Krix Kamerat | Darth Andeddu | Dooku holds Queen Miraj in a Force choke levitating her body off the ground. It soon led to the Republic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. Protectorate Gleb, Nightsisters Bruno Denturri was a male slaver who was an enemy of the Zygerrian Queen Miraj Scintel. She enslaved the Jedi Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano. Ages ago, the Zygerrian Slave Empire stretched across many sectors, supplying luckless labor to unscrupulous masters in the galaxy. /Creator ( w k h t m l t o p d f 0 . When she finally does, he groans inwardly, knowing full well what to expect. Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. Highsinger | Dengar | When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. A brave hero, or a submissive slave? She sees in Anakin a prize to own and overpower, and uses her seductive charms to her full advantage. Pong Krell | She had Kenobi brought before the crowd on the auction block. Naare | Skin color Closed | tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. The Eighth Brother | Bounty Hunters After arranging a successful sale of slaves which saw Obi-Wan outed as a Jedi and taken off-world, Miraj had Anakin made her servant. Darth Noctyss | It soon led to the Respublic special operation, which led Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano to come to Zygerria in order to free the Togrutas. Commerce Guild | However, her feelings toward Skywalker didn't go unnoticed as her Prime Minister Atai Molec called Count Dooku, fearing that Scintel had been weakened by Jedi. As part of his mission to rescue captured Togruta colonists, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker went under the name "Lars Quell" and claimed he had killed Denturri. Darth Desolous | Cornelius Evazan | Commander Appo | stream Head of the Pyke Syndicate | Ultimately, this trait proved to be her undoing, when she made Anakin Skywalker her slave and imprisoned his friends despite Count Dooku ordering her to kill them and warning her of the consequences, an order the queen angrily ignored, causing the Count to kill Scintel for her defiance. The weak deserve nothing more than to kneel before the strong, bound to our service.Queen Miraj Scintel, During the Clone Wars, Scintel allied Zygerria's Slave Empire with Count Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems in order to restore its former glory. Gilas | Daultay Dofine | Lama Su | Seduce Anakin to join her side (formerly). Commander Crosshair | Obi-wan is broken, but he needs to put up a front for his new padawan. Boba Fett | Any information drawn from non-canonical sources (Legends) should be displayed in this section. Miraj Scintel is an antagonist in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Scintel takes advantage of a Republic distracted by war to grow the slave trade, allied by the Separatist Alliance. Lom Pyke | Taken by Skywalkers's sense of loyalty, persistence and attractiveness, Scintel had . Miraj Scintel war die Knigin von Zygerria zu Zeiten der Klonkriege und Mitglied des Separatistenrates. Asajj Ventress | The Second Sister | When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. Anakin Skywalker Miraj Scintel Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Alternate Universe - Star Wars Setting Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars) Slave Anakin Skywalker Master/Slave Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) Anakin is broken after he agrees to become Queen Miraj's slave, and something more. Whispers of freedom and a life he once had haunt him as he drowns everything out. Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian queen who was the ruler of the planet Zygerria during the time of the Clone Wars. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr Her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, then informed her of an intruder: Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. Titan Three | Molec saw his queen as unworthy to rule and decided to side with Dooku. Slavery is the natural order of things. Dooku dropped the Queen and quickly disarmed Anakin from the electro-whip Miraj dropped earlier. Scintel told him of her plans to break and enslave the Jedi. Before she died, she told the man she loved, "I am a slave, just as you are." Embo | Count Dooku warns Miraj that her power over Skywalker was an illusion and once again ordered her to kill Skywalker. Merrin | Before the Auctions Miraj Scintel became Queen some time before the Clone Wars even started. Relationships: Anakin Skywalker (slave, love interest), Atai Molec(prime minister), Count Dooku (master, murderer), Affiliation:Zygerrian Slave Empire, Confederacy of Independent Systems. He manages to sputter out a question, to which Miraj rolls her eyes. Miraj Scintel was the queen of the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the Clone Wars. Ziro the Hutt Evil-doer Governor Grotton | Ramy | EV-9D9 | Complete story of Miraj Scintel (zygerrian queen) 4,170 views Sep 8, 2020 60 Dislike Share Save Mr Knowital1 5.39K subscribers Subscribe star wars lore, breakdown, and analysis Show more Star. Skywalker saves the queen from an assassination attempt. Sith Eternal | Zaret | Fleet Admiral Firmus Piett | Flirting with Anakin.Tending to her pets. Intrigued by his offer, Queen Miraj asked him to stay a little longer. Old Daka | Chelli Lona Aphra | | Privacy Policy | Accessibility | Site Map The Sixth Brother | Viceroy Nute Gunray | Rella Sol | The Twi'lek girl, fearful of remaining a slave and being punished, leaped from the ramparts to her death. Smug | 8 . The Third Sister | Sergeant Slick | Graxol Kelvyyn | Whip-usingScheming Morgan Elsbeth | Lady Carise Sindian duncan hines devils food cake brownies. Work Search: Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Trivia Pyschatrist Eric Bui of the University of Toulouse defined Anakin meeting the borderline personality disorder Captain Terisa Kerill | Darth Sidious | Nala Se | Contents 1 Biography Moralo Eval | miraj scintel and anakin skywalker fanfictionsouthwest cargo phone number. 7) In Skywalker's ship, a dying Scintel returned his lightsaber and revealed the location of the slaves before succumbing to her injuries. Leaders Light brown[1] Commandant Cumberlayne Aresko | During their walk about the palace, a young slave girl attempted to assassinate the queen, only to be stopped by Skywalker. She was impressed by his feat and his brash and confident nature. Trandoshans | Scintel allied her world with Dooku's Confederacy of Independent Systems. Endo Frant | Robonino | Corporate Alliance, Galactic Empire Commander Fox | /Subtype /Image . Miraj waited for Anakin to wake up, though at first, the Jedi started to resist by trying to choke her with Force, but she threatened him for his friends would die if he disobeyed her. Knights of Ren | Using slaves.Flirting with Anakin.Tending to her pets. Ren | Bazine Netal | Thus she did not enjoy being given orders from anyone and was firm in making her own decisions. MagnaGuards | Drash | [Source]. Deva Lompop | Members General Kraken | Alias She captured him as a slave and kept him in line by threatening Kenobi and Ahsoka (who had also been captured). Dooku deemed her plan too ambitious, made it plain he was only interested in eradicating the Jedi Order, not enslaving it, andseeing through her thinly veiled emotions for Skywalkerdemanded that he be disposed of. Miraj Scintel was a female Zygerrian who served as the Queen of Zygerria during the Clone Wars. Height Zygerrian Slave Empire[1]Zygerrian Slavers Guild[1]Confederacy of Independent Systems[1] Accompanying Miraj to the auction house, Skywalker witnessed the brutality of Scintel's empire when Obi-Wan Kenobi, whose cover was blown earlier in the slave pits, was ordered to be beaten on the bidding floor. Scintel waited for Skywalker to wake in her chambers, offering him an appointment as her personal bodyguard. Goals Beilert Valance | Techno Union | prince george's county town hall meeting; baptist church long beach; why is it important to learn about serial killers Tears were falling down her face. Zeetar, Clone Troopers Miraj Scintel befand sich gerade mit ihrem Berater Atai und ihrem Leibwchter Anakin Skywalker auf einem abgelegenem Plateau im Bergland von Drukarg, ihrer zygerrianischen Heimatwelt, um eine . Leema Kai | /Width 625 When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, . Senator Voe Atell | endobj Summa-verminoth | Queen Miraj Scintel, or simply known as Miraj Scintel, is the main antagonist of the Zygerrian arc of Star Wars: The Clone Wars. BB-9E | Star Wars: The Clone Wars Taron Malicos | Miraj Scintel was the queen of Zygerria and the Zygerrian Slave Empire during the Clone Wars. Viceroy Gar Saxon Garindan Ezz Zavor | (She will settle for a loose interpretation of voluntary.). Shenda Mol | Director Armand Isard | Dr. Nuvo Vindi | Stormtroopers Pre Vizsla Commander Pyre | Minister Rish Loo | Before she draws her final breath, Miraj told Anakin that he was right, that she was indeed nothing more than a slave herself. She seeks to demonstrate the difference by showing him just how bad it could be if she were looking for just another slave. Make sure to subscribe to my main channel at Captain Chesille Sabrond | Mother Zalem Lady Proxima | Gamorreans | TF-1726 | When Anakin Skywalker goes undercover to infiltrate Scintel's court, and discover the whereabouts of a vanished colony of Togruta artisans, the wily Queen takes interest in him. Ochi | The queen, intrigued by Skywalker's offer, accepted the slave and requested "Quell" remain at her side for a time. Queen Miraj asked Anakin to show his loyalty to her by beating Kenobi and then was shocked learning that Skywalker is actually a Jedi. Admiral Kassius Konstantine | Species Perhaps his history as a slave is getting in the way of him understanding the difference. Although she knew most others saw the Zygerrians traditions of slavery primitive, Scintel believed that slavery brought purpose to those with an innate desire to serve. However, Anakin had to be subdued with several electro-whips, much to Mirajs admiration. Jabba the Hutt | Crimson Dawn | /CreationDate (D:20210223171628+02'00') Submit RFP. Miraj waited for Anakin to wake up, though at first, the Jedi started to resist by trying to choke her with Force, but she threatened him for his friends would die if he disobeyed her. No match for Dooku and Zygerrian guards without his weapon, Skywalker took Scintel and escaped, freeing his Padawan. a Quadsimia website proudly made in Upstate NY. Senator Tikkes | Mandalorian Super Commandos | Scintel takes advantage of a Republic distracted by war to grow the slave trade, allied by the Separatist Alliance. TV-94 | Upon Dooku's arrival, Scintel confiscated Skywalker's lightsaber and told him to remain where he was. Black Krrsantan | Moff Raythe | After her guards subdued Skywalker, she decided to keep Skywalker as her bodyguard/slave. In the end, she had taken him up on his offer - what was the one thing Anakin Skywalker had not yet willingly given Miraj Scintel? 5) Gar Saxon | abduction of the Togruta colonists from Kiros, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded, Star Wars: How Not to Get Eaten by Ewoks and Other Galactic Survival Skills. Mother Pran | Miraj Scintel Moff Tiann Jerjerrod | IG-11 | Black Sun | As for . Scintel's Twi'lek servant girl then attacked her, but Lars saved her. Anakin has his first training session as Queen Miraj Scintel's slave. Members "Right. SlaveryAbuse of power B'omarr Monks | The Ninth Sister | Prime Minister Almec | Colonel Gralm | Rape/Non-Con, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types (12), Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence (2), Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types, Post-Zygerria Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), Post-Rako Hardeen Arc (Star Wars: Clone Wars), original characters for nefarious purposes only, this fic mostly centers on Obi-Wan and Anakin & other characters tagged are just peripheral, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Canon Divergence - Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008), Threats of Rape/Non-Con to Underage Character, From My Point of View Attachments Aren't Evil. Skad I am an admin of this site. Baron Valen Rudor | No match for Dooku and Zygerrian guards without his weapon, Skywalker took Scintel and escaped, freeing his Padawan. She let out a massive scream and blacked out. Scintel had not relented easily, dangling her fate over his head with no promises of anything until Chancellor Palpatine himself had to get involved. Protectorate Gleb | He wants that life back, but he doesn't dare run from the one he has now.Why run when they'll just catch up? Officials and Operatives Leaders Slavery is the natural order of things. Snoke | Trade Federation | Senator Orn Free Taa | (315) 371-3544 downstairs Max Rebo Band | Crimes Commander Iden Versio | Dooku demanded that she let him execute them, but Scintel refused. Scintel saw the opportunity to enslave a Jedi as a chance to display the power of the Zygerrian Empire's newfound determination and will, that by showing that even a Jedi could be made a slave, she would show the Republic that it would soon fall. Leaders C q" She was betrayed by her Prime Minister, Atai Molec, and then killed by Dooku . Lord Nyax | Dooku also noticed her feelings toward Skywalker and ordered her to kill him. Senator Nix Card | In pursuit of an alliance with the Republic, Zygerria has changed its ways and outlawed slavery either that, or is putting up a halfway convincing front. Battle Droids | Salacious B. Crumb | Deren | Captain Gilad Pellaeon | Fennec Shand | Duloks | Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Ahsoka have become prisoners on Zygerria, and suffer the torment of slaves. Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | His acceptance of her marriage proposal, of course. Sebulba | Miraj Scintel trat erstmals in der vierten Staffel der Fernsehserie The Clone Wars auf und wurde von der Schauspielerin Rajia Baroudi synchronisiert. Queen of Zygerria Sub-Groups Star Wars: The Clone Wars (animated film) The Clone Wars: 2.01: The Hidden Enemy The Clone Wars: 2.03: Children of the Force The Clone Wars: 2.04: Hostage Crisis The Clone Wars: 2.05: Senate Spy The Clone Wars: 2.17: Cat and Mouse The Clone Wars: 2.19: Bounty Hunters The Clone Wars: 2.21: Assassin The Clone Wars: 2.22: The Zillo Beast The Clone Wars: 2.23: The Zillo Beast Strikes Back The . Barriss Offee | [1] Scintel continued to try and convince Skywalker to be loyal to her alone. Darth Vader Lolo Purs | [1], Scintel strangled through the Force by Count Dooku, Scintel's affections for Skywalker did not go unnoticed; Prime Minister Atai Molec feared the queen had been weakened by the Jedi and contacted Count Dooku to rectify the problem. Leaders