Does Holden hate Stradlater? Creative solutions to translation problems; Transfer and re-wording (use of translation procedures); Assessment of the result and post-edition; One difficulty in translation stems from the fact that most words have multiple meanings. institutes at the university of san diego near old town above mission bay, ap english literature and composition course description from the college board ap free response open question discussion the catcher in the rye discussion august 16 Log in here. The author used in his novel the comparison to show to the reader the variety and difference in Holdens thoughts. Jerome David "J. D." Salinger is an American author, best known for his 1951 novel The Catcher in the Rye, as well as his reclusive nature. This is not always so obvious. The pressure of adolescent sexualityan important theme throughout The Catcher in the Rye makes itself felt here for the first time: Holden's greatest worry is that Stradlater will make sexual advances toward Jane. Moreover, the characters created by Salinger used to have some obstacles to fins their own happiness; but, suddenly, it appears the religion as a solution, as a way of liberation: it supposes the end of the suffering for each character. Life is a game, boy. In this graduation paper there are given such methods of investigation: The goal of this paper is to discover the lexical peculiarities and difficulties in translation from English into Romanian. Lotman describes literature and art in general as a secondary modelling systems, as an indication of the fact that they are derived from the primary modelling system of language, and declares as firmly as Sapir or Whorf that `No language can exist unless it is stepped in the context of culture; and no culture can exist which does not have at its centre, the structure of natural language.' Not with poetry, and not even with prose, where the difficulty is generally assumed to be less. The Romanian version always uses euphemisms and euphemistic formulations when translating SL colloquial expressions (mainly explained by the social, political and cultural constraints from the period of its publication), while the second version uses (almost all the time) the same informal, at times vulgar, linguistic register as the ST, managing at the same time to capture the nuances and subtleties of the original. The popularity of the novel and debate over its redeeming social value have never faltered since its initial publication, due in no large part to the fact that J.D. This leads to the interpretation that using the same linguistic pattern denotes a more faithful translation. Ive selected Holdens red hunting hat, the Museum of Natural History, and the Ducks in Central Park Lagoon. London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1994; Stern, James. Yes, Holden agrees with Stradlater to write composition for him because he decided to make a deal with the society. Scholars This type of code switching is translation proper, the object of Translation Studies. Consequently, Holden tries to punch him, but Stradlater wrestles him to the ground and puts his knees on his chest. The symbols I have chosen display Holden Caufields emotions, actions,. And sometimes some mistakes (losses), as well as some gains, are more visible by comparing two or more translations of the same ST. Ionescus translation may have been considered too far-fetched and direct, but this can be explained as the translators desire to make the main character more authentic and closer to the typical Romanian teenager. We are lucky to present you. A lot of literary critics saw in this novel an advance of the crazies Sixties, with rebel and revolutionary young people who didnt understand the fabulous society that adults had build. The author used the next kind of epithets grand people (J. D. Salinger: 8) which is a simple epithet because is used by an adjective and a noun. All three of these symbols have great significance in this book. He feels like he has a duty to save other people from growing up and maturing. The first problem is related to reading and comprehension ability in the source language. To respect, whenever possible, all the syntax and lexical repetitions, shoot the bull = telling lies, small talk. Because of this fact, a translation based on a one-to-one substitution of words is seldom acceptable. An important lexical pecularity single out in Salingers writing is the metaphor and in the same time which is one of the main stylistic device used in The Catcher in the Rye. In its broad meaning, the term impliestransmutationand can be illustrated by decoding some ideas and themes expressed, for example, in a poem through the language of music or dance. Holden can think about and judge the Eskimo in the display case, but the Eskimo will never judge him back. Read more about relationships, intimacy, and sexuality as a motif. What is their relationship? False friends (or faux amis) are pairs of words in two languages or dialects (or letters in two alphabets) that look or sound similar, but differ in meaning. Michael Cart, "Famous Firsts. 125, No. But Holden cannot think of anything to say about a house or a room, so he writes about a baseball glove that his brother Allie used to copy poems onto in green ink. The wider is the semantic volume of a word, the wider is its combinability, thus due to this feature it can interact with various word forms and word combinations. In the end, The Catcher in the Rye will continue to be a point of great public and critical debate. He rebels against such society and system because he is unfit for it and he is unable to achieve things from this type of social system. In the case of the "hammer and anvil" idiom, a lexical rendering could be "to be in an uneasy, stressing situation". Indeed, they force us to look for a set of somehow Romanian equivalent expressions or structures in order to capture all these elements in our own translation. The examples for this type of translation difficulties could be seen from the first page of the novel where the author uses all the meanings of the word hell such as: This word is one of the first words that is used with a lot of meanings and that is one of the type of translation difficulties in The Catcher in the Rye. It wouldnt come off. What does this reveal about Holden? Phraseologisms or expressions that would aspire at becoming so are formed in huge quantities, but do not always succeed. Slang should be distinguished from jargon, which is the technical vocabulary of a particular profession. or signs to have multiple meanings or a large semantic field. We're sorry, SparkNotes Plus isn't available in your country. The Catcher In the Rye are both among the most important novels of the twentieth century. This is the main cause of the prohibition of this novel in some schools; but in the other side, there are a big number of schools and teachers that recommend this book as an obligatory reading. Another important type of translation difficulty that was used by the author in his writing The Catcher in the Rye is abbreviation that is a kind of shortening of the words through cutting one of the part of the word and using the apostroph for joining two words, that is the type which create a lot of problem in the prosses of translation.. Therse exemples of translation difficulties used by the author in his vovel The Catcher in the Ray shows to the reader that the writer tried to combine in his work different features of the period in which he activated that is Modernism and some important features of the previous period which is Realism. The mitt is representative of a "loss of innocence". As he watches Phoebe sleep, Holden projects his own idealizations of childhood onto her. They also represent what he fears most about the adult world: complexity, unpredictability, and potential for conflict and change. 2, August 1951, 82. But nonetheless as the book developments, Carl starts to learn initiative and he catches a job at a barge and starts to bring money in. Arguments and explanations largely resemble each other inrhetoricaluse. Every translation activity has one or more specific purposes and whichever they may be, the main aim of translation is to serve as a cross-cultural bilingual communication vehicle among peoples. For example attempts to justify a theft usually explain the motives (e.g., to feed a starving family). Critics have argued the moral issues raised by the book and the context in which it is presented. Salinger's writing style is pointed out through a very open and explicit way. Salinger. By signing up you agree to our terms and privacy policy. It is probably significant that Holden sells his typewriter to Frederick Woodruff before leaving Pencey. cite it. J. D. Salinger used in his writing a lot of interjections that easily presented the feelings that feel the characters of the novel. The Catcher in the Rye and J. D. Salinger were very popular among young people because his rich and fresh vocabulary, full of slangs, connected with the teenagers; in the Fifties, there were a lot of articles about The Catcher Cult. Lying and deception are the most obvious and hurtful elements of the larger category of phoniness. Other types are derivations from one of the other meanings that lead to a verb or activity. Latest answer posted April 29, 2021 at 3:04:20 PM. Though he continues to complain about Ackley, the sympathy he feels for his next-door neighbor is evident when he convinces Mal Brossard to let Ackley join them at the movies. Along with traditional combinations in languages unexpected combinations are also possible, but they are quite clear, for they follow generally accepted semantic models of word combinability. Stradlater didn't like it, he was annoyed because he was supposed to write about a room Why did Stradlater punch Holden? This quotation is from Holden's conversation with Spencer in Chapter 2. His depiction of adolescent alienation and loss of innocence in the protagonist Holden Caulfield was influential, especially among adolescent readers. In The Catcher in the Rye, what does Mr. Antolini's quotation, from a psychoanalyst named Wilhelm Stekel, mean? .of becoming dangerously convoluted and static, Lodge implicitly challenges critics to revisit and reassess Salingers body of work. A room. The third type of difficulty is the need to be sensitive to total context, including the intended audience of the translation. The characters can only become happy if they isolate themselves from this society. Idioms is a phrase whose meaning is difficult or sometimes impossible to guess by looking at the meaning of the individual words it contains. Afterwards, he smokes a cigarette in the room just to annoy Stradlater." He later gets into a fight with Stradlater over a crush . In the preparatory phase of a translation, cognition, in the form of self-consciousness and self-confidence, plays a very important role, inasmuch as this period implies conscious mental activities, where translating problems are detected and analyzed, and information and knowledge are accumulated. So this book supposed a big phenomenon of sales during Fifties and Sixties; but today, in the XXI century, catch more supporters and it is still editing, there are a lot of editions in different languages. Such statements may help us understand why the person committed the crime, however an uncritical listener may believe the speaker is trying to gain sympathy for the person and his or her actions. For the first time, I can see a definite connection between the main character in the story and the author. Metaphor is transference of some quality from one object to another. Modernism as a literary movement is seen, in large part, as a reaction to the emergence of city life as a central force in society. Why is Holden obsessed with the ducks at the Central Park Lagoon? And hes also an important influence for writers as Harold Brodkey or the two Pulitzer Prize- winners John Updike and Philip Roth. A large number of idioms in English, and probably all languages, have both a literal and an idiomatic meaning. He reads Holden's composition and becomes visibly annoyed, asserting that it has nothing to do with the assignment and that it's no wonder Holden is being expelled. Anyway, Holden responds by doing a tap dance like you see in the movies, which he hates but gets a bang (his words) out of imitating. One detail he says is "The best thing, though, in that museum was that everything always stayed right where it was. I have a feeling that you're riding for some kind of terrible, terrible fall. Intralinguistic translation, or rewording means interpreting verbal signs through other signs of the same language. The whole arrangements designed for men who, at some time or other in their lives, were looking for something their own environment couldn't supply them with. Salinger probably wanted to establish a temporal perspective and not risk having the reader assume that Holden was writing something like a diary or journal. There are several tests for polysemy, but one of them is zeugma: if one word seems to exhibit zeugma when applied in different contexts, it is likely that the contexts bring out different polysemes of the same word. He gives a brief description of Allie, mentioning his bright red hair. Holden clearly still feels Allies loss strongly. It's ironic because Stradlater is a good student, and Holden is being kicked out of school for failing. It was started by trying to define the concept of translation based on significant theoreticians points of view but it had not been an easy task. Holden is upset with the show more content Holden writes an essay for his friend Stradlater for school .Holden writes a composition about Allies glove and the writings on Allie's mitt . Did you know that we have over 70,000 essays on 3,000 topics in our [5:p.66-67]. Several years before, Allie died of leukemia. Our summaries and analyses are written by experts, and your questions are answered by real teachers. It is as if the mitt fills a void in Holden or gives him comfort when the hole becomes unbearable. database? This is a people shooting hat, I said. It is an implicit comparison of two unlike objects. . Loneliness is the emotional manifestation of the alienation Holden experiences; it is both a source of great pain and a source of his security. In 1951 Salinger released his novel, The Catcher in the Rye, an immediate popular success. At the same time, he is very self-conscious about the hathe always mentions when he is wearing it, and he often doesn't wear it if he is going to be around people he knows. As the source of the book's title, this symbol merits close inspection. While most of Holden's confusion stems from what he interprets as a homosexual come-on from Mr. Antolini, some of it stems from the conversation they have. Who is Selma Thurmer, and why did Holden like her? He alludes to his behavior almost in passing, saying that he slept in the garage on the night of Allies death and broke all the windows with his bare hands, just for the hell of it. He tried to break the car windows as well, but could not because his hand was already fractured from smashing the garage windows. It has also expressed my belief that a literary translation should not compete with the original, its main task being that of recreating the same atmosphere and the same effect of the ST on the TT readers and to make the readers understand the original text no matter if they speak or do not speak the SL since it is said that a translation can even make native speakers of a language better understand a SL text. . SparkNotes PLUS Translation difficulties and lexical pecularities are the main points of an analyses. Ionescus translation has also accomplished its aim by the fact that it addresses young people and it uses 80-90% of their typical language, with very few exceptions (most likely limited by the social and cultural constraints of our modern society). In the book The Catcher in the Rye, in chapter 20, why does Holden do his "bullet in the guts" number again? He shows that these symbols will change their lives for the better. Subscribe now. In this case it can go unnoticed in everyday conversation, like she attacked my views. A text has some features which make the texture of a text. What did Holden write Stradlater's composition about? He believes that once you mature you are phony, and he does his best to make sure that he does not become phony. This may be intended to explain why he doesn't write about his adventures and misadventures in New York until some time after these events have occurred. Latest answer posted April 14, 2021 at 10:45:43 AM. In contextual usage of a word in poetry or prose often point to the authors penetration into the depth of the words semantic structure. The same types of words and phrases are used in presenting explanations and arguments. When his parents return home, Holden slips out and visits his former and much-admired English teacher, Mr. Antolini, who expresses concern that Holden is headed for "a terrible fall". After a dry and unappetizing steak dinner in the dining hall, Holden gets into a snowball fight with some of the other Pencey boys. The reader wants to know not only what happened but how it all ended and what it all meant. This essay was written by a fellow student. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved, Essential Quotes by Character: Holden Caulfield. Its possible that Salinger has a very negative view of the world; the author thinks that the research of happiness is based on 3 important elements: religion, loneliness and symbolism. He is a nonconformist. 81) The Ducks in the pond are symbolic in many ways, they prove that some vanishings are only temporary. Then if he does it, he does it his way. And it is quite natural that this matter covers a wide range of examples. Salinger portrays all of society to be bad, and for many character's isolation from society is the only way to achieve happiness. In both cases, we sense that although Holden envisions himself as the protector rather than the one to be protected, he is the one who really needs to be caught. While applying some grammatical or lexical transformation in translation the translator is guided by principle of rendering grammatical of lexical meaning. They were fighting over writing the English composition. in Davis 317), The Catcher in the Rye has been banned continually from schools, libraries, and bookstores due to its profanity, sexual subject matter, and rejection of some traditional American ideals. J. D. Salinger used this epithet in order to make a comparison towards Holdens parents because in the beginning Holden showed to the reader a not positive one but old Spenser as the author describe this man point out to the reader that Holdens parents were good peoples. Use of contractions: youll, dont, theyre, thats, isnt, hes. Transposition, thats, change of structure of the sentence may be caused by several reasons. In The Catcher in the Rye, what do Holden and Stradlater fight over? Holden is terrified by the unpredictable challenges of the worldhe hates conflict, he is confused by Allie's senseless death, and he fears interaction with other people. This quote shows that Holden wants to protect kids. As was pointed out, The Catcher in the Rye contains several words and expressions that are used mainly in American English or have a different meaning in American and British English.
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