never know his family. Give me Harry Potter, and you will be rewarded. Whereas the most important person in Siriuss life was Harry. In his adult life, Lupin was a leading member of the Order of the Phoenix, and he fell in love with and married fellow member Tonks. Si tratta di Albus Silente, l'anziano preside di una scuola molto antica, quanto speciale. Gregorovitch was another casualty in Voldemort's quest for power. Scaring the fat little boy away from the other child, the dog takes his reward by eating out the now exposed boypussy of Harry. Before I manage to tear my arm out of his grip I swear I see a hint of regret but it is gone too quickly to be sure. A single tear escaped Dumbledore's eyes. Still, we reckon Sirius probably would have tried to wheedle the truth from Harry. [5] First Wizarding War Dobby's sweet and sad reaction to realizing his fate makes his death incredibly emotional. Lilys choice invoked an ancient magic which gave Harry a protection that flowed through his veins. But it isnt often that one encounters such a ferocious animal, dangerous and on the loose, so who can blame him if he feels like he is going to shit his pants any second now? Time of death: "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". Dumbledore knew that Voldemort would most likely return one day and so decided to place his trust in Lilys blood and leave Harry with his mothers remaining blood relative. Mykew Gregorovitch was a famous European wandmaker who sold wands to the likes of Viktor Krum. Unlike myself, Theo doesnt have the softest of touches when it comes to legilimency. When Midna and the chosen heroine face Zant at the spring of Lanayru, his magic has unintentional effects. I baked you some fluff. She finds out though that some fates cannot be changed, and the power of the plot is a very real thing. Before we think about what could have happened, lets recap why he was falsely accused in the first place and remained a wanted man. Riddle used her death to make his first Horcrux with a diary. Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Bellatrix tried to murder Ginny Weasley with the Killing Curse. As Voldemort grows stronger, her priorities shift and she finally meets the man she's been tracking for. Hermiones parents memory is restored by Nadia Boulanger and Hermione has a lot of explaining to do. But it doesnt take long before pale skin transforms into soft fur as dark as the night sky. Ministry of Magic Employees (Harry Potter), pretty much everyone is mentioned if not a character, Parselmouths & Parseltongue (Harry Potter), Sirius Black & Remus Lupin & Peter Pettigrew & James Potter, First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Basically the Original Order Reads Harry Potter, trauma from the books will be talked about, Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game), Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Mirabel Madrigal, make my family proud with my magic, There's not much age difference between Bill and Hermione, Original Muggle-born Characters (Harry Potter), it's tragic but there's lots of bantering, Pre-First Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Doing Things Differently: The Sorcerer's Stone, Hermione Granger & Harry Potter & Ron Weasley, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Doing Things Differently: Reading The Books, Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody/Kingsley Shacklebolt, Katie Bell/Angelina Johnson/Alicia Spinnet, Minerva McGonagall & Severus Snape Friendship, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, not really but the DA (changed to "hogwarts army" HA) See him as one, Post-Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Cause of Death: Dobby was alerted by Dumbledore's brother that Harry and his friends were trapped in Malfoy Manor. A Beauty and the Veela tale, with a twist. Order won. It's also tragic when we learn of Severus Snape's undying love for Lily and see his devastated reaction to losing her. Most of his followers were loyal, he was ruthless, and he had many plans put into play. His last words are, "Dobby is happy to be with his friend, Harry Potter.". Youll be back here before the start of term. A year after the final battle of Hogwarts, Minerva McGonagall is haunted by the fake smiles her two best friends, Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape had used during their lives. However, because of Lupins transformation and Pettigrews escape, Sirius remained a wanted fugitive. Scabior didn't display any redeeming qualities and he was a prime Death Eater in Voldemort's army. Regulus Arcturus Black was fifteen, when he started to see him who is that beautiful man with beautiful locks of platinum blonde hair? Sirius Black was raised by a traditional pureblood family, taught to worship the Dark Lord and fear his parents. Frank lived alone and spent his days caring for the Riddle home he was just doing his job when he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. RECOMMENDED READING AGE IS 16+! - Complete But how does he toggle becoming a death eater and falling in love with his best friend? Before transforming into a rat, Pettigrew cut off his finger, screamed that Sirius had betrayed Lily and James and blew apart the street killing everyone in a twenty-foot radius. This is Book 3 to the Hermione X Reader series, Book 2 'Love Hu A sizzling hot Draco Lucius Malfoy served in a book with an extra side of imagination. If that had been the situation, and the ensuing chaos hadnt happened, Peter may not have slipped away and there wouldnt have been a full-blown werewolf running around the grounds. When Voldemort realized that Gregorovitch had been telling the truth about the wand being stolen by an unknown thief, he murdered him with the Killing Curse. When an opportunity presents itself, he decides to take care of Albus himself. He married his classmate Lily Evans, and their son Harry was born a little while later. The pair were inseparable both at school and after, and they became important figures in the fight against Voldemort. After floating into the veil, it's understood that Sirius is dead. She was an innocent witch with idealistic views nothing justifies her tragic murder. Myrtle was an innocent child trying to escape from petty bullies when a giant snake slithered out of the bathroom drain and killed her with one look. Remus Lupin is first introduced as Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts professor in the third film, but Lupin becomes a father figure to Harry. Updates on Thursday if all goes accordingly. But the battle of Howarts was a secondary objective, . Though as both godfather and godson are stubborn, we think that discussion would have been quite heated. After Sirius escaped from Azkaban, it must have been difficult for someone like him to have to keep a low profile. He would have been brought to justice. While Dobby was in the process of Apparating, Bellatrix Lestrange threw her dagger at him, which stabbed him in the chest and killed him. . AU. He sent his snake, Nagini, to reanimate her corpse and lure Harry into her house to attack him. Time of Death: "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince". After they arrived, Voldemort told Peter Pettigrew to "kill the spare" (Cedric) because he only needed Harry. Work Search: She may be a little annoying and vengeful in the eyes of the trio, but her story is still a tragic one. Search for it there. Cause of Death: Voldemort realized that the thief who stole the Elder Wand from Gregorovitch was Grindelwald, and therefore he was once an owner of the all-powerful wand. As we found out later in the series, Voldemort extended this offer after Snape pleaded with him to spare the life of the woman he had always loved. A patronus flowed through the glass as though it weren't even there. (reader), following the Battle of Hogwarts. Tonks started to cry. Harry swallows thickly, with difficulty, the sound almost audible in the sudden silence that appears to have fallen over them. Although his actual death isn't shown in the movie, the aftermath of his family finding his body in the Great Hall is. Any hope that Harry had of moving away from the Dursleys was dashed and he was set to spend many more miserable moments stuck in Privet Drive. But he doesn't have a chance of getting that with his Godmother, Ginny Weasley in the way.Teddy uses a powerful time turner to go back to a time where he can have his chance of getting Harry to love him. One day, while in Azkaban, Sirius asked Cornelius Fudge for his newspaper and saw a photo of Scabbers (aka Peter). Replaced by his normal gaze, sweet as poison._This story will be a slowburn enemies to friends to lovers with Draco Malfoy. Ginny's mother, Molly Weasley, entered a duel with Bellatrix and killed her with a powerful spell to the chest. Consequently, we reckon Harry would have had to wait until he was at least seventeen before he could officially move in with his godfather. Cause of Death: Lupin died during the Battle of Hogwarts. Throughout his adult life, Snape was working as a double agent as a member of the Order of the Phoenix and one of Voldemort's most trusted Death Eaters. Seriously I can't emphasize enough HOW MUCH of a crack fic this is. Alongside her best friend Tonks, she must track him down to put him back in Azkaban. Then there is the secrecy surrounding the Horcruxes themselves. Being the sister of Harry Potter aka the boy who lived wasn't an easy thing. Tajomstvo, ktor si so sebou nesie, by toti mohlo vetko znii.Ona vak nie je jedin, kto nieo skrva. Four-legged and as imposing as he is when standing in two, Tom Riddle has transformed into a panther. I suck at writing summaries. He was known for being a great student who was skilled at Quidditch. Sirius is now faced with a difficult task: to travel through the unpredictable land of the dead and guide Harry home. At first he thought it was just shock after what he'd done. Wish I could knot you, I hear myself say. She knows everything that happens in these stories thanks to her first life, and will try her hardest to change as many fates as possible while getting to revel in the joy and happiness of being not only in her favorite story ever, but also just in the joy of being surrounded by magic. And while he was able to convince Lupin and the golden trio of the truth, disaster struck before he could clear his name. Harry would have been able to confirm with Sirius that he was safe, realised that Voldemort was tricking him and may have even been startled into working a bit harder at Occlumency. He believed that Snape was the rightful owner of the Elder Wand and the only way for Voldemort to gain ownership would be to kill him. Work Search: Katie Bell (b. Alucarda kept a supercilious centaur named Sonja in captivity, but couldn't open her heart, so she turned into a wolf and approached Sonja without her knowing who she really was, trying to get her to let her guard down, and have sex with her. Enjoy. In his first year, he was petrified by the basilisk from the Chamber of Secrets when he saw it through the lens of his camera. But as always, this wouldn't be an easy task (I suck at summaries lol), Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (492), Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling (14), Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game) (10), Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (Movies) (5), Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s) (38), Book 7: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (209), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (133), Sirius Black & Original Female Character(s), Remus Lupin & Original Female Character(s), Cedric Diggory & Original Female Character(s), Adrian Pucey & Original Female Character(s), Fred Weasley & George Weasley & Original Female Character(s), Harry Potter & Original Female Character(s), Diary Tom Riddle/Original Female Character(s), Original Female Character/Original Male Character, Gryffindor & Slytherin Inter-House Friendships, WTF | Winter Temporary Fandom Kombat 2023, In which none of this is ever stated but it's not not stated, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child - Thorne & Rowling, Hermione Granger/Astoria Greengrass/Draco Malfoy, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Draco Malfoy/Original Female Character(s), Beauty and the Beast (Disney Animated Movies), Men will literally lock you in a tower for your safety instead of going to therapy, Second Wizarding War with Voldemort (Harry Potter), Ariana Dumbledore and the Epic Romance of Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy, Ariana Dumbledore is a Sassy 14 year old who has been stuck in a portrait too long, Ariana Dumbledore thinks she's smarter than you, Dramione fanfiction writers deal or no deal challenges 2023. When Rodolphus attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he was sorted into Slytherin house. Daphne frequently asks herself when she will lose her sanity. He formed the Order of the Phoenix during Voldemort's first uprising and was thought to be one of the only people Voldemort feared. She even suggested he was trying to live vicariously through them. . Note: Animals, particularly owls like Hedwig, were exempt from this list. Do you agree with our thoughts about what would have happened if Sirius had been free? Well, here's the place for em'. A red stunner hit the bricks next to his face, exploding small pieces of shrapnel that embedded into the tender flesh below his left eye. TW: drugs, physical abuse, torture Book Two (Frigus) is out now! While we would have liked them to, we cant help but believe it would never have come to pass. But as the days turned to weeks, weeks into months he didn . These imagines are x female reader unless otherwise marked! The complete "Harry Potter" 8-film collection is available to stream on Peacock with a Premium subscription: When you buy through our links, Insider may earn an affiliate commission. Ambientata dopo il sesto libro, dove per Silente ancora vivo, Sirius ancora vivo e quasi certamente lo pure Regulus. What if Remus Lupin had never become a werewolf? She had told her so sometime in their fifth year, they were Hogsmede and fire whiskey was melting her tongue and Lavender had purple beads dangling from her ears, from her neck, and she just couldnt stop herself from blurting out, you look good in purple, you should wear it more often. Then we think it is possible that he would try to suggest Sirius and Peter were in cahoots and working together. Sorted into Slytherin House, Gregory Goyle came from a pureblood family with Death Eater ties. So, in some ways it makes sense that he would accompany them on their journey. Ok so we are now at the start of my first year of hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, when i got on the train ( i had my familiar Archer with me and archer she is a dire wolf) for hogwarts i meet the most disgusting boy i have ever met and then i met my soon to be long time friend and sister hermione Granger a muggle born like my mom . Sequel to What Might Have Been. Harry rests in Limbo as Dumbledore explains what's happened with the Horcrux in his head. When Petunia Dursley begrudgingly brought Harry into her home, she sealed the Charm that had been placed upon him. Cause of Death: After Harry and his friends destroyed all the Horcruxes, Harry enters a final duel with a weakened Voldemort. Four-legged and as imposing as he is when standing in two, Tom Riddle has transformed into a panther. But as the wizarding world is thrown into chaos with Voldemort's resurgence, she must navigate danger and uncertainty to protect herself and those she loves. But sometimes Sunday too because life is chaotic. Sirius Black's brother, Regulus Black, was a Slytherin at Hogwarts and a Death Eater for much of his adult life. 1978 / 1979) was a witch and a Gryffindor student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 1990 to 1997. He does discover he has a mate, though. Cause of Death: During the Battle of Hogwarts, Malfoy, Goyle, and fellow Slytherin student Blaise Zabini ambush Harry, Ron, and Hermione in the Room of Requirement. Torn between aiding the Golden Trio under Dumbledore's promise to help her dying sister and her families long-standing pureblood allegiance to Voldemort, Daphne cannot win. The couple trusted only Peter Pettigrew with their whereabouts, but he betrayed their loyalty by telling the Dark Lord. Join her magical adventures with family, friends, and unexpected loves while she goes to Hogwarts and beyond. Cause of Death: Tonks was killed by Bellatrix Lestrange during the Battle of Hogwarts, however, her death isn't shown on-screen in the movie. Hermione gave him a small glare, which he ignored. tonks; . Although Lavender annoyed Hermione and some of her other classmates, she was just a teenager caught up in a tragic war, and she didn't deserve to be killed in such a violent manner. As a child, she grew up near Severus Snape, and the two became close friends in their early years at Hogwarts. He formed a special bond with Harry during his time at Hogwarts and helped him figure out how to ultimately defeat Voldemort. As a result, he kept one thing hidden on his person at all times from the day Voldemort returned. So, the Legends, along with Harry Potter, Lena Luthor, and Kara Danvers, along with some guests, read the Harry Potter series. She is a resurrected soul, and this is now her third rebirth. Evelyn Diggory, Junior Auror, has just been assigned mass murderer Sirius Black's case as her first assignment. Cause of Death: After Professor Quirrell tried to steal the Sorcerer's Stone so that Voldemort could regain his body, Flamel realized how dangerous the stone could be in the wrong hands, so he destroyed it. Not only was he spotted, but it was by Lucius Malfoy someone who could really cause Sirius problems. and Albus. Three buildings down Sirius caught the glint of light that reflected off of James' glasses and sighed in relief. He thought it was the perfect plan. So when he was fighting Harry for the Sorcerer's Stone, Quirrell was burned by Harry's touch and he turned to ash. An hour and a half later, the three of them are flying back into Hogwarts, all of them holding onto the big farm animals. After the mysterious death of Dumbledore's sister, however, they ended their friendship and Grindelwald proceeded to gather a following of Dark Wizards. Basically all the parents get to know what happens before it does and fluff ensues. The weaselettes squeaks will stop soon enough, we have all we need.. Werewolves were dark creatures, with dark desires. Until the last day at school came, at Harry felt he had to talk to Sirius about it. If Harry were to stick to Dumbledores rules, it would be highly awkward to have Sirius tagging along with no real understanding of what they were doing. He was previously a Muggle Studies professor at the school, but he took a year-long sabbatical to travel the world in search of what was left of Voldemort (after Harry first defeated him as a baby). He was the last surviving scion of House Black and a member of the Order of the Phoenix, dedicating. He wouldnt feel like he had to prove himself especially when faced by antagonistic people like Snape who called him a coward as he would have been able to contribute more. A World Class Idiot . So, the Potters went into hiding under the protection of the Fidelius Charm. READ THIS!!! If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Draco Malfoy ;) The First Night At Hogwarts . One day, under the brutal rule of the insufferable Professor Umbridge, a package is delivered to the Great Hall along with a few visitors. Cause of Death: Voldemort killed Snape during the Battle of Hogwarts. Harry's had a hard life, much harder than most people could have ever thought of. Sirius and the rest of the Order of the Phoenix would have gone to try and save him no matter what. Griphook didn't trust wizards, so he deceived Harry. He didnt know how, when, where, or why, but did know who. Unfortunately, it only gets harder on him in his fifth year. Looking for Pottermore? Dumbledore had warned Harry to not talk to anyone outside of Ron and Hermione about them. Losing her muggle mother early on as a casualty of the wizarding war, Abigail is raised dutifully by the very young, freshly graduated Marauders. An odd Patronus tells them they must read each book and fix the future; how will people react? Whatever happens in the future she will have great Godparents to look out for her. Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 26 - Words: 80,529 - Reviews: 1220 - Favs: 502 - Follows: 126 - Updated: Feb 6, 2003 - Published: Jan 25, 2002 - Harry P., Sirius B. Ideas in the one-shots may or may not be turned into multi-chapter stories. people thought she died, her death become a (Y/n) Sylferth. His death was upsetting for the magical community because it showed how much Voldemort's power had grown. Sirius Black was introduced to the Wizarding World in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. After pacing a strange door appears on the seventh floor corridor inside, contain seven books about the life of Harry Potter. Or could it be something more? During the flight, Voldemort showed up and thought the real Harry was flying with Moody, but it was really Mundungus Fletcher. Sirius was the closest thing Harry had to family, and they'd even talked about living together one day. A loyal Death Eater and member of Slytherin House, Bellatrix Lestrange was Sirius and Regulus Black's cousin. Un padrino siempre cuida a su ahijado, independiente si debe dar su culo por ello. What happens if Regulus doesnt die in the cave, but no one knows? Cause of Death: Colin was killed by Death Eaters during the Battle of Hogwarts, but his death is not shown on screen. Hermione dies in the final battle jumping in front of Harry taking the killing curse. Though we also reckon he would have visited Sirius rather frequently theres only so much Vernon, Petunia and Dudley that a person can take. We don't learn much about the wandmaker, but he didn't have much information to offer Voldemort and he didn't deserve to die. Born into the pureblood Black family, Sirius Black was a Gryffindor and best friends with James Potter. Cause of Death: Voldemort killed her sometime prior to the Battle of Hogwarts, and left her body alone in her home. This book includes fluff, smut, lemons and anything else As a result, he started to take some stupidly big risks.