On November 21, 2022 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia established standing to pursue its lawsuit. 1 would dismantle the integrity of our elections. Their decision ruled that federal law does not deprive states like Arizona of their authority to establish non-discriminatory voting rules to protect the sanctity of the vote nor did the Arizona legislature act with discriminatory intent when it enacted the policies. But the systems that have served us so well for hundreds of years are under attack by people who would manipulate the election process to benefit their own agenda. Essentially, Griswold is prohibiting these elected officials from doing their jobs when it comes to following state and federal law, properly overseeing, managing, and administering local elections, Today there was a hearing to dismiss. The Electoral Integrity Project at Harvard University has conducted a new expert survey of the 2020 US Presidential Elections. The conclusion recommends a program of comprehensive reforms, including passage of H.R.1 (2019) For the People Act, to restore confidence in American elections. The Constitution gives authority to state legislators to pass laws to manage elections and process ballots. 151, page 36 of complaint], Defendants have further violated the Equal Protection Clause by applying nonuniform laws, regulations, and procedures that treat votersdifferently than voters in other counties. [par. Our work, led in 2022 by the Stanford Internet Observatory and the University of Washington Center for an Informed Public, focuses on a narrow scope of topics that are demonstrably harmful to the democratic process: attempts to suppress voting, reduce participation, confuse voters, or delegitimize election results without evidence. MediaPoliticsTechCensorshipFacebookFree Speech OnlineGoogleTwitter. 2023 Right Wing Watch, a project of People For the American Way. Election Integrity Project California - EIPCa Every Lawfully Cast Vote Accurately Counted VOTE IN PERSON if you want to be sure that YOUR VOTE COUNTS For Immediate Release: 2/28/2023 CONTACT: Linda Paine, President EIPCa corpoffice@eip-ca.com Mariah Gondeiro, Esq., Advocates For Faith & Freedom mgondeiro@faith-freedom.com Not only was it the most secure, but it was also the most transparent, most observed, and most audited election ever, with multiple states conducting recounts and forensic audits that confirmed the results and found no widespread issues. 1). I, 4, cl. In summary, reporters from Colorado Newsline work for Griswolds attorney, who works for Soros (who also backed Griswold). We believe the American public deserves to know the facts, whatever they ultimately are, about what took place in their local election during the 2020 elections. . MAKE THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS TRANSPARENT AND SECURE. A coalition of globalist nonprofits, academic institutions, and one private company reportedly worked with arms of the federal government and Democrat activist organizations to censor news websites in the runup to the 2020 election, and plans to do so again in 2022. #DELETED: Big Techs Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election. Tags: Cleta Mitchell Disinformation Election 2020 Election 2022 voter suppression Voting Rights FreedomWorks Newsmax. The ruling on whether the case will be heard will be at least a week from today, March 11, 2022. No political movement in the U.S. should rely upon restricting voting access to achieve its goals. With our organizations mission always in mind, we strive to find new strategies for dealing with this challenge. The Voter Integrity Project was founded in 2011 by Jay DeLancy and John Pizzo. Our Constitutional Republic is founded on the sacred right of all eligible citizens to cast an equal vote to determine who will represent them in government. Election Integrity Project California, Inc. ("EIPCa") is a California non-profit public benefit corporation committed to defending, through education, research, and advocacy the civil rights of . We strive to build productive relationships and make a positive impact with all of our pursuits. We are always striving to make a difference, and invite you to learn more and lend your support. The complaint also examines how California laws like ballot harvesting, and last-minute changes like privileging vote-by-mail voting over in-person voting, disadvantaged minority groups. That decision remanded the lawsuit back to the lower federal court for discovery, which is the next phase of the litigation. The playbook for the theft of the 2020 presidential election is written. By Donald N. Finley. In no way does the organization condone violence towards any group of people or individuals. Fraud can affect the outcome of a close election, and fraudulent votes dilute the right of citizens to cast ballots that carry appropriate weight, the Court continued. Colorado is the first state in the country to institute risk-limiting audits for every election. Watchdog group claims more than 458,000 likely dead or relocated persons will be mailed ballots and. The outcome of the 2020 presidential election and its associated legal battles underscore the need for conservatives to engage at all levels in fighting for secure elections that generate confidence., As the Washington Post reported in January, Mitchell was an early backer of Trumps false claims about election fraud and a stolen election. 24,000 will be mailed two or more ballots. Our dashboard has been put together with feedback from professionals with experience running reporting for campaigns, PACs, and other organizations, and is set . (Central District of California Case No. Election Integrity Project California is a non-partisan, non-profit, tax-exempt, public benefit corporation and is a public charity under Internal Revenue Code section 501 (c) (3). Food Donation Drop-Off is something that we take very seriously, and our team is working each and every day to make a positive impact. USAF and the chief author of the report, Jeff Young. Issues such as transparency, accountability and accuracy of election administration are considered together with ethical electoral behaviour and integrity monitoring systems. Mitchell was reportedly involved in a project to protect Trump and attack Democrats that right-wing activist Ginni Thomas presented to the secretive Council for National Policy in 2019. About the Transition Integrity Project The Transition Integrity Project (TIP)1 was launched in late 2019 out of concern that the Trump Admin-istration may seek to manipulate, ignore, undermine or disrupt the 2020 presidential election and transi-tion process. President Donald Trump was also frequently flagged by the consortium, as well as his sons Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. New light was shed on the project through the voluntary disclosures of its own activities, published in a recent report. Such a movement has no durable future in electoral politics. Election Integrity Project California touts itself as a nonpartisan elections watchdog whose mission is "to defend the integrity of the voting process that protects our freedoms and way of. The Election Integrity Partnership was founded in 2020 as a non-partisan coalition to empower the research community, election officials, government agencies, civil society organizations, social media platforms, and others to defend our elections against those who seek to undermine them by exploiting weaknesses in the online information Mass irregularities in Californias registration and voting numbers continue to erode voter confidence here and we are hopeful Secretary Weber will immediately address our questions.. Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia (EIPCa) and 13 Congressional Candidates filed a lawsuit California challenging the unconstitutional laws, policies & procedures, emergency regulations that destroy integrity in the election process. Check out the source documents. The primary goal is to analyze the election data for the following battleground states: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Tennessee, tops in the Heritage Foundation study, is ranked 49th by the Election Integrity Project. . These laws must comply with the Fourteenth Amendment and the Elections Clause in order to ensure the integrity of that aspect of our Republic through which citizens exercise our most fundamental right ~ the right to choose our representatives by fair, honest and transparent elections. Fraud can also undermine public confidence in the fairness of elections and the perceived legitimacy of the announced outcome., Equally important, the Court found that [e]nsuring that every vote is cast freely, without intimidation or undue influence, is [a] valid and important state interest., We are heartened the Supreme Court has concluded that states have a right to enact commonsense laws that protect the integrity of the election process, thereby restoring the publics faith in election outcomes, said Linda Paine, EIPCa President. the state. The Constitution gives authority to state legislators to pass laws to manage elections and process ballots. 152, page 36 of complaint], Second Cause of Action: Denial of Due Process: 14th Amendment of U.S. Constitution 42 USC 1983, Defendants have violated the Due Process Clause by implementing laws, regulations, and procedures that diminish the value of in-person voters. [par. Meaningful Work. On November 21, 2022 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that, established standing to pursue its lawsuit. Thursday, the Supreme Court disagreed and overruled the 9th Circuit. This followed EIPCa reports of 2020 cross-state voting on April 30 and May 18, 2021 that the Secretary has ignored. Editors Note The Election Integrity Partnership is completely unaffiliated with the Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia found atwww.eip-ca.com. Then, we can work across party lines to enact broadly popular reforms that ensure voting access, further secure our election infrastructure, and increase confidence in our elections. Justice Alito, writing for the majority, noted that states have a legitimate interest in preventing voter fraud and that these policies work to prevent such fraud. USEIP soundly denounces any violence and does not support any violent action, nor claims any responsibility over our volunteers actions. Fair Fight Sues Over Baseless Voter Challenges in Georgia, Election Activists Flood Election Offices with False Claims of Voter Fraud, Georgia Election Workers Targeted by Trump Share Their Story. He is the author of#DELETED: Big Techs Battle to Erase the Trump Movement and Steal The Election. Linda Paine, Election Integrity Project CA, 6/29/21 Santa Clarita, Calif.. - The Los Angeles Times published articles on June 25 by reporters Paige St. John and Anita Chabria, making gross misstatements about Election Integrity Project California (EIPCa). Contact us to learn more about our commitment to this cause. The new multi-million dollar National Election Protection Initiative was announced by right-wing astroturf group FreedomWorks via an exclusive to Newsmax. The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right,. Allum Bokhari is the senior technology correspondent at Breitbart News. Michigan Voter & Election Integrity Project (MI VIP) is a non-partisan grassroots effort to educate and involve. The amended Complaint now includes two additional defendants: Kern County Registrar of Voters and San Luis Obispo County Registrar of Voters. LAGUNA NIGUEL, Calif., Nov. 21, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Ninth Circuit has ruled that Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia (EIPCa), James Bradley (US Senate Candidate, Co Lead Plaintiff) and . Cuccinelli is engaging in the same destructive wordplay that many GOP leaders have deployed since the 2020 election: pushing the Big Lie in a way that appeases the most dangerous elements of the conservative coalition while giving himself enough wiggle room to backtrack when challenged or when such language leads to violence. Santa Clarita, California - Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia (EIPCa) filed a Second Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief as a result of Californias unconstitutional Election Laws and Emergency Regulations. With confidence in our democratic institutions at a dangerously low point, the first step toward restoring confidence in our elections is to tell people the truth. Republicans are aggressively fighting back against the Democrats' assault on the integrity of the vote. Latest changes to election laws and their impacts state-by-state. TIP takes no position on how Americans should cast their votes, or on the likely winner of Sign up below to get the latest updates on the Far Right and opportunities you can engage in to fight back. . Established by Professor Pippa Norris, since in 2012 EIP has compared over 300 nationwide elections in 166 countries around the world. It's top five states are Vermont, Idaho, New Hampshire, Iowa and New Mexico. Please make a year-end donation to keep this critical work going. But the response to losing elections should be to regroup, win the argument, and win at the ballot box. Election integrity is the paramount issue of our time, for from it flows all the other issues plaguing our nation. The group, called the U.S. Election Integrity Plan (USEIP), states unequivocally that the 2020 election was stolen and that members "do not . report what you see, even if you dont think its a big deal. Before Mitchell began volunteering with Trumps post-election efforts, she represented a whos who of prominent Trumpworld people in recent years, the Daily Beast reported in January. This is not a suit brought by USEIP. In Cuccinellis interview withRealClearPolitics, he chose instead to give a wink and a nod to the Big Lie, the false claim that Trump actually won the election: [Conservative leaders] are clearly getting feedback from their members and their universe that is questioning, Why should we put this much effort into a system that cheats us? he said, adding, Im not saying it does or it doesnt, but that is the perception of many of them.. For 15 years, Right Wing Watch has monitored, exposed, and disrupted right-wing extremists across the country. All of the freedoms we cherish, including our religious freedom, depend on a functioning democracy and free and fair elections. . But these conversations are impossible as long as Republican leaders continue to use them to undermine the results of the 2020 election. With this initiative, our goal is to promote great opportunities for those in need. The right to vote in a free and fair election is the most basic civil right. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high quality data evaluation. That decision remanded the lawsuit back to the lower federal court for discovery, which is the next phase of the litigation. Actual deadly violence broke out in the U.S. Capitol as a direct result of conspiracy theories about the 2020 election. Their stated aim is to restore confidence in election outcomes for social conservatives by opposingH.R. That decision remanded the lawsuit back to the lower federal court for discovery, which is the next phase of the litigation. The Complaint replaced 13 Congressional Candidate plaintiffs with four citizen plaintiffs. Mitchell called H.R. Santa Clarita, Calif. - On Tuesday, July 6, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the state of Arizonas right to protect the integrity of its voting process. We must be the ones to protect our elections. A new right-wing election integrity project is being headed by Cleta Mitchell, an attorney who took part in the notorious call on which former President Donald Trump threatened and badgered Georgias Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger to find enough votes to reverse the election results in that state. Please submit the following form so someone on the team can get back to you soon. Learn more about policies that safeguard elections, ensuring every vote counts with Solutions. The campaigns initial statements indicate that they will oppose measures such as early voting and efforts to make voter registration easier. To restore trust and make our country safer, we must unequivocally reject the faulty premise of widespread voter fraud rather than accommodate it. His actions on election integrity included "eliminating drop boxes." . Sign up for updates and more ways to get involved: As right-wing extremism across the country continues to grow, our reporting becomes even more important. Here at Election Integrity Project, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Watch America's Biggest Issues: Election Integrity. Also included are short videos made by canvassing volunteers explaining what they found during their first-hand canvassing experiences. January 17, 2023 . The Democratic National Committee had challenged Arizonas policy that prohibited ballot harvesting and Arizonas requirement that in-person voters cast their vote at their designated precinct. Election Integrity Project Seeking answers and truth About Here at Election Integrity Project, we are driven by a single goal; to do our part in making the world a better place for all. Michigan Voter & Election Integrity Project Nevertheless, a series of flaws still undermine the quality of American elections, such as gerrymandering, campaign finance, and misinformation. A Short History of Voter Integrity Project. Integrity is an essential part of a free, fair, and reliable election. Having successfully interfered with the 2020 election, the EIP is now gearing up to influence the upcoming midterms. There is a legal fund set up to help fund the Hanks et al vs. Griswold suit, Propaganda generating leftist journalists in CO have been falsely claiming that USEIP is affiliated with QAnon. Stay up to date with the latest news on Election Integrity. Conservative 'Election Integrity' Effort Must First Reject Big Lie. Wherever you decide to report your issue, please send a copy to TellUSEIP@protonmail.com. Reminds me of the Continental Congress. Election Integrity ProjectCalifornia Files Second Amended ComplaintChallenging Californias Unconstitutional Election Process. The consortium, called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), is made up of four organizations: the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washingtons Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Councils Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika, a social media analytics company. The Electoral Integrity Project is an independent non-partisan scientific research project based at Harvard University. Filed: January 4, 2021. Its motto is "Every Lawfully Cast Vote Accurately Counted." It is inherent in the principles of a democracy and a representative system of government. Heritage Ranks No. Challenging Californias Unconstitutional Election Process. The initiative, established in early 2021, targeted . I, 4, cl. In the runup to the 2020 election, the consortium created a system whereby state actors including the Department of Homeland Security and the State Department could file tickets alongside news stories, flagging them so that Big Tech platforms could subsequently suppress or attach warning labels to them. Data for all states in The Heritage Foundation's Election Integrity Scorecard The Election Integrity Act of 2021, originally known as the Georgia Senate Bill 202, is a law in the U.S. state of Georgia overhauling elections in the state. The Constitution gives authority to state. More than 60 judges including judges appointed by the former president confirmed the same. The amended Complaint now includes two additional defendants: Kern County Registrar of Voters and San Luis Obispo County Registrar of Voters. See citation below for complete author information. Mr. Pizzo has more than 30 years of private industry experience in the discipline of quality engineering and holds a Six Sigma Black . This briefing discusses the policies that safeguard U.S. elections, protect them from foreign interference, and make sure every vote counts. The Constitution of the United States guarantees this right through the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment and, in the case of Federal congressional elections, through the Elections Clause (Art. Contact Us! It has nothing to do with integrity and everything to do with stealing the election. Election Integrity is committed to protecting American freedom and democracy by keeping elections secure, transparent, and honest. On Jan. 4, over 2,000religious leaders,includingBarbara Williams-Skinnerand World Vision founder Richard Stearns called on Congress to affirm the clear will of the voters, noting their acceptance of the results. filed a Second Amended Complaint for Declaratory and Injunctive Relief as a result of Californias unconstitutional Election Laws and Emergency Regulations. The Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), a nonpartisan coalition of misinformation researchers that identified, tracked and responded to voting-related misinformation during the 2020 U.S. elections, have released their final report, " The Long Fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 Election ." North Fund also supports Democracy Docket LLC/-Action Fund/-Legal Fund. Corrupt elections beget illegitimate. Oregon is rightfully proud of its position of leadership in creating the first-in-nation fully vote at home election system in 2000, and the first automatic voter registration system in 2016. The consortium, called the Election Integrity Partnership (EIP), is made up of four organizations: the Stanford Internet Observatory (SIO), the University of Washington's Center for an Informed Public, the Atlantic Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab, and Graphika, a social media analytics company. The plaintiffs in EIPCa, et al. Oregon Election Integrity Project. The Supreme Court concluded that these measures are important in ensuring a fair and accurate election and that Arizona did not violate the Voting Rights Act by enforcing them. Heres how it works: Soros et al, through Arabella, through 1630 dark money fund, through North Fund, through States News, which supports Colorado Newsline. Worsening performance since 2016 signifies a deepening legitimacy crisis over American elections. In 21 percent of cases, platforms labeled content identified by the EIP, and in 13 percent of cases, the content was removed from the platforms entirely. State Agenda. PEI-US-2020 is the fourth in the series of state-level US surveys, monitoring changes over successive American elections from 2014-20. 1 for Policy Impact, Best Use of Internet, America's Biggest Issues: Election Integrity, 10 New Cases of Vote Fraud Again Demonstrate Imperative of Election Security, Ohios New Voting Laws Balance Secure Elections With Ballot Access, Another Study Refutes Lefts False Claims Against Voter ID and Secure Elections, Georgia Voters Show Just How Wrong Joe Biden and His Sycophants Are, Ranked-Choice Voting Should Be Ranked Dead Last as an Election Reform, Apportionment and the Census: Fundamental Fairness to U.S. Citizens, The House Republican Probe You Should Be Watching. EIPCa Documentation of California Election Law & Procedures, It is enough that the people know there was an election. J. Stalin. Trust in our democratic institutions has eroded to the point that nearly three in 10 Americans supportpolitical violence. Protecting our democracy from foreign or domestic attacks is not a partisan issue. Election Integrity | The Heritage Foundation Issue Election Integrity View the Election Integrity Scorecard. 164, page 38 of complaint]. [par. The swift progress of the Agenda was made possible by the intentional failure of the federal government It also organises international conferences and workshops. . The California suit was filed Jan. 4 in the Central District court in Los Angeles by Election Integrity Project California, a nonprofit watchdog group that's tied to the conservative Public Law. Election Integrity Project is a non-partisan and non-profit organization committed to researching and scrutinizing election data. Protect the Sanctity of Your Vote. Our decision making process is informed by comprehensive empirical studies and high quality data evaluation. Montana Election Integrity Project supports the constitutional rights of all Americans, including the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. In a world where dictators and tyrants challenge our way of life, our nation stands apart as the shining city on the hill. When the 2020 election fraud deniers claim, there is no proof of election fraud, heres just one sample of objective, irrefutable evidence of election fraud. The initiative, established in early 2021,. and to the critical necessity of updating them to account for changing times and political environments. Proudly created with Wix.com. Days later, former President Trumps speech at CPAC in Orlando picked up on many of the same themes, and those polled at the political conference listed election integrity as their top issue. Seek, Learn, Share. You can help us expose those undermining election integrity by sharing our content on social media.
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