The VIP screening with the meet and greet was like $600. They both underwent full testing but while the Sig was the cheaper handgun ($1.50), it also quoted higher costs for magazines and spare parts, boosting the overall cost of the acquisition. With Biden spending outrageous amounts of money, whats 100 million here or there? ! while being accompanied by some form of obvious stupidity like putting an unholstered gun in a gym bag with other stuff. Sig fanboys are almost as bad as Glock fanboys. Anyway my question for $600 would be: Did you have your 3rd wife killed? . The round went downrange so nobody was hurt. The incident with the P320 - a contender for a major Canadian Armed Forces procurement of thousands of pistols and holsters that has a Aug. 3 deadline for industry proposals - occurred at JTF-2's Dwyer Hill training range just west of Ottawa. And it doesnt take too much Googling to find plenty of reports of LEOs suing the Georgia company as well (see here, here, here, and here for just a few). Thats the same. And they think hey have an actual legit lawsuit on their hands? TTAG talked to Bagnell, who told us that he wants it to be known that he is not anti-gun and doesnt want to see more gun control laws in this country. Stupid marine, cop, citizen, its their fault. I know there are those who will vehemently disagree with me, and even disparage me but I have been following this issue from early on, BUT I recall CLEARLY that there have been dozens and dozens of discharges that could not be attributed to operator error and people experiencing these uncommanded discharges both before AND after getting the trigger upgrade. In the case of the 320, lightning is striking the same place an awful lot. Not too long after they sold a pistol to the public and United States military thats not even DROP SAFE?!? ! only reveals ones immature emotional attachment to an inanimate object, which reveals a pretty childish worldview. Police Department, was wounded when his P320 duty gun discharged without a trigger pull while he was carrying it in a gym bag wrapped carefully with a cloth. Officer Collette was wounded in his left leg. Especially since they farm it out to the lowest bidder. BAM. there is no better. Thinking its okay to wrap a loaded gun in a towel and toss it into a gym bag is what we get when departments refuse to hire candidates who score too high on IQ tests. Well I jumped in bed with ma and pa , told them that the devil was in Arkansas. (a) A person commits an offense if the person recklessly discharges a firearm inside the corporate limits of a municipality having a population of 100,000 or more. If you did the same with a Glock or an M&P without the thumb safeties, youd get the same result. A few Warbirds decloaking would make me very nervous if it wasnt sci-fi fantasy. At the risk of sounding superstitious lets review Sigs latest turd pistol. No Warp core, just a quantum singularity, The engine was basically a dorm fridge. As for the Serpa holster, this is a bunch of internet echo chamber BS that originated with Obama-era federal agencies putting a bad light on a good product in order to sway public opinion and thus damage the manufacturers bottom line. Its just dumb enough to sound like the plot to a damned Disney film. Training and experience are not a talisman that magically prevents accidents. I dunno if its a case of lowest bidders blues or what. Sig P320 discharge while holstered. Fundamentally, the bits that the ambulance chaser claims are flawed function exactly the same way as a S&W M&P. The P320 should be scrapped and SIG Sauer USA should redesign a new pistol around the striker firing mechanism instead of just retrofitting a hammer fired pistol (P250). Pity that some of the most common reactions fall into two over simplistic categories: 1. She claims that her holstered P320 pistol went off while she was carrying it in her purse. Its also beyond debate that current production Sig quality is drastically inferior to what it once was, particularly the German made pieces. They passed every state and national drop test requirement out there. I can say we are aware of the statement released by SIG SAUER, said Maj. Amber Bineau. The thing I hate is getting kicked around! I also have a manual safety. But when you set a gun down on a table, and the damn thing goes off seconds after you let go, that sounds like a defective gun. Dont quote the four rules of safety in your article when all the hotness in the gun world is appendix carry pointing something at an extremity and the photos you use showing front slide serrationsputting your hands fingers near the business end of the barrel, because press checks from the front is the way all the cool operator guys do it. Police officers (maybe) do an annual qualification and thats it. . People who know how to handle guns prudently and safely. You need a lead that can be the lightening rod and not be afraid to make an ass of themselvesit give the watcher permission to take it seriously. Hilton has filed a $15 million lawsuit alleging the P320 has a serious design and manufacturing flaw. Its pathetic how often these legal stunts work. At least the Gorilla is still evolving while the Far Right proved to be an evolutionary dead end, one of natures mistakes. It alleges that Walter Collette, Jr., a police officer with the Somerville (Mass.) There was no holster involved. Either the gun is defective or its not. It offers the quality and reliability of Sig Sauer, with a tried and true striker system and ingenious features that make it a novel gun. Wheee!!. Thread starter ut755ln; Start date Oct 19, 2022; Forums. I used to laugh at his bragging about how skilled he was with a weapon.. Its not credible to claim that people with this amount of training, this amount of skill are all shooting themselves.. The sear cams it back a teeny bit. Bineau added the review is looking at so-called ancillary equipment (meaning the holster and other items) as one element of that broader investigation. Ron, Having it as the ONLY trigger pull the weapon has seems (to me) clearly dangerous. So it never had a history of a potential valid claim for ambulance chasers to work off of. They admitted their problem and fixed it. Id read that for TMP, they got NASA to help in the design of the refit Enterprise. This is this same company that couldnt build their own freaking rifles after multiple attempts (Sig SG550 series) when that rifle had been made in Switzerland for years without issue. Either one could have been a gun or a Barbie. Maybe its a technical issue, maybe its a training issue. how do I get one for my P320? I wont argue theyre wrong, I dont own one, dont want to. And yes, if I pulled some of those stunts, Id have my membership revoked. I would trust a hungry lion on the Serengeti plains of Africa more than I would a C.E.O. Theres just too much other paraphernalia bouncing around in there. The thing is, youd probably need to generate many Gs of force in both directions simultaneously. The SIG P320 has been the subject of numerous lawsuits, including one class action case, in the U.S. over injuries sustained because of accidental discharges. Neither argument is relevant or very intelligent and certainly not useful. Its hard to say yet but with anything follow the basic safety rules. When he opened the drawer the hinges pulled the Charters trigger. Were not saying that the suits against GLOCK are any more (or less) substantiated than those against SIG. Bagnell told TTAG that he believes the problem with the striker-fired P320 is an inadequate sear/striker connection (he has images he says illustrate this on his website). They simply have never been seen in the upper echelon of handgun makers, their entire business model is to offer cheaper guns at cheaper prices. SIG ultimately settled that lawsuit. He would have been booted after the first time, but being a cop comes with some special privileges. No you haters are not smarter than the US military, who tested the P320 far more than your favorite YouTuber ever did. Thats SIGs term for a recall. As far as ships go, Im drawn to the original movie vessels because they look the most, to me, like something youd really see humans build in space in 300 years. Depending on who you talk to you will get many different answers. , 54 people all shooting themselves. UPDATE:We were just made aware of YouTuber BoomStick Tactical who produced this video the day before our post published. I just separate Shatner the man from Kirk the character, which he plays with Shakespearian operatic perfection. NEWINGTON - A Hillsboro man is suing Newington gunmaker Sig Sauer alleging his Sig P320 pistol fired, without him pulling the trigger, causing a bullet to be discharged into his thigh. Its the expert who gets caught up in the routine and stops paying attention. Trust a P365 with your life. Then either the gun somehow managed to magically clear both the broken tab and foreign body to continue to operate. And I suspect at end of day this recent P320 one will be identified as a negligent discharge or from weapons from 2017 where owners failed to . Thats fine. The Glocks trigger had caught on a fold in the leather holster and it pushed the trigger part way back. Clients such as law enforcement officers whose negligent discharges could result in their being disciplined or fired unless it can be proven that the gun was at fault. Capitol Police Officers Explanation for Shooting and Killing Ashli Babbitt Is Riddled With Problems, The City of Wichita Raked In Almost $200,000 Selling Seized Guns in the Last Five Years, State Judge Issues Order Blocking Enforcement of Illinois Firearms Ban Act Statewide, Federal Judge Grants Injunction Blocking Enforcement of ATFs Frame or Receiver Rule, Illinois Rep. Bob Morgan: Anything Stamped M&P is a Weapon of War,,,,,, The probable reason that some folks are saying that the P320 is unsafe is that there was a lawsuit filed in federal court in July of 2020 (Guay v. Sig Sauer) alleging that the 320 fired "un-commanded" without a trigger pull while in a holster. Have you ever noticed that big trouble usually comes in groups of 3. To give you an example of early self-propelled lawn mowers if you lost your grip on the handles the mower would not shut off and it would take off on its own right down the street all by itself. Yaaay! They didnt have to, but did. Second, your claim that the military is dumping because theyre problematic? is the manual safety a kit you add? To make the striker leg pull off of the sear, you would have to impart a lot of rearward momentum and stop it suddenly. A holstered base P320 allegedly had a mysterious accidental discharge without pulling the trigger. Jeff Bagnell, a lawyer in Westport, Conn., who has litigated 10 cases, mostly by commercial gun owners, related to SIG P320 misfires across several U.S. states, took note of the accident involving the Canadian special forces soldier. It may be a rotten trigger, but it does highlight the fact it has a much lighter trigger compared to classic semi-autos and revolvers. I agree. Just 3 days ago, a Florida Corrections recruit killed herself by a negligent discharge during firearms training. It seems safe to assume that while SIG is coming up fast on the outside, GLOCK is still most likely the reigning champ in terms of the firearms most often carried by law enforcement and other government agencies. But now, P320 is the subject. I agree that Glock is sitting on their laurels and has been for decades. Once investigated a shot fired into a roll top desk. Im not even sure I would do that with my 92 or something else that can be both decocked and locked. I own Serpa holsters in multiple configurations (1911, Beretta 96, H&K, Springfield, etc) for most of the time theyve been around and I NEVER had an ND. The bullet struck a soldier in the leg. The investigation revealed the use of an incorrect holster not designed for a [SIG] P320, said the statement, which was released Friday and posted to a U.S. online pro-industry publication, Soldier Systems. The second, longer version of the ABC story again included comments from Joshua Harrison, the consultant ABC hired to independently assess the P320. She didnt sue, but swore she would never own another Volvo again. The second accidental shooting happened after police supervisors internally raised questions about the safety of the SIG Sauer P320. I dont own a Glock or a SIG and am not a fanboy of either. Covid ruined that gravy train for him but hes still doing the conventions. Im a Kirk guy, a Shatner Kirk guy. Attorney Bagnell held up the law enforcement officers he represents as examples of people who are highly trained in carrying and using firearms. 1.A rush to market, and as usual the blind greed of the gun companies who no longer test pistols before marketing them think it is cheaper (so the idiots think) to let the public test them. I dont know nothing about Sigs, I do know any gunm that goes off when I lay it on a table gets sold with a warning and I never touch that brand or model again. Ron Cohen ruined Kimber and now hes doing the same to SIG. These cops seem pretty dang stupid if they put loaded guns in gym bags and purses with other stuff and carry them around, especially a gun that lacks manual safeties. Too expensive to use their customers as beta testers. But SIG Sauer said it has rectified the issue with upgrades, including one made for the U.S. military which court documents, filed as part of one of the lawsuits, show resulted in substantial changes to the weapons internal design. They are being replaced with Glocks. TidalWave Professional Aug 25, 2021 #17 Bassbob said: Somehow I seriously doubt the guns just shot themselves. Both versions of the ABC report included comments from Officer Hiltons attorney, Jeffrey Bagnell, who said, Its not credible to claim that people with this amount of training, this amount of skill are all shooting themselves. The Milwaukee Police Department reports "multiple unexplained accidental discharges" of the Sig Sauer P320 9mm, a gun all officers are required to carry, making for more than 1,600 firearms. They suck and Im awesome!, 2. Such being the case, there very well may BE in inherent design flaw in the gun; We shouldnt just cast the thought aside as being beyond consideration and insist on blaming the problem on operator error..
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