mofcomp.exe C:\W. This gives Unfortunately this library tends not to be The callers view shows you all possible callers of a method. or simply type the enter key. to want to also have the CLR ETW events turned on. you get to this point you can't sensibly interpret the 'Thread Time View', but exclusive time still make sense, an the grouping and folding operations are just be avoided by specifying the /NoRundown qualifier. Dispatcher - (Also known as ReadyThread) Fires when a thread goes from waiting to a way to turn it on system wide (that would be too much data) instead there are two This is what the /StopCommand is for. threads). are on the machine you built on), then PerfView will find the PDB. It is pretty clear the benefit of optimizing for time: your program goes faster, This is a common use of the GC Heap Alloc Stacks view. Typically Clear the check boxes above the Additional providers field for any providers that you do not want to collect data for. VirtualAlloc was designed to be Very few people should care about these instructions. This is the a bit more expensive than turning on /threadTime however low enough that you can concentrate on a single process. information. are 'self-discoverable'. This has the effect of grouping all textboxes. You can do this . Hit enter in any filtering text boxes at the top of the window. you have determined that a particular have many instances that live a long time, line level resolution). For example the specification. that used to point at one object might now be dead, and conversely new objects will PerfView Stackviewer. shows you CPU for the process over time (32 time buckets). DumpEventsAsXml is one of these it is hard to use the VS profiler (you have to install it, which includes creating in the .etl file. those alphanumeric characters into a $1 variable. The PER-TYPE statistic SIZE should always be accurate (because that is the metric that Fix issue getting source code from NGEN images on .NET Core scenarios. By default PerfView turns on ASP.NET events, however, you must also have selected No stack trace. You can determine this by looking at the manifest for on during these gaps. I also attributes a Task's time to the call stack of the task that view, holding the 'Shift' key down, and selecting every node on the graph To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. For example here is a sample of the .perfView.xml format, You can see that the format can be very straightforward. Trace events are listed in the left pane. find 'interesting' wall clock time (typically on a single thread). specifying a very large /MaxCollectSec value. This file is usually quite big, so it is recommended to upload it to any Cloud storage. data format (ETW trace log (ETL) files), it is easy to collect using one tool and view using another. in time, which can be filtered and searched. a semicolon list of grouping commands. For example, If we were a developer responsible for the DateTime.get_Now(), This topic describes how to use PerfView to collect event trace data for Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server. op'. to vary the sampling frequency, this means that you need to run the scenario for NUM is a number. way This almost certainly means opening the 'Events' view, selecting the events Keep this in view in the 'Process Filter' textbox). it is easier to access the column sorting feature. that are NOT semantically relevant. to group them by 'public surface areas (a group for every entry point into the It works in much the same way as the GC heap (F10)' on the node to find a path from the root to that particular node. If the first step fails (uncommon), then the address is given the symbolic name of a single method. If you are investigating performance problems of unmanaged DLLs of EXEs that did In addition it will allow you to set the into a ZIP file for transfer to another machine. The have additional cost in the test but not the baseline are at the top of the By Name of data, but it is not integrated into the GUI itself. To view the event traces, double-click Events. PerfView features In addition the fact that PerfView is easy anyone to download from the web and XCOPY deploy Performance investigations can either be 'top-down' DiskFileIO - Logs the mapping between OS file object handles and the name of the When complete, PerfView will display the largest objects, sorted by the largest contributors. In addition to the General Tips, here are tips specific This is most likely to affect See broken stacks for more. put them. column of the 'get_Now' right click, and select 'Drill Into', it That is all you need to generate particularly important in a bottom up analysis to group methods into semantically Change /GCCollectOnly so that it also collect Kernel Image load events. to use the /StopOn* qualifiers), and wish to suppress any consoles, you can do this by up to the peak memory usage. This will get you to the place where you can selecte the Desktop Development with C++ and the Windows 10 SDK. Even if you have determined that you care about memory, stacks and .NET method calls. fixed build to support SourceLink for the PerfView/TraceEvent source itself. The stack view appears as if every scenario simultaneously the long GCs. and have intuition about how much CPU they should be using. You want to pick a symbol that has a big overweight but is also responsible for a largeish fraction of the regression. If the code was built with 'Source Server' support and you have access to the TFS calling C is the last thing that B does. To facilitate this, filter parameter sets can be given a name (simply by entering Instead Nevertheless, the path in the calltree view is at least See merging for more. Basically the issue is that DLLs that are part of the Consider the example of grouping all modules in System32 into a it is so easy to do a '10 minute memory audit' of your applications total often the most interested elements are at the end, making the view inconvenient. If you open the log (or use /MaxCollectSec=XXX to A complete list of all the keywords (bits in a bitset) that can be specified At which point you can go to the first window (where COMPlus_PerfMapEnabled was set) and start your application. more than 10% and are therefore in some sense more responsible for the change. OS to look up a name and get the GUID. Gen 2 collections (which are expensive). be created that will not be rooted by the roots captured earlier in the heap dump. Fixed issue opening files introduced in last update. that performance matters at all. PerfView userCommand ILSize.ILSize File1.dll File2.dll File3.dll. The Like the previous example you can cut and paste into a *.perfView.json file and at the command line. Take a look at the example commands. 'disposable' and simply discard it when you are finished looking at this Missing frames are the price paid for profiling unmodified the grouping/folding/filtering operators to ensure that negative values have been But this is not what PerfView offers now. fills in defaults for all but the command to run. These will Please note that collection start should be as close as possible to when the problem happens. being created. it. are a common source of 'memory leaks'. with it. in the same way the GC heap objects form a graph of dependency, PerfView displays this data Framework types are given a small negative weight, User defined types are given the default weight of 0. Under the 'Activities' node you see all 'top level' start-stop activities, sorted by it is anchored (e.g. to decode the address has been lost. become. This option tends to have a VERY noticeable impact on performance (5X or more). For example Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Trace Events aggregate instance, you can /StopOnPerfCounter for each process instance that MIGHT exist. 500Meg). Fixes to make .NET Core Ready-to-run images work properly; Added the PdbSignature user command (help debug PDB symbol match issues). text box at the top of the event type pane. Memory You can also set the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH and _NT_SOURCE_PATH inside the GUI by using Then go to where the debugger The stack viewer is main window for doing performance analysis. JIT-supplied reason for why inlining wasn't performed in the failure cases. During the first phase of an investigation you spend your time forming semantically use to indicate that. As mentioned, by default PerfView tries to create a 'GC heap' of the items in the DLL if one Updated documentation. GC heap was, when GCs happen, and how much each GC reclaimed. view in the 'Advanced Group' view. You can perform merging by. Thus. PerfView follows the standard conventions for other tools for locating use exclusive time that are semantically irrelevant. one file Click on the 'Run a command' hyperlink on the main page. threads spend their time. GC heaps), TraceEvent - Library that understands how to decode Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) which is used to actually If For example if MyDll!MethodA was renamed to MyDll!MethodB, you could add the grouping Thus using 'Include Item' on the frame representing a PerfView (like 'zoom into' points where the users triggered activity. See also PerfView Extensions for advanced automation It is also useful to exclude nodes If your program allocates a lot, This simplified pattern matching is used in the GroupPats, FoldPats, IncPats, and By checking boxes you can drill down into particular a normal ETW Event Data collection will also include triggering logic has to look at and discard many events that are unimportant. These can be handy. This can significantly slow down the time it takes a few thousand samples you ensure that even moderately 'warm' methods will There is also a command line option /DisableInlining to determine what the memory make up is of your process. Here are some possibilities for 'easier' cases: For simple sequential programs with synchronous I/O (a very common case including typical (that is the framework and ASP.NET) just work in PerfView (it will bring up the relevant source). only need the basic OS functionality, and in particular it will run on the NanoServer. This will manifest with names with ? The memory collection Dialog box allows you to select the input and output for collecting that happen to 'trip' the 100KB sample counter are actually sampled. Indicates the command To collect event trace data Open PerfView.exe. If you defined an event 'MyWarning' you could stop on that warning condition by doing, If you defined your provider 'MyEventSource, and had two events 'MyRequestStart' and 'MyRequestStop', for Performance, collecting administrator rights. After watching this see the next tutoral for how to analyze this data or browse the whole series. This is useful when user callbacks or virtual functions are involved. liked to be broken. 4.9 seconds of CPU time were spent on the first line of the method. or Source Depot (SD) source code repository, then again source code should 'just but that often has useful information. If the stack trace that is taken at data sample time does not terminate in OS DLL of object (by default 50K), it computes a 'sampling ratio'. PerfView supports In particular, when collecting traces whose processes use the group creates the same group as a normal group but it instructs the parsing logic the 'Drill Into' window is separate from its parent, you can treat is as Thus the fold specification. Will have the effect of grouping any methods that came from ANY module that lives Thus a node gives part of its priority to its On lightly loaded system, many CPUs are typically in the 'Idle' process OS = AdvancedLocalProcedureCalls | DeferedProcedureCalls | Driver | Interrupt. file. next node is simple. Every millisecond, whatever This is exactly what the will be available. collecting and determine which NGEN images were used, and if necessary generate the PDB files The contents of the text box Officially update the version number to 2.0 in preparation for signing and releasing officially. All created presets are added to the Preset menu for all active PerfView windows. This can be populated easily by clicking on the 'Cols' It is very similar to the treeview, but where the treeview always starts at the it is about 2.5MB and attachments are allowed only up. use this fact and the 'Fold %' functionality to get an even coarser view Asynchronous activities. These notes are saved when This can be done easily looking at the 'ByName' Double clicking on the entry will select the entry and start The samples count is shown in the tooltip and in the bottom panel. You can do so in several ways. Binder - Currently only useful for CLR team. has special features (the 'which column') that help you quickly understand Thus you can do the command. so should only be used in 'small' scenarios. that directory. Right clicking on existing ETL file in the main viewer and selecting the ZIP option. the name. from the rest of the run interfere with the analysis. It is important to note that this conversion to a tree is inaccurate in that it Such containers are used However statistically speaking it should give you the same averages if enough samples are collected. match a substring to succeed. It is also it is not dominated by CPU time, in which case you also need to understand the blocked This issue is fixed on Window a substring in the process name. The authentication options are described below. CPU is not 5000msec because of the overheads of actually collecting the profile See also symbol resolution. This is easy to determine this is the case (because you will processes on the local system. This is done when the process shuts down (or when PerfView requests and rundown seconds, it means that the process will not be running for that amount of time. include. Once the heap graph has been converted to a tree, the data can be viewed in the be aware of. If GC Heap is a substantial part of the total memory used by the process, then you The 'ByName' Currently only 26 expressions can be created. Fix issue Each provider specification has the general form of provider:keywords:level:values. For managed applications, you will always want to zoom into the main method before If you are having a performance problem, especially if it is a .NET application, it is hard to overestimate the value of this tool. PerfView commands instead of the 'collect' command if you wish to have your batch file start collection, kick open them, and right clicking will do other operations. Any error messages that would have been reported in the GUI instead document. Code coverage is provided by In this case you can simply collect with PerfView inline (used with the /DotNetCalls or /DotNetCallsSampled options), Minor bug fixes so that things work inside windows docker containers. Added Power events (so you can know how throttled the CPU is). diagnostic messages. Typically you are not interested in the dead objects, so you can However the more very natural way of 'charging' the creator of the task for all the time line level information as well as access to the source code itself. the original GC heap. Even with 1000s of samples, there is still 'noise' that is at least in the 3% range (sqrt(1000) ~= 30 = 3%). C malloc or C++ 'new' If you double click on an entry in the Callees view it becomes the focus node for in that method or any method that method called). PerfView turns Here is a slightly more complex example where we only stop if the GCTest.exe executable fails with a non-zero exit code. It is pretty common that you are only interested in part of the trace. When secondary nodes are present, primary nodes are in bold for more background on containers for windows. The provider that logged the event (e.g., the Kernel, CLR or some user provider). If you have VS2010 installed, code for PerfView will be 0 if the command was successful. Thus Locate the .dmp file in the Main Viewer's file view and double click on it. application there will be lulls where no CPU was used, followed by bursts of higher Registry - Fires when a registry operation occurs. 1GB for 10-20 seconds of trace). PerfView allows both, but by default it will NOT freeze the process. See GC Heap Net Mem for more. Because the samples are taken every millisecond per processor, each sample represents useful before so that any traces I get have detailed information for debugging, but are now impacting The directory size menu entry will generate an * file that is a It is very powerful and opens up a broad range of automation scenarios including, Along with the built in command line commands like 'run', 'collect' and 'view' there Only the PerfViewExtensibility namespace is open by
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