I think we have something very special in common - a burning, smoke filled allure to cigarettes and the sensual pleasure and erotic desires that we ignite when we light up and pump our lungs fill with smoke. Karen's story will resonate with anyone who has struggled to hide their smoking. I was suprised but said yes so I get my first own cigaret. She tried her aunty's cigarettes and turned into a smoker. I wasn't alone, and as the youngest of five, all of my brothers and sisters picked it up. The next morning before going to the airport and after breakfast i asked her if she would like one more before we departed.to my glee she said yes but that would be that, no more after. Practice makes perfect, so you have a more textured awareness of what is unfolding. Give her 20 minutes and it wears off, she becomes completely broken anxious nervous and irritable where the only thing to fix her is to once again pop a ciggie poo in her face latch on suck like a vacum then blow smoke like the wind cause her cigarettes are her best friend. I am now 31. Was also with an on again, off again gf (one of those women you just can't shake in your life), and she'd do her nails gold or sometimes white. I hope you ate okay with it when he gets sick. She smokes a lot, maybe 1.5 packs a day. If you explore this https://www.ecigelm.com/product-category/pod-system/ site, you are going to obtain additional relevant information concerning Electronic Cigarette. I've been to Vegas before and that's smoker's heaven, you can smoke everywhere, There's good and bad news! Most every thought that centered around moving next year involved a scene with me and his parents outside on the deck smoking together. It was better to never let the subject come up at all. they will surely be of help. I started coming over with clothes smelling like smoke. twice a week she shares my fetishes especially I still wasn't very worried about it -- 5 cigarettes a day can't be THAT addictive. I haven't stopped crying since walking out on him and keep feeling like I have made a big mistake, but my opinion will not change, I do not want him to smoke. . I smoked my second cigarette on a dour July afternoon when I was 15. I am happy that I started smoking and that, despite the propoganda, I sill do. Could you describe us the first time you felt like you "needed" a cigarette? I was 14 at the time I lit it up and took my first drag and I coughed at first but I kept going and by the time I finished it I loved it . It was horrible. If you had told me what I was doing, I would have thought you were crazy! When she's not smoking a cigarette she's craving one cause she has an uneasy feeling every moment she's without her cigarettes. I'm 24. My boyfriend awoke to the smell of me smoking that cigarette and had an instant hard-on. I remember at their house one day and she had her first carton of full flavor 100s hooked smoking lots of cigarettes not thinking about the health hazards cause she loves that cigarette way too much. I am becoming a heavy smoker. Not to mention that the price of cigs in most places has gotten so steep that the impact on your household budget is only slightly less than a minor heroin habit. He bought me a pack of Marlboros the next day, and that night we tried it. I've haven't done that for a long time. I decided to quit smoking. I am now 31. I will not be the person I hate.I have a fiery determination and indefinite patience to remain free from smoking. I did for nine years, but quit five years ago (before I . Now we both love It. THIS POST IS RETARDED Even she can hardly believe she's turned into such a heavy smoker in such a short time, she's a thousand times more hooked and in love with cigarettes than she ever thought was possible, she thrives on heavy smoking and can imagine it any other way, and now it's time for a cigarette! I want to be free of the hold smoking has over me. I began when I was 13 and smoke a pack and a half a day of Benson and Hedges. I thought it made me look grown-up, but I was shy so I'd do it on my own. I studied Nursing and spent time on a cancer ward and saw the horrific ways in which people died slowly and painfully from smoking relatedcancers. September 15, 2014. Got stared at by older Chinese couple on the train .. Im female, black, 20 and I got refused from entering an Ensign bus. It's a FIVE year old post you dick head. Youre basically living a secret life and you probably go to ridiculous extents to hide it. 114 comments. Is it true that smokers cannot concentrate if they do not have enough nicotine? My husband wasn't a smoker when we met. Yes its unhealthy but the euphoria I get from smoking and knowing the damage its causing is unexplainable. "Being quarantined is a great opportunity. Believe it or not, I made this decision when I was just a child of eight, with my aunty's support. There is a common misconception that only men smoke while women do not. Thanks, Rick! It helps so much for me to look at myself honestly. I was smoking between 1 and 2 packs each day (the larger number on weekends and holidays). Partner has re-started smoking - I hate it By Loz21, June 29, 2021 in Dating Share 2 Start new topic Loz21 New Member Members 4 posts Posted June 29, 2021 Back story: Me and my partner C have been together 2years in August and when we started dating he was a vaper who previously smoked. Once she gets to smoke she gets very excited and happy then she wraps her lips around that cigarette latches on sucks hard and once again enters the euphoric state of pumping herself full of thick rich cigarette smoke where everything smooths out and once again everything is just right. Old ladies who are addicted to smoking certainly are not sexy. (I've been smoking secretly for a while so want to know what's in store if I commit fully). In the market, there are a number of ready-to-use Electronic Cigarettes. How did you start smoking? I would go into the woods near my home, or occasionally "bravely" have one in the house if. I've always had a thing watching women smoke cigarettes and was so happy to meet a girl, my future wife, who smoked to. About 6 months later we had a fight and she told me she really just wanted to smoke. Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. I have faked headaches so I could stay home from outings that would hinder my ability to smoke at least every hour. 4 min read. This site inspired me. Kick him to the curb. Before long, probably about another 4 months or so, we were up to her previous, starting, level. I no longer even have a life, really. And she lit up a cigarette for us to share. Could you describe to us what it feels like to be fornicated by your boyfriend while inhaling smoke more extensively? Read our. Here's a little story from a guy who reads this blog, his name is Rick, so I thought I would share it. He does not know how I cry myself to sleep for being such a horrible wife. ASSHOLE, Still doing around a pack and a half. She often wears high heels and short skirts whith a beautifull body. By submitting the form, you acknowledged that you are or over 18 years old and you will follow local policies and laws. That's called "filter ventilation" and it's becoming more and more common, not only in light or ultra light cigarettes, but standard cigarettes as well. Meanwhile, my husband knows nothing about my smoking, much less me quitting it. A. I can't even remember why I started smoking again. He is a bit of a fitness fanatic. We flirt a lot and she does know I love long, done nails, and while sharing our last beer one night, I kept touching her nails to make the color change. After months of no success, he finally relented. What the fuck is wrong with you stupid cunts that bring these old post back to life again?. I did too. *** You come over one day and tell me you have a surprise for me. I began obsessing over my quit date. His favorite thing is when I'm standing at the finish line of his 5k with my chubby ass stuffed in yoga pants smoking a cigarette. She left for work and I smoked the whole thing I knew I was hooked. Thank you, {{form.email}}, for signing up. He doesn't know that I am a selfish, manipulative person, or how sorry I am that I didn't realize who I had become or what this addiction was doing to us. Photo by Imleedh Ali on Unsplash. They would not disown you. Five days ago I didn't think so. Thank you for sharing your story Kay, and congratulations on taking your life back. We really clicked and started dating. My dad is American. her kink is she likes to be chained,, spanked etc I do meet with a younger co worker com' or text +1 (612) 502 - 3647, if you need hacking help. In college I loved smoking, never felt like I was addicted but just really enjoyed it and could drop it whenever I wanted. I love smoking in bed with my partner, and sometimes this leads to some erotic pleasure. I was kind of freaked at first. She likes to dress sexy, and just have a casual smoke, exhaling the smoke slowly. Most disheartening is that it seems like "Marriage vs. Capri 120's" could be the defining title for my life in the last five years. And when he did, I had written a post about my mom smoking a few days ago, it had some pictures I took of her smoking without her knowing while we waited for a table for breakfast. Do you chain smoke beforehand just to have a supply of nicotine? Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I quit smoking a year ago and think about it every day and want to start again but wont but would love to. Not very feminine, right? I don't think you need to regret anything! Big wow from me. I have done a lot of rotten things during my relationship with nicotine, things that are shameful, things I can't take back. No matter what is happening, good or bad, I can always have a cigarette. I would really like to chat with you, about our feelings and our journey into addiction at such a young age. She will give me a blow job blowing smoke, They would get over it. Then he said "I hope you didn't start smoking" I said "would it bother you?" And thus the circle goes around and around. I can remember playing like I was smoking a cigarette. So, one afternoon, not long after my parents divorced, my mom was annoyed by us asking about cigarettes, so she said, "Fine! @youlovemil. It made me sooooo dizzy. I started when I was 15. Copyright 20052023 ConfessionPost.com. My mom was a very sexy woman .and I can remember watching her. That same week, I took her to a nail salon and told, directed the manicurist to make hers longer and that she liked a gold color, but "see if anything red works, too". She says "What's one more bad habit ? I asked my mother for help. I can really identify with your story since I also wanted to be a smoker from an early age. Save. He tried to ignore them but I could see he was really turned on. And now I am 27 and I still smoke 120s and still have the same feeling. I think I was just curious. It becomes so ingrained in the lives of those who smoke, that people come to believe they can't live without it. it all started off as a joke with a few friends at a party until we all decided we actually wanted to try it - before this i had only ever vaped with no nicotine. It usually takes a long time, and it's painful and inconvenient the entire way. It is so sexy. About 15 months ago, I started seeing a new guy. Since I rarely drank, this was a perfect plan. If I think about that too much, I have to smoke more to calm down. Out of the blue she told me, we'd been married about 6 years by then, that she was quitting. That made me suggest "We should get these done at the salon..Longer would be hot on you", and she took the offer. Then one morning (it was a Saturday), I woke up after a marathon sex session the night before -- I had smoked 7 cigarettes! We did this a couple of times and enjoyed it. I tried several different cigarettes, and the ones I liked the best were Camels. She has more than likely died from smoking or Covid by now. I love having my girl sexually smoke for me. So if anyone is reading this who hasn't started smoking, please don't start, smoking is expensive, causes unhappiness and will probably kill you painfully. While in college, newly engagedand still smoking a pack . When she first lights up she loves to keep that fresh lit cigarette in her mouth like she's hugging and kissing it feeling the warm smoky filter parked on her lips, she never though she could get this much pleasure out of a cigarette and she smokes long full flavor cigarettes cause she's at the point where she wants all she can possibly get out of each cigarette so she smokes the longest and the strongest cigarettes she can get which is why the Marlboro Red 100 suits her so well. He said "No, but I never meant for you to do something you'd regret" I told you just made me curious I did the rest on my own, I'm starting love it, I know I'm getting addicted and I don't even care. I would finally feel like I could sit down next to my husband or son for awhile and be alright. Could you describe to us what it feels like to be fornicated by your boyfriend while inhaling smoke more extensively?. Current Year 11 Official Thread (2022-2023)! Memories with cigs run deep in my family. Is the image of the "sexy, independent lady who smokes cigarettes" something you think of every time you have your nicotine fix? The second kind of love is the patience of a loving parent in the midst of temper tantrum thrown by a sleepy, tempestuous child. At the age of 11, you never think you're going to end up addicted, or how smoking is going to damage your life. Take away the cigarette, and blow out the smoke from your mouth. Me and my wife both smoke. We started going out and just clicked. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. I started because of my boyfriend, he'd always smoked and, though i wasn't anti smoking, i wasn't a particular fan either but i tolerated my boyfriend smoking. Smoking together on a place where people could see us. I don't want to burden my family with the cost and pain of a debilitating smoking-related disease (like my father).. I didn't think twice. my daughter started smoking. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. After we'd been together about 8 months and, at times, he had tried to persuade me to try a cigarette, i'd got to the point where i was becoming quite irritable about him smoking. Anyway after quitting for 2 years I met this guy who I fell in love with over night, yes he was another smoker, he did really only smoke at the weekend but that really isn't the point. Outside of our adventures ahe rarely smokes He fantasizes about me smoking all day, every day. If you need a hacker that can help you catch your cheating spouse I strongly recommend HACKINDLOOP Spy. I much prefer dragging drawing puckering puffing and sucking h****** a long cork filter full flavor 100 cigarette. You want one, here.". From that moment I was sure that smoking should be a part of my life. I started to enjoy it and it started getting cravings so I got Juul. If you do not receive your email shortly, please check your spam folder. I remember getting only about a half hour lunch but needing cigarettes so bad so I smoked 2 Marlboro 100s in about 10 minutes just having a full flavor fix a full filter feast of smoke, just loving huge drag after huge drag. I mentioned to her that occasionally I would buy a pack on holidays especially if there were sexy smoking women about. But my family would disown me.. About 15 months ago, I started seeing a new guy. But wont. I have always been the "too nice" person, the kind of person that you could trust, a friend. If that isn't nicotine addiction, I don't know what is. So once, I remember it was on a Saturdaymorning, she gave me my first puff. She started out when she was young, puffing smoke into her lungs. He said he would stop smoking at weekends, anyway the first weekend he was supposed to have quit, he gave in and had a cigarette, I flipped out and said if you can't even manage one night (the first night as well) what chance have you got of staying smoke free for the weekends to come?! It felt so exciting and erotitic. That is when my life changed for ever . . Did he ever ask you to "smoke sexily"? I told her that her new attitude was hot, that she'd make a great, sexy trophy girl for an older guy. My girlfriend smokes about 30 cigarettes a day and although I'm not a smoker, I love the smell of the smoke on her hair and her clothes and her breath - it's a real turn on. And I kept doing it. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. Stop Smoking. My mom, sister, and I moved to the east coast from California, and I started smoking a couple of months after that. It was from that point that I took the view that I could not standsmoking. He's smart, thoughtful, kind, and sexy - I love him. I started smoking when I was 14. And about a week later she caught me but she told me she knew I was smoking . (Might have been 6.) I just couldn't stand to be hypocritical and agree with the commercial, and then sneak a smoke. We've talked about that time and she has always said she was hoping for some excuse to smoke again as she missed it with a passion but was too afraid to admit it at the time. It's the stuff of star-crossed lovers, young beautiful dummies with their whole lives left to ruin. I told her about the feelings I had and how erotitic it made me feel. Now I realize that my addict-self is selfish and is motivated only by cigarettes. I am now 44. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. My girlfriend had stopped smoking for about 10 years. I love your story! I began smoking for one simple reason: everyone around me did it. My life is sooo ******* sad, ask me anything. I love being a smoker and cant ever see that changing. It was super awkward, but he told me all the details of it, then apologized and said "don't smoke" He never brought it up again, but I started to notice things he did (and checked his browser history). - Me. I do not smoke myself I try to stay in good shape You should do it too." You should start smokingit is great, and I'll How do ther smokers feel about beings a smoker? -- and I just wanted one. Anyway, I've watched long time smokers die of COPD and cancer. A friend suggestedmaking a quit date. It was never about peer pressure for me, from a young age I was curious about smoking and thought people who smoked were obtaining a sensual pleasure that was alluring to me. If you like me after reading this, that is wonderful. You'll become short of breath more quickly if you try to exercise. I can totally understand . I really like my sense of identity as a smoker and the way I look with a burning cigarette between my lips. A friend showed me the ropes on inhaling and I loved it from the start, along with everything else associated with smoking. She loved her cigarettes so much she thoroughly loved nice big puffs on that long strong cigarette one after another before going in to work where she couldn't smoke. When I began smoking again, I decided I could control it and would only smoke when I drank alcohol. I would rub them on my fingers and chew on one. I've pretty much come out at work as a smoker now. I didn't inhale any more that night, but the next night, I tried it again. I started smoking at the age of 13, very intense, with 5-7 cigarettes a day. But, I don't know, I found the buzz kind of fun. I was fascinated by plants and trees as medicine for the body and soul. Did you ever try "holding in" once in a while your cravings so the next cigarette you smoke feels better? Want to read confessions and comments uncensored? I started out with one a day, then it went to 2 and now 4-5 a day, I love smoking so much. I will not smoke today. After work she drives away with a cigarette in her mouth glad to finally be able to smoke as much as she wants. All rights reserved. It started when I was a little girl of 9 yo. Cookie Notice From an early age I hated smoking, my Dad smoked and the house always smelt horrible and I could hardly breathe when I was at home, I was always very anti-smoking. I fix things around her house and stuff. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Verywell Mind receives compensation. I realize now that my reasons for smoking at that age have twisted themselves into reasons why I was still smoking 16 years later. She's a puckering puffing cigarette sucking smoke loving nicotine junkie who lives on lots of thick rich cigarette smoke from long strong cork filter cigarettes. Picked her up, took her to a different salon, and got her nails done more than 2" (I wanted them longer) and a sexy, dark blue that looked black. She wears leather gloves, boots, lingerie When I was sitting next to her, she asked me if I would smoke. And they weren't there. It is incredibly hot and sexy for me I realize now that my reasons for smoking at that age have twisted themselves into reasons why I was still smoking 16 years later. Smoking in secret is a behavior that creates pain and loneliness for the smoker. My wife picked up a smoking habit from her co-workers when she was in her mid 30's. It took me about 3-1/2 years before I noticed myself coughing in the morning when I awoke. When did you first realize it was a fetish that you had developed? And I did it with gusto. I do this every time I travel for work. Make a podcast, YouTube or TikTok videos about our confessions and we'll promote your content, free! I could see her from where I was working, she stood out in the cold before going into the office puffing away on a Marlboro Red full flavor cork filter 100 cigarette. They specialize in catching cheating spouses by hacking their phone to monitor all their communications such as calls, email, text social networks like Facebook, twitter, dating sites and many more. Replying to. Only then would I feel somewhat safe. I just have to eat her like an animal I get so turned on. Did your boyfriend ask you to wear painted nails, lipstick, specific clothing while you smoke? I had smoked half a pack in half a day! I started smoking cannabis to . I'm 36, divorced and have a boyfriend who just turned 50. It means that the French smoke a ton of cigarettes, but the people are not affected negatively in the same way that the rest of Europe or, even more so, the United States are. We worked together a short time at a marketing place and could smoke on the job so she was puffing away at work which she loved. I ask " What is the surprise, Anabelle?" 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB, Taking a break or withdrawing from your course, https://www.reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/comments/aovf3q/i_m24_started_smoking_with_girlfriendf25/, https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/health-46697036/smoking-v-vaping-watch-lab-test-results, https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/DMm7LqVTTBnT4Cqu8xvoRP4ZXQs=/0x0:3000x2250/1200x800/filters:focal(0x0:3000x2250)/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/46075516/GettyImages-175127145.0.jpg, University of East Anglia (UEA) A104 - Medicine with Gateway Year - 2023 Entry, JK Rowling dismisses backlash over trans comments: 'I don't care about my legacy'. What he doesn't know is that I hid from him. If you can inhale the smoke, you will feel well and enjoy every cigarette. I like to suck the cigarette with moist lips so the long cork filter slides across my lips as I saturate my lungs in smoke. It seemed light most fetishists get off on the smell of it, and that made sense to me (every sense matters!) And that's what I thought I was. And I'm kind of worried that I'm going to keep smoking more, because I enjoy them so much. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. skinny and exercise every day but still not physically fit, Rejected from uni and feeling kind of down. we both enjoy it and really like the quiet times when we smoke together. Life has been a bit crazy. . So I walked out yesterdaybecause I told him I couldn't handle maybe losing him in years to come to some illness due to smoking which could have been prevented by not smoking, I cannot get my head round why people would willingly posison themselves slowly, it just doesn't make sense to me, although I guess all the smokers on here will say its addictionbut I don't get it because I can stop smoking just like that I don't have any withdrawl symptoms or cravings at all. did cicely tyson died of covid, san gabriel river bike trail,