Apart from captaining the Royal Scotman for a period, Mary Sue's duties included managing the sprawling empire of the Guardian's Office agency within the Church of Scientology and serving as the chair of an executive group known variously as the Commodore's Staff Aides, the Aides Council, and the International Board of Scientology Organizations. A month later Northrup was made a director of the newly established Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in Elizabeth, New Jersey, an organization founded to disseminate knowledge of Dianetics. . [18] Hubbard and Northrup left for Florida towards the end of April, Hubbard taking with him $10,000 drawn from the Allied Enterprises account to fund the purchase of the partnership's first yacht. By that time, however, he had moved to Wichita, Kansas. After breakfast he would go into his office and I would rarely see him again until six-thirty when I had to have the table laid for dinner. "[34] One night while they were living beside a frozen lake in Stroudsburg, Hubbard hit her across the face with his .45 pistol. Although Hubbard himself was much admired by Scientologists, his wife was said to be much less popular. Pat Broeker, Hubbard's personal messenger at the time, had gone into hiding with him once before and knew how. Polly Hubbard had filed for divorce on the grounds of desertion and non-support, and was not even aware that Hubbard was living with Northrup, let alone that he had married her. Sharp chin, broad forehead, rather Slavic. [43] She left Wichita as soon as Alexis was returned to her. "[51], In July 1986 she was interviewed by the ex-Scientologist Bent Corydon several months after Hubbard's death, which had reduced her fear of retaliation. In reality, Hubbard had made an unsuccessful request for assistance from the US military attach to Havana. [86] In June 1986 the Church of Scientology and Alexis agreed a financial settlement under which she was compelled not to write or speak on the subject of L. Ron Hubbard and her relationship to him. In the late 1990s, Hubbard fell ill with breast cancer and died in 2002. She intended to make use of this discovery by writing a book that would be "completely anti-Christ". [45] One evening he arranged a double-date with his wife and Klowden, who was accompanied by Hollister, an instructor in the Los Angeles Dianetic Foundation. folders or files" to obtain information for purposes of intimidation and or harassment is repugnant. He was having a lot of problems with her. Jack Parsons was also an avid student and practitioner of the occult. As part of a wider strategy codenamed Operation Snow White, the GO succeeded in infiltrating a Scientologist into the IRS to steal files about the government's litigation strategy against Scientology. Playing along, she told Hubbard that he was right and that the only way she could break free of their power was by going through with the divorce. They were married in Maryland in 1946. Further, through Parsons, she was strangely intimate with many scientists of Los Alamo Gordos [Alamogordo in New Mexico was where the first atomic bomb was tested]. 121669 should complain about invasion of privacy. Evidently a prime mover but very young. "[68] She agreed to sign a statement, written by Hubbard himself, that retracted the allegations that she had made against him: I, Sara Northrup Hubbard, do hereby state that the things I have said about L. Ron Hubbard in courts and the public prints have been grossly exaggerated or entirely false. The raids of July 1977 were the result.[49]. The. On October 8, a deal was struck between the government and the Church that the nine defendants including Mary Sue would each plead guilty to one charge of conspiracy if they agreed to sign a written stipulation by the government (essentially a public confession) of what they had done, thus avoiding a lengthy trial. His wife is Mary Sue Whipp (30 October 1952 - 24 January 1986) ( his death) ( 4 children), Sara Northrup (10 August 1946 - 13 June 1951) ( divorced) ( 1 child), Margaret Louise Grubb (13 April 1933 - 24 December 1947) ( divorced) ( 2 children) L. Ron Hubbard Net Worth "[12] Joan Vidal, a friend of the sculptor Edward Harris, who was commissioned by Hubbard to create a bust of him, described Mary Sue as "a rather drab, mousy, nothing sort of person, quite a bit younger than him. It consists of 'marriage guidance' for Scientologists from the then 'first lady' of the organisation. [1] She soon rose to the rank of a second degree member, or "Magician", of the O.T.O. In May 1951, Northrup filed a further complaint against Hubbard, accusing him of having fled to Cuba to evade the divorce papers that she was seeking to serve. [22] On November 22, 1966, the Hubbard Explorational Company Limited was formed with Hubbard and Mary Sue as directors Hubbard being described as expedition supervisor and Mary Sue as company secretary. She recalled that "with or without an argument, there'd be an upsurge of violence. While previously published books have mentioned part of this . Every effort was made to butcher my personal reputation. ", "Court upholds convictions of 9 Scientologists", "Church of Scientology of California, Plaintiff, Mary Sue Hubbard, Intervenor, vs. Gerald Armstrong, Defendant Memorandum of Intended Decision", "Son of Church Founder Is Sued by Stepmother", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Mary_Sue_Hubbard&oldid=1139846347, This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 05:30. On July 13, 1981, a matter of weeks after we had uncovered what was going on, and with no advance warning to the GO, a coordinated series of CMO missions were sent out concurrently to take over the GO. I was rather surprised when we were driving back to LA on Sunday evening, he stopped at a florist to buy some flowers for his wife. The Hubbards continued to carry out auditing of each other and in February 1960 Mary Sue wrote to a friend to inform her that her husband had discovered that she had been the writer D.H. Lawrence in a past life. Sorted by date as received from FBI archives. She joined as a teenager along with her older sister Helen. His first wife had not obtained divorce until '47 and he was married in '46. Quentin was Hubbard's fourth child - his second son - to his third wife, Mary Sue Hubbard. [22] Northrup was able to dissuade Parsons from pressing his case by threatening to expose their past relationship, which had begun when she was under the legal age of consent. He promised that he would tell her where Alexis was if she signed a piece of paper saying that she had gone with him voluntarily. Wife was Ledora May Waterbury (1885 - 1959). "[13] Ken Urquhart, who worked for the Hubbards as their butler in the 1960s, commented that Mary Sue "could be very sweet and loving, but also very cold. A bitter dispute broke out between the men over the ownership of the Foundation's remaining assets, with Hubbard resigning to start a rival "Hubbard College" on the other side of Wichita. The reactions of Parsons and Helen towards Northrup were markedly different. But anyone who underestimated Mary Sue made a big mistake. This body was responsible for overseeing each of the seven organizational subdivisions of the Church of Scientology. [76], A Scientology spokesman informed the press that she had been left "a very generous provision" in her husband's will,[77] though the details were kept secret. It's notable for a number of reasons. Currently missing somewhere in California. American Religious Leader L. Ron Hubbard was born Lafayette Ronald Hubbard on 13th March, 1911 in . [It] was made clear that we had no choice but to overthrow the GO and dismiss everyone who had violated Church policy or the law. [16] They remained there until 1957, when Hubbard returned to lecture at the Academy of Scientology in Washington, D.C., with Mary Sue and the children following later. The final version of Dianetics was written at Bay Head, New Jersey in a cottage which the science fiction editor John W. Campbell had found for the Hubbards. She was a leading figure in Scientology for much of her life. member, wrote to Karl Germer to explain the situation: As you may know by this time, Brother John signed a partnership agreement with this Ron and Betty whereby all money earned by the three for life is equally divided between the three. He told me how he had met Northrup. Interviewed more than 35 years later, Northrup stated that she had signed the statement because "I thought by doing so he would leave me and Alexis alone. She gave Hubbard four more children - Diana, Quentin, Suzette and Arthur - over the next six years. He succeeded in escaping in May and turned himself in to the FBI, making a full confession. According to Russell Miller, "The crew worked to the point of exhaustion, the food was meager and no one was allowed to wash or change their clothes. The veins in his forehead would engorge" and he would hit her "out of the blue", breaking her eardrum in one attack. in 1941, at Parsons' urging, and was given the title of Soror [Sister] Cassap. Scientology is a set of beliefs and practices invented by the American author L. Ron Hubbard, and an associated movement.Adherents are called Scientologists. After the vessel had been renovated by Scientologists, Mary Sue and the children moved into the upper-deck accommodation in November 1968. According to him, Sara had served a stretch at Tahatchapie [sic] (in a desert woman's prison) and was a dope addict. Hubbard established his career as a writer with science fiction and fantasy novels, including the novel Battlefield Earth, which was adapted into a feature film in 2000. I please her physically until she weeps about any separation. A chance meeting with a man named Jack Parsons led to Hubbard and his new friend performing a bizarre ritual. [37], On July 8, 1977, 134 agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation simultaneously stormed the Church of Scientology's offices in Washington, D.C. and Los Angeles, seizing nearly 50,000 documents and other evidence. Hubbard spread allegations that she was a Communist secret agent and repeatedly denounced her to the FBI. [63] Hubbard continued to develop Dianetics (and ultimately Scientology), through which he met his third and last wife, Mary Sue Whipp, in late 1951 only a few months after his divorce. "[46] In November 1950, Northrup attempted suicide by taking sleeping pills. Together, we planned a series of missions to take over the GO, investigate it and reform it thoroughly. Alexis will get a fortune unless she goes to you as she would then get nothing. She soon began an affair with Hubbard, who had just been divorced from his second wife Sara, and moved in with him within only a few weeks of arriving in Wichita. The Hubbards moved to a new house in Elizabeth to be near the Foundation. The FBI declined to take any action, characterizing Hubbard as a "mental case". She was a leading figure in Scientology for much of her life. 4. Someone erroneously tipped Hubbard off that the FBI was going to raid again and a massive shredding frenzy took place in Palm Springs, CA as he left on 2/14/1980, again going into hiding, never to return. This was the only time Hubbard allowed an outside crew to interview him. I felt as though he had given so much to our country and I couldn't even bring him peace of mind. Mary Sue Hubbard died on November 25, 2002, aged 71, at her home in Los Angeles. It has been variously defined as a cult, a business, or a new religious movement. Father of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. His next project, Dianetics and Scientology, would secure him lifelong fame. I may live a long time and again I may not. At six-twenty-five I would go into his office with a jacket for him to wear to table and after dinner they would spend an hour or so watching television with the children and then he and Mary Sue would return to work in their separate offices. I cared for her rather deeply but I have no desire to control her emotions, and I can, I hope, control my own. Mr. Ronald Reagan President . Granada's reporter commented: "What Hubbard said happens to be untrue. He sought to explain it to his followers as being the result of his victimization by his ex-wife. I just wanted to be free of him! Russell Miller notes: They were indeed an unlikely couple a flamboyant, fast-talking extrovert entrepreneur in his forties and a quiet, intense young woman twenty years his junior from a small town in Texas. Quentin committed suicide in Las. L Ron Hubbard was an American author, philosopher, and the founder of the 'Church of Scientology.' He started as a writer of science fiction but later moved to self-help and psychology-related topics. [2] She grew up in Houston, where she attended Rice University for a year before moving on to the University of Texas at Austin, from which she graduated as a Bachelor of Arts. Ron Hubbard's first wife was Jack Parsons' second wife, who he stole away from Jack, along with a lot of his life savings. As far as I know, all his policies and doctrines were race-neutral, which is a big deal for someone from the 1940s. By this time the Foundation had filed for bankruptcy, and Hubbard's erstwhile backer, Don Purcell, was left to deal with its substantial debts. [25] He wrote: Sara, my sweetheart, is young, beautiful, desirable. John Sanborne, who worked with Hubbard for many years, recalled: Earlier on (before the divorce) he made this stupid attempt to get Northrup brainwashed so she'd do what he said. She subsequently married one of Hubbard's former employees, Miles Hollister, and moved to Hawaii and later Massachusetts, where she died in 1997. A "Founding Church of Scientology" was established in Washington, D.C. and Mary Sue became its first Academy Supervisor. Black hair. Although she was a committed and popular member, she acquired a reputation for disruptiveness that prompted Crowley to denounce her as a "vampire." [81], Only a couple of months later, he highlighted Northrup to his staff as a participant in a "full complete covert operation" mounted against Dianetics and Scientology by a "Totalitarian Communistic" enemy. The dinner party backfired drastically; Northrup began an affair with Hollister, a handsome 22-year-old who was college-educated and a noted sportsman. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers Of The Future; Tuesday Trash And Trouble ~ The Friday Night Mystery Club by Joanna Campbell Slan; The Adventures Of Winston The Pig: Meet Winston ~ Guest Post And Giveaway; No Small Murder ~ A Mini-Meadows Mystery by Lena Gregory; Invocation: Days Of Iron & Clay by Aileen Erin ~ Cover Reveal And Giveaway; categories He had been married in 1933, but his wife wouldn't bring the whole family down to California from Washington to live. [28] The "liability cruise" ended in June 1969. Alec Nevala-Lee, author of Astounding, a forthcoming book on the history of science fiction, digs into the writing career of L. Ron Hubbard, gaining new insights into the life of the controversial founder of dianetics and the origins and nature of Scientology itself. His search was unsuccessful and he released her at Yuma Airport across the state line in Arizona. I did not know or realize these things until I myself investigated the matter. There is no other reason for this statement than my own wish to make atonement for the damage I may have done. Add a Comment. She gave Hubbard an ultimatum: get treatment or she would leave with the baby. He dubbed her "the alley-cat" after an unnamed mutual acquaintance told him that Parsons's attraction to her was like "a yellow pup bumming around with his snout glued to the rump of an alley-cat. To that end he wrote Dianetics, proving to all the world just how mediocre a writer he was . [69] She was sent to the federal prison in Lexington, Kentucky, to serve her sentence,[70] though in the end, she was released after only a year of imprisonment.[71]. I thought to myself, 'My God, I can't tell her. She made a striking impression on the other lodgers; George Pendle describes her as "feisty and untamed, proud and self-willed, she stood five foot nine, had a lithe body and blond hair, and was extremely candid. The only reason a person gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is because he or she has gone past a word that was not understood.', and 'To love in spite of all is the secret of greatness. . There he wrote a letter informing the FBI that Northrup and her lover Miles Hollister whom he had fired from the Foundation's staff and, according to Hollister, had also threatened to kill[54] were among fifteen "known or suspected Communists" in his organization. [47], The espionage continued for another three months before Meisner's luck ran out and he was caught in June 1976. She played a major role in the creation of Dianetics, which evolved into the religious movement Scientology. [17] Although they got on well as fellow occultists, tensions between the two men were apparent in more domestic settings. Or whatever. On 9 June 1951, Sara signed a handwritten statement scrawled on the notepaper of The Hubbard Dianetic Foundation Inc. of Wichita agreeing to cancel her receivership action and divorce suit in California in return for a divorce "guaranteed by L. Ron Hubbard" in mid-June. Starcasm Staff March 30, 2015 L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology In the HBO documentary Going Clea r that aired Sunday night it was revealed that according to Scientology founder L. Ron. Her husband's reaction was one of fury, blaming Quentin for in his eyes letting him down. By August 1978, 11 senior Scientology officials and agents, including Mary Sue Hubbard, wife of the founder, were charged in connection with an alleged conspiracy to spy on the government. Though I will be hospitalized probably a long time, Alexis is getting excellent care. He was struggling with constant writer's block and leaned heavily on Northrup to provide plot ideas and even to help write some of his stories. This, plus her absolute control of the GO, made it difficult for the Church missionaires [Sea Org staff dispatched to achieve a target or specific goal] to get anything done. His wife was in prison and his estranged son believed he was either dead or insane. [41] The Dianetics Foundation was making a huge amount of money, but problems were already evident: money was pouring out as fast as it was coming in, due to lax financial management and Hubbard's own free spending. [12], Northrup's hostility towards other members of the O.T.O. [18] Not long afterwards Hubbard bought Saint Hill Manor at Saint Hill Green, near East Grinstead, West Sussex. [deleted] 6 yr. ago. But the Church of Scientology denies the existence of this woman,. He thought I had thrown in with the psychiatrists, with the devils. Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard served in the US Navy in the 1940s. The Guardian Office was no respector of anyone's civil rights, particularly that of privacy. Meanwhile, Ron and Betty have bought a boat for themselves in Miami for about $10,000 and are living the life of Riley, while Brother John is living at Rock Bottom, and I mean Rock Bottom. She struck the familiar pose of not seeing, hearing or knowing any evil. She wrote privately to Paulette Cooper, the author of the book The Scandal of Scientology who was subsequently targeted by the Church's Operation Freakout. [19] His health and emotional difficulties were reflected in another, much more private, document which has been dubbed "The Affirmations". [54], Hubbard nonetheless remained active in the management of Scientology. [29], The Hubbards moved ashore in March 1972 after three years traveling aboard their ship from port to port in the Mediterranean. Parsons was deeply dismayed but tried to put a brave face on the situation, informing Aleister Crowley: About three months ago I met Captain [sic] L. Ron Hubbard, a writer and explorer of whom I had known for some time He is a gentleman; he has red hair, green eyes, is honest and intelligent, and we have become great friends. I want her always. The fact is that Hubbard had been married 3 times at the time of the interview. Hubbard would evolve into the leader of the Church of Scientology.[1]. [31] Hubbard returned to the United States, living under a false name in New York City while Mary Sue and the children remained aboard the Apollo. As Scientology's "first lady," Shelly Miscavige took on many duties. [46] In March 1976, she approved an illegal plan to obtain "non-FOI data" from the government, meaning classified documents not available through the Freedom of Information Act.